
  1. 孔子不仅是中国圣人,也是全球教主。

    Confucius is not only the sage of China but also the global leader .

  2. 它来源于亚洲人共同的儒教传统,即公元前5世纪那位中国圣人的哲学思想,他的教义对中国社会产生了深远的影响。

    It springs from Asians'common heritage of Confucianism , the philosophy of the5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society .

  3. 正如中国圣人说的世界是两类人构成的,即,那些佛教徒和那些不知道他们是佛教徒的。

    As the Chinese sage said the world consists of only two categories of people , namely , those that are Buddhists and those that do not know that they are Budddhists .

  4. 美国超验主义的创始人爱默生与古代中国圣人老子的宇宙观和人生观存在着惊人的相通或相似之处。

    The outlooks on the universe and life by Ralph Waldo Emerson , the key originator of American Transcendentalism in the1840s , remarkably parallel those of Lao Zi , the sage of ancient China .

  5. 一个是中国的圣人、万世师表;

    One is " sage "," exemplary teacher for all ages " of China ;

  6. 中国古代圣人孔子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,强调朋友间往来沟通会令人精神愉悦,有助于增进相互了解,深化对人生和世界的认识。

    Because he believes that exchanges with friends promote intellectual enlightenment , facilitate better understanding , and offer deeper insights into the world and life .

  7. 因为就像中国的圣人据说在开会时曾经写过一些完全不能发音的艰涩高深的词语一样,船长那些龙飞凤舞般的指指划划,谁要是事先不了解他的秘密,那是根本不可能看懂的。

    for , like those Chinese sages who are said in their conferences to write certain learned words in the air that are wholly impossible of pronunciation , the Captain made such waves and flourishes as nobody without a previous knowledge of his mystery , would have been at all likely tounderstand .

  8. 但是中国人的圣人不是不问世务的人。

    But the Chinese sage who is not a business does not come out .

  9. 圣之原型考&兼论中国古代的圣人观

    Textual Research on the Prototype of Sage

  10. 中国人的圣人&孔子却讲了另外一个故事。

    The Chinese sage-Confucius told another story .

  11. 孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。

    Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages .

  12. 孔子的影响孔子是中国最知名的圣人。

    Confuclus " Influence Confucius is the most famous sage of China .

  13. 是中国古代的孔圣人的理论。

    It is based upon the teachings of the ancient Chinese sage , Confucius .

  14. 中国古代一位圣人孔夫子说过:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!

    Chinese ancient Saint Confucious said : ' How happy friends come from far away !