
  • 网络China Experimental Fast Reactor;CEFR
  1. 为了运用快堆系统安全分析程序OASIS对中国实验快堆(CEFR)进行安全分析和计算,初步建立了CEFR动态模拟系统。

    Using OASIS code , a dynamic simulation system of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ) is established .

  2. 中国实验快堆(CEFR)是中国的第一座快堆。

    China Experimental Fast Reactor ( CEFR ) is the first fast reactor in China .

  3. 在对中国实验快堆(CEFR)钠泵的故障仿真实验中,该方法能够较好地识别出故障。

    This method is applied to fault diagnosis for so-dium pump for China Experiment Fast Reactor ( CEFR ) .

  4. 中国实验快堆(CEFR)工程是我国第一座自主研究、设计、建造和管理的快中子实验反应堆。

    Chinese Experimental Fast Reactor ( CEFR ) project is the first independent research , design , construction and management of the fast neutron reactor in China .

  5. 根据中国实验快堆(CEFR)的要求,设计了预报其蒸汽发生器水/水蒸汽泄漏的探测系统&扩散式氢计。

    According to the requirements of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ), the water / steam leak detection system , diffusion type hydrogen meter , is devised .

  6. TRAC-PF1程序是压水堆系统安全分析的最佳估算程序〔1〕。为了运用快堆系统安全分析程序OASIS对中国实验快堆(CEFR)进行安全分析和计算,初步建立了CEFR动态模拟系统。

    TRAC-PF1 code performs best-estimate predictions of postulated accidents for pressurized light water reactors . Using OASIS code , a dynamic simulation system of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ) is established .

  7. 堆容器冷却系统是中国实验快堆(CEFR)一回路系统中的重要辅助系统之一,用于在各种工况下对反应堆堆容器进行冷却。

    Reactor vessel cooling system is one of the important auxiliary systems in the primary system of China experimental fast reactor ( CEFR ), which can cool the reactor vessel in various conditions .

  8. 中国实验快堆(CEFR)功率调节系统由电离室、比较器、调节放大器、死区与限幅装置、功放驱动及电机、减速器、调节棒组成。

    Power regulation system of China Experiment Fast Reactor ( CEFR ) consists of ionization chamber , regulation amplifier , dead zone and limiter , power amplifier and stepping motor , reducer , and regulation rod .

  9. 中国实验快堆穹顶模板工程设计与施工

    Design and construction of formwork of China trial rapid reactor vault

  10. 中国实验快堆反应堆功率调节系统动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Power Regulation System for China Experiment Fast Reactor

  11. 中国实验快堆动态模拟系统的建立

    Establishment of a dynamic simulation system for China Experimental Fast Reactor

  12. 中国实验快堆栅板联箱焊接件与钠的相容性

    Compatibility Between China Experimental Fast Reactor Welded 304S . S. Specimens With Sodium

  13. 中国实验快堆蒸汽发生器水/汽泄漏探测系统

    Water / steam leak detection system for steam generators of China experimental fast reactor

  14. 中国实验快堆缓发中子探测系统的瞬态模拟与分析

    Transient Simulation and Analysis for Delayed Neutron Detection System of China Experimental Fast Reactor

  15. 中国实验快堆额定工况下冷热钠池数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of China Experimental Fast Reactor Cold and Hot Plenums Under Normal Condition

  16. 中国实验快堆钠泵故障诊断系统的开发研究

    The Development of Fault Diagnosis Systems of Sodium Pump for China Experiment Fast Reactor

  17. 中国实验快堆泵支承冷却系统温度场分析

    Numerical simulation of temperature field of pump support cooling system for China experimental fast reactor

  18. 中国实验快堆工程主工艺管系及设备三维校核设计

    3D Software Simulation Design for Main Process Piping and Equipment of China Experimental Fast Reactor

  19. 中国实验快堆堆容器应力强度计算与评定

    Calculation and Assessment of the Stress Intensity for the Main Vessel in China Experimental Fast Reactor

  20. 中国实验快堆虹吸破坏装置两相流动分析

    Analysis of sodium / argon flow in anti-siphon equipment 's curved pipeline of China Experimental Fast Reactor

  21. 中国实验快堆单组件完全堵流后钠沸腾的预测

    Prediction of sodium boiling caused by total blockage of a single subassembly inlet in the Chinese experimental fast reactor

  22. 中国实验快堆过热器出(入)口管焊接件在高温钠中的腐蚀

    Corrosion of the weldments for outlet ( inlet ) pipe of China Experimental Fast Reactor super-heater in high temperature sodium

  23. 在中国实验快堆堆芯出口处,从不同通道流出的冷却剂的温度存在差异。

    In the outlet of the core of the fast reactor , the coolant temperatures from different channels are different .

  24. 中国实验快堆新燃料组件装载机是一机构部件,结构复杂,装载机的许多运动件和传动件难以用有限元进行精细模拟。

    New fuel assembly loading machine of China Experiment Fast Reactor is a kind of kinetic equipment with very complex structure .

  25. 中国实验快堆主容器母材及其颈部支撑焊接件在高温钠及钠蒸气中的腐蚀

    Corrosion of the weldments for China experimental fast reactor main vessel and its neck support in high temperature sodium and sodium vapour

  26. 介绍程序系统的研制情况,并给出用该软件系统计算中国实验快堆首炉堆芯和OECD/NEAMOX燃料快堆基准题的燃耗计算结果。

    The burnup results of the first core of China Experimental Fast Reactor and the benchmark on MOX fuel fast reactor of OECD / NEA , which are calculated with the code package , are presented in this paper .

  27. 文章中采用大涡模拟的方法,对中国实验快堆堆芯出口混合区域进行建模,模拟冷热流体混合过程,并根据研究的重点,适当的对模型进行了简化。

    In this article , the mixing process of the hot and cold fluids from the outlet of the core in China Experimental Fast Reactor was simulated using the large eddy simulation ( LES ) model . Considering the focus of this research we simplify the model .

  28. 本课题对中国实验快堆钠泵的故障进行了研究,把先进的诊断方法应用到正在制造中的钠泵上,设计和开发了不同方法的钠泵的故障诊断系统;

    Based on adequate survey to faults of sodium pump for The China Experiment Fast Reactor , in order that the advanced diagnosis methods are used in the sodium pump which is under fabrication , different methods of fault diagnosis system of sodium pump are designed and programmed ;

  29. 在中国实验快堆中用来将热量从堆芯带走的载热剂是液态金属钠,必须准确地知道液态钠在堆容器和许多相关容器中的液位以保证反应堆的正常运行。

    The coolant to be used in China Experimental Fast Reactor ( CEFR ) to transfer heat away from the nuclear core is liquid sodium . It is necessary to know the level of liquid sodium accurately in the reactor vessel and many associated tanks to assure proper operation .