
  1. 中国工业技术进步偏向分析

    An Analysis of Technical Progress Bias of Chinese Industry

  2. 论中国工业技术的现代化问题

    Upgrading and Modernization on Industrial Technique in China

  3. 由于改革开放,中国的工业技术正向着越来越高的水平发展。

    Because of reform and opening , china 's industrial technology is advancing to everhigher levels .

  4. 本文首先检验了FDI技术溢出和自主研发在推动中国工业行业技术进步中的作用,继而分析自主研发的两面性和FDI技术溢出的门槛现象。

    The paper empirically tests the contribution of FDI spillover and indigenous R D on Chinese industries ' technology advance and further explores the two faces of R D and threshold effect of FDI spillover .

  5. 中国镍工业技术跨入世界先进行列

    China 's nickel industry technology strides into the world 's advanced ranks

  6. 中国工业企业技术效率分析

    An Analysis of Technological Efficiency of Chinese industrial firm

  7. 中国白酒工业技术进步与发展

    Technical Progress and Development in Liquor-making Industry in China

  8. 中国机械工业技术引进五十年

    Technical Introduction of Chinese Mechanical Industry for 50 Years

  9. 中国工业的技术选择与技术进步:1985&2003

    Technology Choice and Technical Progress of China 's Industries : 1985 & 2003

  10. 中国汽车工业技术创新研究

    Study on the Technological Innovation of Chinese Auto Industry

  11. 回顾《中国机械工业技术发展史》的编撰

    Review of compilation of history of technology development in machinery industry of China

  12. 中国工业型煤技术发展方向探讨

    Development direction of commercial briquette technique in China

  13. 中国高分子工业技术进展

    Technology Development of Macromolecular Materials Industry in China

  14. 中国工业安全技术展望&我国工业安全技术发展计划简介

    Outlook of industrial safety technology in China

  15. 中国啤酒工业技术进步的重要标志生产过程的能源节约及其再生利用

    Beer Produce Energy-Conservation and Recycle Utilize

  16. 中国造纸工业技术学会

    China Technical Association of Paper Industry

  17. 因此,研究中国汽车工业技术创新具有较强的应用价值和现实指导意义。

    So , study the technological innovation of Chinese auto industry has greater usage value and realistic directive significance .

  18. 全面推行现代造船模式,正是新时期中国船舶工业技术创新和管理创新的崭新使命。

    Urging the modern shipbuilding mode across-the-board is precisely the brand-new mission of technical innovation and the management innovation of Chinese shipbuilding industry in new times .

  19. 中国工业生产技术的现代化既是提高生产效率和资源配置效率的主要途径,也是工业化的基本前提和主要表现。

    The upgrading and modernization on industrial technique is the main road to improve productivity and efficiency of total factors elements in the process of modern economic growth .

  20. 从产业波及效应的角度,指出感应度系数高的工业行业技术创新效率低下是导致中国工业行业技术创新效率整体不高的重要原因。

    From the perspective of industrial linkage , industries with high sensitivity coefficient have low technological innovation efficiency is a main factor that leads to unsatisfactory overall efficiency of industrial technological innovation in China . 5 .

  21. FDI对中国工业增长和技术进步的贡献

    FDI in China 's Industry - Contributions to Growth and Technology Progress

  22. 创新大盘点&照亮中国有色金属工业技术与装备的领军者

    The leaders illuminating China nonferrous metals industry technology and equipment

  23. 中国纺织工业科学技术的现状与发展

    Current Situation and Development of China Textile Science and Technology

  24. 中国水泥工业生产技术发展与展望

    Development and Prospect of China ′ s Cement Production Technology

  25. 中国工业制造业技术创新的相对评价及实证研究

    Relative Evaluation of Technological Innovation in Chinese Manufacturing Industries

  26. 中国工业深化和技术进步&地区视角的分析

    Industrial Deepening and Technical Progress in China & Based on the Regional View

  27. 中国工业控制自动化技术的现状与发展趋势

    The Present and Future of China Industrial Automation

  28. 从产业层面上看,多数年份中国制糖工业的技术效率都是最优的;

    Technology efficiency of the China sugar industry is all optimum in majority year ;

  29. 中国铁路工业锻造技术改造的途径

    The Way for Reformation of the Forging Technology of Railway Industrial Production in China

  30. 中国皮革机械工业技术现状及发展中若干问题的分析与讨论

    Analysis and Discussion about the Technical Situation and Development of China Leather Machinery Industry