
  1. 内部劳动力市场前沿问题理论综述

    The theoretical summary of some forefront issues in internal labor markets

  2. 建筑市场前沿问题研究

    A Study on the Frontier Problems of the Construction Market

  3. 希望来自市场前沿的这些信息能给读者把握2006年的市场形势提供参考。

    We hope the information from front market will be a reference for our readers to grasp the market situation in2006 .

  4. 尽管克莱斯勒大大改进了设计和生产线,却未能正确预测市场前沿的流行趋势。

    Although Chrysler had dramatically improved its designs and production lines , it failed to predict the fashions of the forecourt .

  5. 作为电力市场前沿的县级供电公司,普遍售电量不大,赢利能力不强,面临较大的经营压力。

    The county power supply bureau is the foreland of the power market with nearly small quantity of electrical power 、 weak ability of profit and great pressure of management .

  6. 毕竟,如果你的爸爸长期从事这项业务,那他在证券市场前沿数十年的经历肯定会让你受益匪浅。

    After all , when your dad 's been in the busjness along time , you stand to benefit from his decades on the front lines of the securities markets .

  7. 把计算机的教学紧紧联系市场前沿,通过教学改革,让学生能够接触到最新的计算机技术,大大提高动手能力,让老师掌握最好的教学方法,动态地与学生交流,取得最好的教学效果。

    Connecting computer teaching to the front of market , through teaching innovation , get students acquire the newest technology , improve students ' operating ability , and get teacher 's master the best teaching methods , communicating with students interaction , to reach the best teaching effect .

  8. 这些挑战没能阻止各家公司纷纷押注,以期能让自己身处5G市场的前沿。

    These challenges have not stopped companies from staking a claim in hopes of being at the forefront of 5G .

  9. 金融创新、金融中介与金融市场:前沿理论综述

    The Relationship Among Financial Innovation , Financial Intermediary and Financial Market

  10. 他相信,有准备的人都可以在新兴市场及前沿市场发现前所未有的机会。

    Opportunity , he believes , in emerging and frontier markets have never been greater – for those who are prepared .

  11. 证券公司经纪业务的载体&证券营业部,是证券市场最前沿的阵地,面临着前所未有的压力。

    A carrier of the brokerage business of the securities dealers , the securities trading department is the foremost front of the securities market , and faces unprecedented pressure .

  12. 中国农村家庭承包经营制度的确立,为微观经济主体提供了有效的激励机制,与此同时,也将农户推到市场的前沿,独立面对各种可能的风险。

    Household contract system in rural China not only provides an effective motivate mechanism for the microeconomic body but also pushes farm households to the market frontier and makes them face various potential risks independently .

  13. 这些餐馆仍然提供着最高端的食物,但他们却属于那已经逝去的年代。当时,日本从二战的灰烬中站起,驾驭着经济复苏的大潮,直至国际市场最前沿。

    Those places , which continue to serve up superb food , belong to the days when the country was still riding high atop the mighty economic surge that carried it from the ashes of World War II all the way to the forefront of the global market .

  14. 卷烟零售终端是卷烟产品流通过程中的末端也是最关键的环节,是连接卷烟消费者和烟草企业的桥梁和纽带,是烟草企业占领和控制卷烟市场的前沿阵地。

    Cigarette retail terminal is the end of the process of the cigarette products circulation and also the most essential link of it . It is the bridge and link of connecting cigarette consumers and enterprises , and the forward position of the occupation and control of the tobacco market .

  15. 中国电信市场的有效前沿移动与技术进步货车缓缓地沿着往前移动。

    Technology Progress and Efficiency Frontier Moving in Chinese Telecommunications Market ;

  16. 信息披露理论相关领域是公司金融理论在股票市场研究的前沿领域。

    Information disclosure theory is one of the advanced research fields of finance theory .

  17. 有效市场理论的前沿研究

    The Research on the Theory of Efficient Market

  18. 大型机是用来处理大容量数据的机器,这种计算机如今已不再处于技术市场上的前沿。

    Mainframes machines that handle high-volume processing are no longer at the cutting-edge of the technology market .

  19. 传媒产业化改变了中国电视业的现状,入世把传媒推向了市场的最前沿。

    The industrialization of media has changed the situation of TV industry ; China 's entry to WTO has pushed media to market frontline .

  20. 数字对讲机作为一种新的发展趋势,在国内正受到各界的关注,被推向开发与市场化的前沿。

    Further more , they are more and more focused domestic and abroad as a new trend of evolution and are on the most forward edge of development and marketing .

  21. 免费提供今后太阳能热水器生产工艺、材料、款式等升级服务,确保用户永远走在市场的最前沿。

    Upgrade services for future solar water heater production technique , materials and fashions will be provided for free to ensure that users can maintain the leading role in the market .

  22. 企业文化是企业核心竞争力的主要构成部分,成功的企业总是着力打造先进的企业文化,以便能始终站在市场竞争的前沿。

    It is believed that the main competence of an enterprise is its culture . Many successful corporations try their best to breed advanced culture so as to always stand at the foreland of the market .

  23. 商业银行二级分支行位于市场竞争最前沿,是整个经济资本管理体系执行层的着力点,其资本管理如何事关全局。

    Since sub-branches under secondary branches are at the foremost front of market competition and the leverage point of the executive level in economic capital management system , their capital management , good or bad , will affect the overall situation .

  24. 加油站是成品油零售业务的载体,是产业价值链的终端环节,是石油销售企业的形象代表,是市场博弈的前沿阵地。

    The gas station is a carrier of refined oil retail business , is the terminal part of the industry value chain , is the representatives of the image of the petroleum sales enterprises , and is the forward position of the market game .

  25. 零售业是市场经济最前沿、最活跃的行业,它必须时刻把握瞬息万变的市场脉搏,与零售业相适应的信息化建设同样也是最前沿、最活跃的技术应用领域。

    As the most forefront and active industry in the market economy , retail business must grasp the pulse of the ever-changing market . Simultaneously , the informationization construction adapting to the retail business is also the most leading and active in the area of technology applications .

  26. 在全球经济一体化的大趋势下,中国石油化工集团公司进行了较大动作的重组改制,其下属的胜利油田被推向了市场经济的最前沿,成为市场竞争的主体。

    Facing the great trend of economic globalization , major restructuring and reform have been performed by SINOPEC .

  27. 曾经是中国最早开放的城市,市场经济的最前沿,此地也是岭南文化的发源地。

    Guangzhou once was the earliest open city in China , at the forefront of market economy , and the birthplace of the Southern Guangdong culture .

  28. 销售是市场竞争的最前沿,是股份公司产业价值链的最终环节,决定着公司原油生产、管道运输和炼化加工等所有价值投入的最终实现,对提高公司效益极为重要。

    Marketing is in front of market competition and in end of value chain . It decides the realization of all value investment . It is very important to enhance the benefit .

  29. 零售业是目前经济市场中走在市场前沿的行业,也是国际公认整体速度增长较快的行业。

    Retail is the one in the forefront of the current economic market , also it is internationally recognized further growth of the industry .

  30. 从国外经验来看,国债价格机制市场化改革往往走在整个金融市场改革的前沿。

    From western countries ' experiences , the marketization of bond pricing mechanism is usually on the front of the whole financial market reform .