
  • 网络municipal corporation
  1. 柳州市市政公司项目建设实施BT模式的策略研究

    A Strategy Study of the Implementation of Liuzhou Municipal Company BT Model Projects

  2. XX市市政总公司第三项目部施工项目成本控制研究

    Research on Construction Project Cost Control of the Third Project Department of XX City Municipal Corporation

  3. 质量改进对策提出东营市政工程公司质量改进的五个对策。

    Quality upswing tacticsTo table five quality upswing tactics for Dong Ying Administration Municipal Engineering Company .

  4. 搏击在改革的潮头浪尖&贵阳市市政工程公司

    Guiyang City Municipal Engineering Corporation

  5. 介绍东营市政工程公司及其工程质量现状,从管理模式、管理手段及质量观念三个方面分析东营市政工程公司质量管理存在的问题。

    Analyzing the quality management problem of Dong Ying Administration Municipal Engineering Company according to management mode , management means and quality notion .

  6. A市政建设公司作为一家建筑施工企业,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,需要制定既适应市场要求,又符合企业实际的发展战略。

    A Municipal Construction Company is a construction enterprise . To meet the challenges from market competition , the company needs to establish a practical strategy which conforms to the external market and fits the inside .

  7. 特别是像东营市政工程公司这样的中小型企业,处于从计划经济向市场经济的过渡时期,必须以质量求生存,以质量谋发展,尽快在市场经济大潮中占领一席之地。

    Especially as a medium-sized and pint-sized enterprise , Dong Ying Municipal Administration Engineering Company is faced with the interim of planed economy turn to market economy , must exist and develop upon the quality , occupy a good place at the market economy .

  8. 论文以本人所在的东营市政工程公司为研究对象,分析质量管理中存在的问题,运用先进的管理思想和管理理念,提出解决问题的对策。

    The studying object of my thesis is just according to the company I served , Dong Ying Municipal Administration Engineering Company , analyzing the problem of municipal engineering quality management , bringing up the countermeasure of solving the problem with the advanced manage idea and theory .

  9. MBIA的分拆涉及转移近50亿美元的现金和证券,为新建的市政债券保险公司提供融资,从而减少了结构性金融业务用于支付保险客户索赔的资金。

    The split involved the transfer of almost $ 5bn of cash and securities to fund the new municipal bond insurer , reducing the amount of capital in the structured finance business to pay claims of policyholders .

  10. 市政公用企业公司治理研究

    Research on Governance of Urban Civil Administration Corporation

  11. 从可产生的现金流来看,从市政债券到公司债券,一切都已被高估。

    Everything from municipal bonds to corporate debt is rated too highly for the level of cash flow that can be generated .

  12. 把以防万一的资金放在比较安全的投资上,比如通货膨胀保值债券、定期存单,或评级较高的市政债券或公司债券。

    And maintain a rainy-day fund in safer places , such as TIPS , certificates of deposit or highly rated municipal or corporate bonds .

  13. 例如降雪量期货,其设计目的是,一旦冬季降雪量糟于预期,市政部门或公司就能得到赔付。

    Take snowfall futures , designed so that cities or companies get a pay-out if winter snowfall turns out to be worse than expected .

  14. 论文采用案例研究的方法,以桂林市市政工程总公司为研究对象,探讨企业员工招聘问题。

    The paper adopts case study method , with the municipal engineering company as the research object , to discuss enterprise staff recruitment issues .

  15. LZ市政工程集团有限公司是老牌市政工程施工企业,作为广西综合性建筑骨干企业,要想做强做大,必须要有符合企业实际的发展战略。

    LZ Municipal Engineering Group Limited company is a veteran of the municipal engineering construction enterprise , as the Guangxi comprehensive construction enterprises , to do bigger and stronger , there must be in line with the actual business development strategy .

  16. 市政机构和私人公司运营的救护车的确都可以使用电话上的翻译服务,但据医生和提供急救服务的人表示,遇到医疗问题的人往往会觉得,用母语和急救人员沟通更容易、更放心。

    Ambulances operated by the city , as well as private companies , do have access to telephone-based translation services , but people facing medical issues often find it easier and more comforting to speak to emergency responders in their native language , according to doctors , and emergency medical provider .