
wén mínɡ shè qū
  • Civilized community;model community
  1. 上海的社区建设大体经历三个发展阶段:开展社区服务,创建文明社区,推行两级政府,三级管理新体制。

    The community construction in Shanghai can be divided into three stages : providing community service , building model community , and creating a new system with two-level governments and three-level management .

  2. 北京市城市文明社区创建工作面临的新情况和新问题&对月坛、新街口、德胜门外三街道和居委会成员的调查

    The New Conditions and Problems in Building Civilized Beijing City Communities

  3. 苏南三市城市文明社区建设研究

    Research on the Civilized Community Construction in the South of Jiangsu

  4. 浦东文明社区测评模式创新的若干思考

    Some Idea of the Creative Valuing Model of the Pudong Civilized Community

  5. 略论安全文明社区的创建

    A Brief Analysis of the Building Safe and Civilized Communities

  6. 文明社区思想政治工作初探

    Probe into the Ideological and Political Work of Courteous Community

  7. 城市文明社区创建问题探讨

    Probing into Problem on the Construction of Urban Cultural Community

  8. 文明社区综合评估数学模型

    A Mathematical Model for Comprehensive Evaluation of Civilized Communities

  9. 中心城区文明社区建设浅析

    The Construction of Civilized Communities in Central Urban Areas

  10. 理顺物业管理与社区服务的关系共同创建文明社区

    Rationalizing the Relation between Estate Management and Community Services , Establishing Civil Community

  11. 关于将礼仪教育列入文明社区建设的几个问题

    Some Aspects On the Introducing of Etiquette Education Into the Construction of Civilized Community

  12. 试论城市文明社区建设的内容

    On the Content of Urban Civilized Community Development

  13. 本论文论述了构建和谐社区与文明社区的辩证关系。

    This essay states out the dialectic relationship between Harmonious Community and Civilized Community construction .

  14. 试论社区体育与城市文明社区建设的有机结合

    Study on the Organic Connection between Community Sport and Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Cities

  15. 加快文明社区建设;

    Quickening the building of civilized community ;

  16. 关于文明社区思想政治工作的特点,主要体现在思想政治工作队伍的综合性、思想政治工作载体的多功能性以及思想政治工作理念的服务性上。

    Probed into the necessity , characteristic and way to launch ideological and political work of courteous community mainly .

  17. 文明社区是近几年来才在在我国城市中广泛开展的一项社区建设活动,在实践中,它迫切需要一套指标考核体系来监测、评估和指导各基层社区的创建工作。

    Constructing civilization communities is one of the activities which have been carried out in a wide range in China only in recent years .

  18. 文明社区建设在现代中心城区中的重要地位日益被人们所认同。无论从理论方面,还是从实际方面,文明社区建设都将深化对精神文明建设重要性的认识。

    The importance of the construction of civilized communities in central urban areas has been gradually realized , and it will promote the general awareness of spiritual civilization construction .

  19. 在机关、企业、学校的礼仪教育中忽视了一个重要环节,就是文明社区建设中的礼仪教育和规范。

    One important step ignored when spreading and stressing the education among organs , enterprises and schools , is the combination of etiquette education and norms with the construction of civilized community .

  20. 社区图书馆在推广科学技术、普及科学文化。提高居民素质、共建文明社区方面发挥着积极作用。

    Community 's library is popularizing science and technology , popularizes science and culture , improves residents quality , building together the civilized community 's construction aspect to play a positive role .

  21. 物业管理和社区服务都是促进社区建设,创建文明社区的重要手段,二者有着许多共同目标,这是其合作的基础。

    Both estate management and community services are important means of strengthening the community construction and establishing civil community . They have a lot of common targets , which are the base of their cooperation .

  22. 文章以推进城市社区道德建设为目标,指出加强文明社区创建、拓宽社区教育网络、开展社区公德实践活动、建立社区公德监管制度、营造社区道德建设氛围是提升社区道德建设水平的有效途径。

    The paper is to develop community moral construction in city . And then analyses strengthening civil community moral construction , widening community education networks , taking community moral practice , constructing community supervision system .

  23. 目前,影响和制约我国城市文明社区建设的几个突出问题:一是群众缺乏社区参与热情和积极性。

    At present , there are several striking problems influencing and restricting our country 's construction of urban cultural community : The first one is that people participate in community with no enthusiasm and zeal .

  24. 目前我国开展的城市文明社区创建活动,是创建文明城市的基础工程,是我国具有战略意义的重要研究课题。

    The activities on the construction of urban cultural community have been carried out in our country at present . Such activities are basic projects for construction of cultural cities , and they are also important tasks for study in which are of strategic importance for our country .

  25. 探讨了文明社区综合评估问题,根据其指标体系建立了该问题的数学模型,提出建模的理论和综合评估算法,为社区文明建设的客观评价和比较建立了一种科学的方法。

    A mathematical model is established for the problem by its index system and multivariable analysis and optimal theory . The theory of model and algorithm of comprehensive evaluation are presented . A new scientific and object method for comprehensive evaluation and comparison of civilized communities is given .

  26. 文明社区思想政治工作是党的思想政治工作的一个重要组成部分,是社区精神文明建设的一项基础性工程,也是建设社会主义物质文明、精神文明和政治文明的重要保证。

    Community 's ideological and political work is an important component of the ideological and political work of the party . It is a basic project of the construction of spiritual civilization of community ; build socialist material progress , the important insurances of spiritual civilization and political civilization too .

  27. 积极探索扎实推进努力构建社会主义文明和谐社区

    Exploring and Promoting the Construction of Harmonious Community of Socialism Civilization Actively and Solidly

  28. 河北省资源文明城市社区建设对策研究

    Studying on Resources Civilization Cities and Communities Construction , and Strategies in Hebei Province

  29. 城市社区各项工作,包括社区经济、社区精神文明、社区综合治理、社区服务工作等都取得了重大进展。

    Surprising development has been made in every community work field including economy , cultural life , comprehensive management , and service .

  30. 为此,必须做好发展社区经济、扩大社区就业、加强社区保障、推广社区卫生服务、营造文明健康的社区文化环境等工作。

    Therefore , we should develop community economy , enlarge community employment , enhance community security , extend community service and build civilized and healthy cultural environment .