
  • 网络arts;Arts and Culture;culture and art;culture;art culture
  1. 欢迎大家出席中美文化艺术论坛!

    Welcome to the US-China Forum on the Arts and Culture !

  2. 而文化艺术的核心则是哲学的意识。

    And arts and culture is the core philosophy of consciousness .

  3. 文化艺术属于上层建筑。

    Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure .

  4. 长期以来,中华文明同世界其他文明互通有无、交流借鉴,向世界贡献了深刻的思想体系、丰富的科技文化艺术成果、独特的制度创造,深刻影响了世界文明进程。

    Through exchanges with other civilizations , the Chinese civilization has contributed to the world a profound system of thoughts , a wide range of technological2 , cultural and artistic3 achievements , and unique institutional creations , thereby4 deeply influencing the development of the world 's civilizations .

  5. 互联网(Internet)作为当下主要的信息交流平台与传播媒介之一,其影响已深入到社会活动的方方面面,互联网技术的普及加快了人类文化艺术发展与变革的进程。

    Internet as one of the main platform for the exchange of information and means of communication , its influence has penetrated into all aspects of social activity , The popularity of Internet technology to accelerate the process of development on human culture and art .

  6. 在世界家具文化艺术之林,中国风(Chinoiserie)更成为了一种潮流。

    In the art-forest of the culture of worldwide furniture , Chinoiserie has become one kind of current .

  7. 谈广州文化艺术创作中心的规划设计理念

    Review of the Design of the Guangzhou Cultural And Art Center

  8. 国内、国际文化艺术(学术)交流;

    Domestic , international cultural art ( academic ) exchanges ;

  9. 关于运动会融入学校文化艺术节的探索

    The Attempt of Turning the University Sports Meet into Sports Cultural Festival

  10. 浪漫的逻辑&合肥市文化艺术中心概念性方案设计

    Romantic logic-The Conceptual Planning Design for He Fei Culture and Arts Center

  11. 提升假日电视节目文化艺术内涵之策略

    Strategies on Improving the Cultural and Artistic Depth of Holiday TV Programs

  12. 第二是西蜀整个文化艺术的繁荣。

    The second is the flourish of whole culture art in west Shu .

  13. 关于广东文化艺术信息化的现状和构想

    The status quo and conception of the informatization of Guangdong culture and art

  14. 苏州科技文化艺术中心解读&拓扑大师保罗·安德鲁

    The Analysis of Suzhou Science and Cultural Arts Center

  15. 南京文化艺术中心复杂预应力框架分段张拉工艺

    Sectional Stretching Proceeding of Prestressed Frame Structure in Nanjing Culture & Art Center

  16. 对话与共生&南京玄武区文化艺术中心建筑方案设计随笔

    Dialog and Coexisting-Essay of the Design of Nanjing Xuanwu Borough Culture Art Center

  17. 剧场外的舞台:记海淀文化艺术中心的创作

    Stage beyond the theater : the creation of the Haidian culture and art center

  18. 论陇东窑洞的文化艺术价值

    On the Cultural and Artistic Values of the Dwelling Caves in East Gansu Province

  19. 现代公共建筑的传统空间特质&贵阳市白云区文化艺术中心建筑创作

    The Traditional Space Particularity of Modern Public Architecture

  20. 园林中经常举办的各种文化艺术活动使得园林成为联系商人和文人的重要纽带。

    The various activities in garden becomes an important link between businessmen and scholars .

  21. 新沂文化艺术中心设计

    Design of Xinyi Culture and Art Center

  22. 古明堂与希腊神庙&论中西方文化艺术精神之表征

    Ancient Chinese Joss House and Grecian Fane & On Their Spirit of Culture and Art

  23. 广告中的跨文化艺术

    Cross - Culture I n the Ads

  24. 北京文化艺术村落调查

    Survey of Culture and Art Village

  25. 郭沫若是中国20世纪文化艺术发展史上的杰出代表人物。

    Guo Moruo had made great achievements in China 's cultural and artistic phylogeny in20th century .

  26. 海淀文化艺术中心

    Haidian Cultural and Art Center

  27. 中国古代女性艺术家与男性艺术家并肩齐驱,共同创造了灿烂的中华文化艺术。

    China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts .

  28. 巴尔的摩是个小城,而文化艺术界就更小了

    Baltimore is a small town , and the cultural arts community is an even smaller one .

  29. 这样的文化艺术背景决定了俄国人的文化艺术素质超过了美国人。

    Such culture and arts background determine culture and arts quality , Russia of people exceed Americans .

  30. 灯谜是中华民族传统文化艺术的重要内容之一,谜艺活动是社会主义精神文明建设的一个有机组成部分。

    A Lantern riddle is one of the important contents of Chinese nation 's traditional culture and art .