
  • 网络parent committee;School Council
  1. 幼儿园家长委员会由家长代表组成,是代表着全体家长和幼儿利益的常设性群众组织,起着联系幼儿园和家庭的桥梁和纽带的作用。

    Parent committee consists of some parents representatives , a standing mass organization , represents the benefit of parents and children as the bridge between kindergarten and family .

  2. 笔者走访位于三个城市的三所小学,进行相关调查研究,也发现了同样的问题,学校都建设有家长委员会等相似机构,其实施效果却有待考察。

    I visited three primary schools in three different cities , and found the same problems . These schools established Parent Committee such similar institutions , but the implementation effect is to be determined .

  3. SofiChotobeli是阿斯克隆家长委员会负责人。

    Sofi Chotobeli heads the Parents Committee in Ashkelon .

  4. Rolov说,家长委员会密切参与制作过程,他们知道,节目什么时候拍摄。

    Rolov says the parents on board were closely involved during production , and they knew what and when the show was filming .

  5. 家长委员会今晚要召开紧急会议。

    The Parents'Commission is going to have an emergency meeting tonight .

  6. 加强家校合作制度建设,建立健全家长委员会。

    Third , strengthen home-school system and build a sound Parents Committee .

  7. 幼儿园家长委员会作为家长参与幼儿园管理的常设性机构,它是幼儿园行政组织指导下的一个辅助性群众组织,在家园共育的众多形式中具有其独特的优势。

    Kindergarten parents committee as a permanent agency of parent participation management on kindergarten , it was a complementary mass organization that under the guidance of kindergarten administrative organization which has particular predominant in the forms of joint education of family and kindergarten .

  8. 我得走了帮他们准备晚上学校的宴会committee:委员会chair:主席responsible:负责的这是我作为家长委员会主席,也是个负责的妈妈的职责所在会很好玩的嗨你好吗?

    I have to go , help them set up for , tonight at the school . It 's my job as both parent committee chair and responsible mother . - Serena : It 'll be great , okay ? - Rufus : hi .

  9. 英语是作为第二语言的,一个家长咨询委员会。

    ELAC is English as a second language , An advisory parent committee .

  10. 这其中包括完善目前的综合预防机构(预防青少年犯罪协会)和建立家庭、学校、社会联络的常设机构(家长会常设委员会)。

    This includes improving the current comprehensive prevention organizations ( Association for the prevention of juvenile crime ) and the establishment of family , school , community liaison of the permanent establishment ( PTA Standing Committee ) .

  11. 要动员和组织广大家长和社会各界人士,组织班级、校级、县(区)级家长委员会和校外辅导员队伍,使之成为一种相对独立的教育实体;

    One needs to organize parent-commissions ( with parents and people from various field of work included ) at the level of class , school and district and outside-school instructors team , making it a relatively independent educational entity .