
  • 网络home-schooling;home school;home schooling;homeschool;Homeschooling
  1. 是您和您的孩子减少了家庭学校?

    Are you and your children cut out for home school ?

  2. 家庭学校的观念不新了。

    The concept of home school is not a new one .

  3. 家庭学校或在家上学(home-schooling),作为一种提倡自由的教育选择权运动兴起于20世纪50年代的美国。

    As a kind of movement of calling for free education option , homes-schooling turned up in America in 1950s .

  4. 是家庭学校和老师课内项目的最佳选择。

    Perfect for home school or in classroom teacher projects .

  5. 你能成为您的家庭学校的孩子?

    Do You Have What It Takes To Home School Your Child ?

  6. 浅谈家庭学校社会一体化德育网络建设

    Study on the network construction of family university society unifying morality education

  7. 美国家庭学校兴起于20世纪60年代。

    Homeschooling in America rose in 20th century 60 's.

  8. 其次,就中国开办家庭学校的可能性与可行性作了一定的研究。

    At last , it is the case study about home-schooling in China .

  9. 然后打算参加家庭学校比赛。

    Then plan on attending a homeschool curriculum convention .

  10. 首先,现在开办一所家庭学校变得相对容易了。

    For one thing , it is getting easier .

  11. 首先试图说明家庭学校社会对康德宗教思想形成所产生的影响。

    First it attempt to illustrate that the family of Kant school social impacted his religious idea .

  12. 直到1993年,美国家庭学校才在各州都取得了合法地位,与学校、政府逐步走向了合作。

    Homeschooling gets legal position in every state since 1993 and cooperate with school , government gradually .

  13. 家庭学校合作资源中心

    Home-School Co-operation Resources Centre

  14. 当代美国家庭学校透视

    Perspective Contemporary American Homeschooling

  15. 莫尔公式是基于催生了家庭学校运动的莫尔世界课程研究。

    The Moore Formula is based on Moore 's world class research that gave birth to the homeschool movement .

  16. 你一定会喜欢我们的优秀产品的第一手资料审查和接受专家咨询和教学技巧,确保您的家庭学校的成功。

    You 'll love examining our outstanding products firsthand and receiving expert advice and teaching tips that ensure your homeschooling success .

  17. 她帮助建立了纽芬兰第一所家庭学校联合会,并在联合基督教会孤儿院的顾问委员会任职。

    She helped to establish Newfoundland 's first Home and School Association and served on the advisory board of the United Church Orphanage .

  18. 这本书加上摩尔的著作,将为你提供高度成功的家庭学校体验的基础。

    The blending of this book with the works of the Moore 's will provide you the foundation of a highly successful homeschool experience .

  19. 第二章,分析了美国家庭学校产生的经济、政治、文化背景及教育的理论与实践背景;

    Chapter 2 , analyzed the economics , politics , the cultural background and educational theories and practical background of homeschooling 's rose in American ;

  20. 然而,家庭学校法律辩护协会称,让孩子在家“上学”的黑人家庭比例有所提高,但目前还无法得到相关的确切数字。

    However , the Home School Legal Defense Association says the percentage of black home-schooling families has increased , though hard numbers weren 't available .

  21. 这一部分主要描述各种具体实施形式,包括教育券、特许学校、教育税减免和家庭学校及其最新发展,并用案例加以说明。然后分析了学校选择的实施效果和公众反应。

    This part expounds the forms of school choice by way of case study , and analyzes the effect and public response of school choice .

  22. 家庭学校作为一种古老的教育形式在早期美国社会发挥重要作用,其起源可以追溯到殖民地时期。

    As a traditional education form homeschooling can be traced back to the colonial period ; it played an important role in the early American society .

  23. 在这种“家庭学校”受教育的孩子,用爸爸的话说是“100%纯净的果汁”,比那些上公立学校的孩子麻烦事要少得多。

    My dad said that , these children are " 100 % pure juice "( As apposed to " concentrate juice " or contaminated and polluted ) .

  24. 家庭学校教育是一种自由教育形式,也是教育多元化的体现,综合一些国内外的相关资料,对家庭学校的概念和特点进行论述,并简要地分析家庭学校教育和传统的学校教育之间的异同。

    Home-schooling is a kind of education that shows freedom in learning . This article discusses its concept and characteristics , and compares it with the traditional way .

  25. 家庭学校的父母亲力亲为、为孩子授课;而在普通正规学校中,有父母积极参与教育过程的孩子也同样成绩卓然。

    Parents who teach at home are deeply involved in their children 's education , and the children of such parents do well in normal schools , too .

  26. 家庭学校教育及其实践作为一种教育自由选择运动在美国各州不断发展,得到了社会、政府和学校的支持,逐步合法化。

    And this kind of practice develops quickly in every state as a choice of freedom . It gradually gets support from schools , governments and the whole society .

  27. 作为一家大型私立家庭学校“独立学习方案”(家庭学校族的综合学校)的校长,我每天都看到曾被这个疯狂、没有人性的体系戕害的孩子。

    As principal of a large , private homeschool Independent Study Program ( umbrella school for homeschoolers ), I see children daily who have been battered by this insane and inhumane system .

  28. 第五部分:提出预防青少年犯罪的具体对策,强调将学校社会工作用到家庭学校和社区教育中,将学校教育作为预防青少年犯罪的主阵地。

    The fifth part : The specific countermeasure of preventing youth crimes . Emphasize school education being the main position of your criminal prevention with the theory of social work services in schools .

  29. 美国家庭学校教育起源于19世纪60年代,经过多年发展,已经由早期被视为狂热份子所实行的教育活动,逐渐为大众所接受,并成为合法的教育方式。

    Home schooling in American is originated in the sixties of nineteenth century . After years of development , it has been gradually accepted by the public , and become a legitimate form of education .

  30. 近年来,家庭学校教育已经成为美国教育中不可忽视的一种教育形式,规模迅速扩大,并且以美国为典型代表,已推及到其它许多国家,尤其在欧美国家。

    In recent years , homeschooling has already become a kind of educational form which can not be ignored in American education , and its scale expands rapidly . As American typical representative , it already spread to other countries , especially in Europe-America countries .