
jiā nú
  • domestic servant;family slave;slave
家奴 [jiā nú]
  • [slave;domestic servant] 封建主家里的奴隶

家奴[jiā nú]
  1. 生来自由的天生是自由人,而不是奴隶或家奴的。

    Born as a free person , not as a slave or serf .

  2. 他知道她的弱点。但她毕竟是个家奴。

    He knew her shortcomings but , after all , she was a family darky .

  3. 后来我派了三个家奴守着你的房子,一直守到天亮。

    My three negro men stood guard at your house all the rest of the night .

  4. 第二节结合相关史料,对贾府的家奴制度进行分析。

    The second section analyses the house slave system of the Jias referring to some historical data .

  5. 罗马共和末期和帝制初期家奴、被释奴在政治上的作用

    Political Role of the Domestic and Emancipated Slaves in the Late Roman Republic and Early Roman Empire

  6. 我们将从丁家奴机场飞不到一小时的时间去吉隆坡。

    It would take us less than an hour to fly to Kuala Lumpur from the airport in Terranganu .

  7. 贾府的家奴制度,既与西方的奴隶制度迥然不同,也与中国传统的奴婢制度有着显著的区别。

    The house slave system of the Jias is same as neither western slave system nor Chinese tradition servants system .

  8. 善于贮藏和保管造化的财富;他们才是自己美貌的主人翁,而别人只是自己姿色的家奴。

    And husband nature 's riches from expense ; They are the lords and owners of their faces , Others but stewards of their excellence .

  9. 只有在可以用家奴代替农民去当兵的时候,他就会毫不犹豫地派家奴去当兵。

    But whenever it was possible to send a house-serf for a soldier in place of a peasant , he did so without the smallest compunction .

  10. 在阿提刻新喜剧则只有一种表情的面影:轻率的老人,受骗的王八,猾狡的家奴,千篇一律,反复出现。

    In the New Attic Comedy , however , there are only masks with one expression : frivolous old men , duped panders , and cunning slaves , recurring incessantly .

  11. 然而,乡里恶霸宋某见卫氏姿色好,带家奴抢走卫氏,气死冯翁。

    Untortunately , the bully in the village , Song , was moved by Wei 's good looks and snatched her away . Feng was so indignant that finally he died .

  12. “是的,在家,”那家奴一边回答,一边睁大眼睛瞪着那红字,他来到这地方只有几年,以前还从未见过那标记。

    " Yea , forsooth ," replied the bond-servant , staring with wide-open eyes at the scarlet letter , which , being a new-comer in the country , he had never before seen .

  13. 海丝特白兰举起吊在门口的腿于,敲了一下门;总督的一个家奴应声而至,他本是一个英国的自由民,但已当了七年奴仆了。

    Lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal , Hester Prynne gave a summons , which was answered by one of the Governor 's bond-servants ; a free-born Englishman , but now a seven years ' slave .

  14. 奥德修斯,古代艺术中的典型希腊人,现在,在新兴诗人们的笔下,业已沦落为格拉库罗斯之流的形象;从此之后,这种和气的狡猾的家奴便占据了戏剧趣味的中心地位。

    Odysseus , the typical Greek of older art , declined under the hands of the new poets to the character of Graeculus , who henceforth held the center of the stage as the good humored , cunning slave .

  15. 石勒出身羯族,曾被卖为家奴,刘渊称汉王时,他参加起义。

    Liu Yuan assumed himself King of Han and the Han and other minorities were all his subjects . Shi Le , sold as family servant , was Jie minority and attended the uprising while Liu Yuan called as King of Han .

  16. 不过,我还是要进去,海丝特白兰回答说,那家奴大概是从她那不容置辩的神气和胸前闪光的标志判断,把她当作了本地的一位贵妇,没有表示反对。

    Nevertheless , I will enter , answered Hester Prynne ; and the bond-servant , perhaps judging from the decision of her air , and the glittering symbol in her bosom , that she was a great lady in the land , offered no opposition .