
  • the same structure of the clan and country
  1. 传统中国社会为一身份社会、伦理社会、家国同构的社会。

    The traditional Chinese society is a society covering ethics , country , and family .

  2. 家国同构是中国社会和文化的基本特点。

    The harmonious development of family and country serves as the essential feature in Chinese culture and society .

  3. 而传统伦理关系形成并存在的根本原因则在于缓慢发展的封建农耕经济、家国同构的社会体系以及中国悠久的儒家文化。

    The formation and existence of the ethical relations lie in the slowly developing agricultural economics , the system of the co-construction of home and country and the old Confucian culture .

  4. 家国同构的政治模式对文学的影响&以《诗经》的创作和接受为例

    The political pattern of " Family ﹠ Country , the Same Structure " and its Influence on Literature & Taking the Creation ﹠ Acceptance of Book of Poetry as an Example

  5. 在这种家国同构的政治法律框架和礼的精神影响下,国家与民间社会和谐共存。

    Under the political and legal framework of " state in the family ", as well as the influence of the spirit of " Ritual ", the state and the civil society coexisted harmoniously .

  6. 作为家国同构的社会现实的观念反映,孝是宗法等级制度的伦理精神基础,这就形成了以社会群体作为价值主体的社会本位的价值系统,个体没有独立自足的价值。

    As a reflected concept of co-construction of home and country , filial piety was the ethics basis of the patriarch system . It regarded social group as value subject , the individual had no independent value .

  7. 以仁爱原则为基础、以礼教和儒家法等伦理控制为手段、以维护家国同构的宗法秩序为目的是儒学社会秩序的基本构成。

    The basics construction of the Confucian social order was established on the principles of kindheartedness , feudal ethnics of control and the Confucian law , aiming at the protection of the patriarchal clan system of the country .

  8. 中国家国同构的伦理文化、天人合一的哲学与阴阳和谐学说内在地制约着中国的民族性格和文化走向。

    Chinese national characters and cultural trends are subject to the internal restriction of the Chinese ethnic culture of integrating family into nation , the philosophy of harmony between man and nature and the thought of harmonious unity of Yin and Yang .

  9. 家族本位是中国传统社会的特质,家国同构的象征意蕴是家族文化的最主要特征,家族书写就成为一个经久不衰的文学母题。

    Clan standard is the characteristic of Chinese traditional country . The symbolic implication of " Idea of Co-construction of Home and Country " is the main character of clan culture , which makes the clan writing become an unfailing literary motif .