
jiā yòng
  • household;domestic;be used in the home;family expenses;housekeeping money
家用 [jiā yòng]
  • (1) [family expenses]∶家庭的开销

  • (2) [household;be used in the home]∶家常使用的

家用[jiā yòng]
  1. 多数家用冰柜能制冷到零下18摄氏度以下。

    Most domestic freezers operate at below – 18 ˚ C.

  2. 他们出售各种家用电器——洗衣机、洗碗机等等。

    They sell a wide range of domestic appliances ─ washing machines , dishwashers and so on .

  3. 很多家用产品有潜在的害处。

    Many household products are potentially harmful .

  4. 有一些烧烤炉能直接插到家用电源上。

    Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply .

  5. 那对双胞胎为一系列家用清洁产品做广告。

    The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products .

  6. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。

    A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven .

  7. 所有这些橱柜和家用电器都是20世纪50年代的物品。

    All the cupboards and appliances dated from the 1950s

  8. 这些家用电器不应该接通电源。

    These appliances should not be connected to power supplies

  9. 很多家用产品散发有害气体。

    Many household products give off noxious fumes .

  10. 利奥妮的妈妈被迫在家替人洗衣服,以贴补家用。

    Leonie 's mother was compelled to take in washing to help support her family

  11. 民意调查显示,家用电脑的最大需求者不是那些最有钱的人。

    The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn 't among the richest consumers .

  12. 他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。

    He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner , the washing machine and other household appliances .

  13. 还没有家用小器具和省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。

    In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances , food preparation took up most of the day .

  14. 家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。

    A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat .

  15. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台家用电脑。

    They kept badgering him to get a home computer .

  16. 当埃隆·马斯克宣布他最新优先考虑的事是使用人工智能制造家用机器人时,我们应该满怀钦佩之情期待着它的到来。

    When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots , we should look forward to the day in admiration .

  17. 莫妮卡·科尔内蒂特经营一家用游戏方式培训员工的公司。

    Monica Cometti runs a company that gamifies employee trainings .

  18. 现在家用机器人做的是普通的家务,社交机器人则更像是伙伴而不仅仅是工具。

    While household robots today do the normal housework , social robots will be much more like companions than mere tools .

  19. 你只需要你的Acme火箭发射器和一些简单的家用材料:一个500毫升的塑料可乐瓶、彩色记号笔、剪刀、胶水、海报板

    All you need is your Acme Rocket Launcher and a few simple household materials : a 500ml plastic cola bottle 、 colored markers 、 scissors 、 glue 、 poster board

  20. 我打了份夜工,贴补家用。

    I 've taken a night job , just to tide us over .

  21. 洗碗机是家用电器的一种

    Dish washer is one of the appliances .

  22. 包括家用的白炙灯泡和光源

    Includes household filament light bulbs & luminaries .

  23. 节省劳力的各种家用电器

    electrical labour-saving devices around the home

  24. 我做了这么多整容手术,等我死了以后他们可以把我的遗体捐给特百惠(家用塑料制品公司)。

    I 've had so much plastic surgery , when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware .

  25. 这颗小行星仅仅在1909年被一个土耳其天文学家用望远镜看见过一次。

    This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope . That was by a Turkish astronomer , in 1909 .

  26. 家用超声波驱鼠(猫)器等电子设备也会使人出现恶心、眩晕、疲倦、胃痛以及头痛等症状。

    Even electronic devices designed to scare away mice and cats could be triggering symptoms such as nausea4 , dizziness , and tiredness , stomach pain , and headaches .

  27. 在自己家用手机也要被扣“边界漫游”费,这种情况每天都发生在行政区划交界处的居民身上。

    Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home . That 's what happens daily for residents near regional borders .

  28. 研究发现,办公室的地板是最干净的。这项实验对地毯和家用电器都擦拭取样,以得出需氧菌、酵母菌和霉菌的数量。

    Office floors were found to be the cleanest in the experiment — in which carpets and household appliances were swabbed to reveal levels of aerobic3 bacteria , yeast4 and mould .

  29. 移动通信技术与Internet网络的结合为家用机器人提供了一种稳定、方便的远程控制方法。

    The combination of mobile communication technology and Internet provided stable and convenient controlling means .

  30. 内部回热器对CO2家用空调系统性能的影响

    Effects of Inner Heat Exchanger on Performance of Residential CO_2 Air Conditioning System