
  • 网络family management;Home management;household management
  1. 介绍了一种基于家庭管理的智能化家政系统的设计。

    This paper introduce a type of intellect housekeeping system 's design basing on home management .

  2. 哮喘儿童家庭管理现状及家庭需求的质性研究

    Qualitative research on the family management and family needs of children with asthma

  3. 中国的企业是以其独立的家庭管理模式而闻名世界的。

    China 's enterprise is well-known the world by its independent family management pattern .

  4. 智能小区家庭管理系统采集监控终端控制器的研制

    Study on Data Acquisition Terminal Controller of the Management System for Intelligent Housing Estate

  5. 家庭管理的缺失引起了留守儿童在学习生活和心理情感的诸多问题。

    The absence in family management brings about many problems of left-behind children psychologically and emotionally .

  6. 北京地区高血压和(或)糖尿病患者家庭管理意识调查

    A Survey of Domestic Management Consciousness of Hypertensive and / or Diabetic Patients in Beijing Area

  7. 管理是人类无处不在的活动,家庭管理也是最早的管理活动之一。

    The management is the humanity 's activity here and there , which also is one of the earliest managements .

  8. 结论对2型糖尿病病人实施家庭管理可提高其自护能力。

    [ WTHZ ] Conclusion Family management for patients with type 2 diabetes was helpful to improve the patients ' competence of self-care .

  9. 数据处理和分析显示在阿勒坦布拉格的社区森林中,人员少的家庭管理大面积森林的能力较差。

    Data processing and analysis reveals that community forest in Altanbulag district is less capable of managing large forest area by small number of households .

  10. 文章的第四部分是对家庭管理内容的具体探讨,也是本文的主体部分,从四个方面加以论列。

    The article 's fourth part is the family management concrete contents , which also is the article 's main body and performs from four aspects to discuss .

  11. 文章第一部分首先简单论述了管理在古代和现代的不同用法与意义,并对家庭管理进行界定。

    The article 's first part simply elaborates the management in the ancient times and the modern different usage and the significance , and carries on the limits to the family management ;

  12. 聘请职业经理人,实现职业化管理与社会化管理,从封闭式的家庭管理经营逐步走向社会化经营,是实现家族企业的永续经营的正确选择。

    It is a right choice which engages professional manager , carrys on professional management and social management from conservative family management to social management , at the end , realizes agelong operating .

  13. 学校开设理财教育课、培养正确的理财消费观念,倡导教育储蓄,参与家庭管理,提倡艰苦奋斗,是正确引导的关键。

    And to this , offering the course of managing money matters education in schools , developing their correct concepts of consumption , encouraging education saving and advocating arduous struggle are of great importance .

  14. 通过对盛世唐代官僚士大夫家庭管理的研究,探讨家庭管理的一般规律,对我们今天的家庭管理也有所帮助和借鉴。

    Through the prosperous times Tang Dynasty bureaucrat literary intelligentsia family management research , the discussion family management general rule , the family management also has the help and the model today to us .

  15. 方法将100例2型糖尿病病人随机分为观察组与对照组,观察组实施家庭管理,对照组未作家庭干预。

    Methods 100 patients with type 2 diabetes were divided into experiment group and control group . Family management was provided for the experiment group , while no intervention was provided for the control group .

  16. 如何能把家庭管理得有条不紊,为家庭积累更多宝贵的历史文化财富,并使之在家庭精神文明和物质文明建设中发挥良好的作用?家庭档案的建立与普及是一种非常好的途径。

    How to manage a family systematically , to accumulate more valuable historic and cultural wealth for family and to make them play an important role in the improvement of family material and spiritual life ?

  17. 智能家居一般被定义为利用电脑、网络和综合布线技术,通过家庭管理平台将与家居生活有关的各种子系统有机结合的一个系统。

    The " Smart-Home " is defined as a system which combines all sorts of the sub system which relate to the family life according to a family manage platform . It uses the computer , the network and the synthetical wiring system .

  18. 非正式的社会支持如社区救助管理、非政府组织、家庭管理共同织就了城市贫困女性的安全网。最后,提出救助我国城市贫困女性的管理政策。

    Informal social supports such as community relief management , Non-Government Organizations and family management contribute to the formation of the social security net for poverty-stricken urban women . Finally , some managerial policies are put forward to safeguard poverty-stricken women living in Chinese cities .

  19. Web方式的家庭藏书管理系统设计思路我想办理一个借书证。

    Design Ideas of Family Collection Management System with Web I 'd like to have a library card .

  20. 最后在PC与ARM开发板上完成了该系统应用层的软件实现,证明了该系统进行家庭网络管理的可行性。

    Software design in application layer of home network management system is implemented .

  21. 基于SNMP的智能家庭网络管理端的设计

    Design of SNMP based manager in home smart network system

  22. 探讨了基于SNMP协议的数字家庭网络管理系统,提出不足之处。

    Discussed the digital home based on SNMP protocol network management system , proposed deficiencies .

  23. DRM中家庭设备管理方案的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of New Home Device Management Scheme in DRM

  24. 华盛顿&联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission,FCC)周四投票决定,把宽带互联网作为一种公共事业来管理。这个决定是高速互联网服务进入美国家庭的管理上的一个里程碑。

    WASHINGTON & The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to regulate broadband Internet service as a public utility , a milestone in regulating high-speed Internet service into American homes .

  25. 华盛顿——联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission,FCC)周四投票决定,把宽带互联网作为一种公共事业来管理。这个决定是高速互联网服务进入美国家庭的管理上的一个里程碑。

    WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to regulate broadband Internet service as a public utility , a milestone in regulating high-speed Internet service into American homes .

  26. 为了达到这一目标,Lyons领导的团队花费了一年时间,开发了惠普实验室家庭能源管理系统(HPLabsHomeEnergyManager),用服务证明了上述概念。

    To that end , a team led by Lyons spent the last year developing the HP Labs Home Energy Manager , a proof of concept for just such a service .

  27. Tendril是一家位于科罗拉多州波尔得市的公司,专门销售精密的家庭能源管理系统。

    Tendril , a boulder , Colorado company , sells sophisticated home energy management systems .

  28. 数字化家庭网络管理模型HNMP

    HNMP : A Digital Home Network Management Model

  29. 系统采用VISUALBASIC6.0作为开发工具,Access2003作为后台数据库,利用ADO数据库访问技术在WindowsXP平台下开发了一款单机版的家庭财务管理软件。

    By using Visual Basic 6.0 as a development tool , and Access 2003 as a backdoor database , We uses the ADO database access technology on the Windows XP platform to develop a set of single version of the family financial management software .

  30. 目前嵌入式系统已经渗透到我们生活中的每个角落,工业控制,交通管理,信息家电,家庭智能管理系统,POS网络及电子商务,环境工程,机器人等等,几乎无所不及。

    Currently embedded systems have penetrated into every corner of our lives , industrial control , traffic management , information appliances , home intelligent management system , POS network and e-commerce , environmental engineering , robotics , etc. , almost less than nothing .