
  • 网络mixed group of people
  1. 它总是一份长长的详细清单,包括形形色色的人。

    Too often , it includes a long and detailed list of diverse people .

  2. 没关系我喜欢看形形色色的人

    It 's cool . I like people-watching .

  3. 在这个位置上,可以很好地研究形形色色的人,了解所有人,可以想清楚很多事情。

    It was the perfect perch to study people and get to know everybody and figure things out .

  4. 形形色色的人慕名来看戏,威尔也因此结交了许多新朋友。

    All kinds of people came to see plays and Will was making a lot of new friends .

  5. 医院外面聚集着形形色色的人,有政客、政府高层、首席部长,甚至连省督都来了。他们都是来表达对我的同情。但父亲被这些人搞得不知所措。

    My father was bewildered by all the people gathered outside - politicians , government dignitaries , provincial ministers - who had come to show their sympathy .

  6. 返程途中,他被杀手追杀,并且遇到了包括警官、脱衣舞女、走私团伙在内的形形色色的人。

    On his way back , Pan is hunted down by a killer and encounters a variety of characters , including a police officer , a stripper and a group of smugglers .

  7. 他应该对从财政强硬派到福音派(自2009年转至天主教以来,他一直在抱怨美国已变得太世俗)的形形色色的共和党人做出一些呼吁。

    He should hold some appeal for Republicans of all stripes , from fiscal hawks to evangelicals ( since converting to Catholicism in 2009 , he has been complaining that America has become too secular ) .

  8. 我坐在运动员村的宗教多元中心,环顾四周,看见了形形色色、各具代表的人。

    When I 'm sitting in the Multi-faith Centre at the Athlete 's Village I can look around at the diverse representation of humanity I am with .