- 名formal parameter

It is a first class entity in the meta-model of SimpleRDB , but it has no equivalent in UML2.0.That is why the signature of the relation has no formal parameter that relates a UML element .
For each reference to a formal parameter in the body of the procedure , a call of this thunk appears .
It has formal parameters x and y and returns the product of these two values .
Diagram of document and RPC style parameters
The formal parameters of the C # indexer become the parameters of the corresponding UML operation and the type of the indexer becomes the return type of the UML operation .
Often , you can trace the origin of a bug back to a caller that 's sending the wrong type of argument , the wrong number of arguments , or a mismatch between the order of actual and formal arguments .
General acoustical inverse scattering perturbation theories and method of formal parameter expansion
The name and the formal parameters are defined in the signature of the relation .
A parameter is a declaration of what type of value will be passed in ;
It must be followed by the function name and the parenthesized list of formal parameters .
The paper introduces the relationship among transformation parameters , form parameters and barycentralization parameters in local and national coordinates .
The use of a call by name parameter implies a textual substitution of the formal parameter name by the actual parameter .
This paper presents a reconstruction algorithm of mixed ( transmission and reflection ) mode acoustical diffraction tomography using the method of formal parameter expansion .
In these diagrams , the relations are defined as classes tagged with a specific stereotype , and their properties represent the formal parameters specified in input .
Data transmission may be realized by sharing general variable or declaring variable in C + + Builder and transferred it to Labwin / CVI through function .
A procedure may have more than one entry ; each entry usually includes an identifier , called the entry name , and may include formal parameters .
The operations of the system are simple , requiring the input of only characteristics lines and their form parameters with a computer mouse or tablet-like drawing sketches .
You can also expand an entry in a backtrace click the little right arrow to the left of the name to see the values of the function 's formal arguments .
This paper mainly studies the problem of robust stability and stabilization for a class of time-delayed and multi-time delay singular systems and guaranteed cost control with linear fractional form parameter uncertainty .
The mixed kernel is used in KPCA . The parameters of the mixed kernel are determined by GA , while the matrix similarity measurement serves as the fitness . So one can control kernel complexity as much as possible .
A variable model of optimum droplet transfer mode for pulsed GMA welding
Cramer - Rao bound of estimated parameter of superimposed exponentially damped sinusoids
In this paper , a variable model of optimum droplet transfer mode for pulsed GMA welding using a steel electrode is developed on the principle of the micro-interference instability of magnetofluid .
The article focuses on the Kalman Filter in sounding application , designed the filter form and parameters to meet the requirements , realize the depth of zero-point proofreading the value on trajectory tracking , and analyses the information integration between the two measuring methods .
The generalized influence function and generaliaed Cook distance were used to study the local influence of observations on the parameter estimates in the linear regression model with dependent structure . Under the perturbations of error variance , response variables and explanatory variables , the diagnostics were obtained .
With the help of the close relationship between problem of minimizing functional and of spline interpolation , we obtain the form of parameterization in spline interpolation model , which is an extension of Backus-Gilbert method on sphere .
Described are the advantages to apply the electro pneumatic braking instructions , selection of electro pneumatic braking instruction signal modes and parameters in the through transmission , interpretation schemes by BCU , measures to prevent interference and two schemes for the long distance transmission circuit .
It detailedly performs the system function , display form and parameter setting .
The engineering design method of speed regulator and parameters has been given .
General formulations of Asymmetrical Hysteretic models and the slowly-varying characteristics of their parameters