
xínɡ xiànɡ huà
  • visualization;symbolization
  1. 认为Flash动画作为赛博文化的宁馨儿,一定程度地体现了赛博文化的存在的虚拟化、文本的形象化、接受的感官化、印象化等媒介特征。

    It thinks that as the favorite of cyber culture , Flash cartoon embodies the character of media of cyber culture , such as virtual existence , symbolization texture , sensory and impression of acceptance .

  2. 形象化教育在纤维支气管镜手术病人中的应用

    Application of Symbolization Education in Patients Underwent Fiberbronchoscope Operation

  3. 这些分析量所表示的物理实质,不容易像矢量那样形象化表现出来。

    The physical entity which these components represent is not as easily visualised as a vector .

  4. 那是一个形象化的说法。

    That was a picturesque phrase .

  5. 目前,HealthCenter不能分析I/O使用情况,但它能为CPU使用、内存使用和锁使用提供形象化显示和建议。

    It cannot currently analyze I / O usage , but it provides visualizations and recommendations for CPU usage , memory usage , and lock usage .

  6. 本文在对Petri网理论研究的基础上,利用扩展的Petri网,通过Petri网图形化、形象化等优点,对企业实际的生产过程进行直观的建模和分析。

    In this paper , modeling and analysis the actual production process base on the use of extended Petri net .

  7. 可操作图形化板带轧制仿真程序在MATLAB/Simulink平台上开发,它采用MATLAB的形象化图标表示轧制的复杂过程。

    The figurative simulation of plant and strip rolling program is developed in the MATLAB / Simulink platform and utilizes the visualized icon to express complex rolling process .

  8. 油气田的生产指挥是油气田管理活动中的重要事件,把GIS应用于油气田生产管理,可以做到决策具体化和形象化。

    Production control in oil gas field is a basic event of gas field management . Applying GIS to oil gas field management can make decision more concrete and visual .

  9. 然后论述了隐含语义索引(LSI)方法的思想和理论基础,并用图例和一个小的实例对其进行形象化说明,阐述了LSI方法的优势。

    Third , this paper introduces the fundamental principles of LSI , and then using an illustration and an example elucidate LSI advantages .

  10. 这两个组织机构在星期二宣布,NOAA将从它的各种海洋科学程序提供数据,而谷歌将建立工具来使那些资料形象化。

    NOAA will provide data from its various ocean-science programs and Google will build tools to visualize that information , the two organizations announced Tuesday .

  11. •用户体验,用户界面以及数据形象化对于数据资产价值的最大化尤为重要,这也贯穿于IAVentures公司的每个关键要素。

    • the importance of user experience , user interface and data visualization as tools for maximizing the value of data assets across each of IA ventures ' key themes .

  12. 您可以将DirectedGraph形象化为拥有有限数量的Node的一个2-D图形,在该图形中,每个Node都位于一些Point上,相邻的Node是通过Edges连接在一起的。

    You can visualize a DirectedGraph as a2-D graph that has a finite number of Nodes , with each Node located at some Point , and the adjacent Nodes joined ( or connected ) to each other by Edges .

  13. 演示图板(storyboard)是用户了解程序流程的形象化工具。它提供了应用程序用户界面的轮廓和应用程序设计能够进行的框架。

    It provides an outline of the application 's user interface , and a framework from which the rest of the application design can proceed .

  14. 把外部数据调用到AutoCAD图形空间来形成三维图形数据库。自动创建AutoCAD下的规则实体来形象化的表示矿井通风巷道之间的相互关系和空间拓扑结构。

    The program can call the extermal data and revert them into AutoCAD graphics space to build 3D graphics database , and create some 3D objects in AutoCAD to visualize the interactive relationship and spacial topographical relationship between mine tunnels of ventilation .

  15. THDS-100调度自动化系统中数据形象化的关键技术

    Key techniques of visualizing data in thds & 100 dispatching automation system

  16. 而且它是组件化了的、形象化了的,是可扩展的,这使得X3D可以应用在完全不同的情景中,从高端的可视化应用到轻量级的应用都是X3D的领域。

    Furthermore , it is componentized , profiled , and extensible , which makes it possible to use X3D in very different ( 75 ), from high-end visualizations to lightweight applications .

  17. 介绍一种采用LON现场总线技术的新颖控制网络,具体叙述了该网络的基本组成、特点,控制器的结构、功能,以及形象化编程方法,并举出了应用实例。

    A novel control network using LON field bus technology is presented . The basic composition , features of the network and the structure and functions of the controller as well as the user-friendly programming method are described . The application examples are also listed .

  18. 工程力学教学中的形象化教学与抽象思维

    Application of imagery teaching and abstract thinking in engineering mechanics teaching

  19. 形象化能将我们的注意力从带有情绪内容的想法中转移出来。

    Visualizations draw focus away from thoughts which have emotional content .

  20. 原始的讲演都十分形象化,原始的词汇也是如此。

    Primitive speech is largely figurative ; primitive words are pictures .

  21. 形象化教学在妇产科实验课中的应用

    Application of visualization teaching in experimental course of obstetrics and gynecology department

  22. 《数据结构》课程形象化教学软件设计

    The Design of Visualized Teaching Software for the Curriculum of Data Structure

  23. 反映了这种方法具有形象化、物理思想突出等优点。

    This method reflect in images , physical idea emphasis etc merits .

  24. 电视节目特别适宜于表现奇幻,形象化的和具有多方面艺术效果的节目。

    Television is particularly suited to fantasy , imagery and multidimensional effects .

  25. 他用诗情画意般的形象化描述来掩盖作品的真实含义。

    He used poetic imagery to conceal the work 's actual import .

  26. 浅谈在高等数学教学中如何将基本概念形象化

    How to Formalize the Basic Concepts in Higher Mathematics Teaching

  27. 试论数学教学的形象化原则

    A Discourse on the Principle of Form in Mathematics Teaching

  28. 形象化设计技术与基于功能表面的产品模型

    Visualizing design method and product model based on functional surface

  29. 论李清照词的形象化艺术

    On Vivid Imagery Art of Li Qing-zhao , s Poetry

  30. 旅游文学是人类的旅游活动在人们头脑中形象化的反映;

    Tourism Literature is the reflection of tourism on human 's mind .