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  • 网络fasting
  1. 他们面带愁容,是为了叫别人知道他们正在守斋。

    They put on a gloomy face , so people can see they are fasting .

  2. 严如「施舍」是与别人相关的行为;而「守斋」却是内在思想、一言、一行的自省。

    Just as Alms giving has more to see with others ; Fasting is more a self-evaluation of our thoughts , words and actions .

  3. 守斋赎罪,而再去犯罪的人,也是如此:有谁听他的祈求?他谦卑自下,又有什麽益处?

    So a man that fasteth for his sins , and doth the same again , what doth his humbling himself profit him ? who will hear his prayer ?

  4. 他可能是想说,我不想你们基督徒,和犹太人在一周的同一天守斋,所以他叫他们在其他日子守斋。

    He 's probably trying to say , I don 't want you Christians to fast in the same fast days of the weeks that Jews are fasting on , so he gives them other days to fast .

  5. 回教囚犯须获准守斋月,守斋期间只须从事医生认为是适当的和经削减的工作。

    Mohammedan prisoners shall be allowed to observe the fast of Ramadan and during the fast shall be required to labour at such reduced task as the medical officer considers proper .