
shǒu jiù
  • adhere to past practices;stick to old ways;be conservative;curtain;adhere to old ways past practices
守旧 [shǒu jiù]
  • (1) [curtain]∶戏曲演出时挂在舞台上用来隔开前后的幕,幕上绣着跟剧情无关的图案

  • (2) [be conservative;adhere to old ways past practices]∶因袭旧的看法或做法而不求改进

  • 因循守旧

守旧[shǒu jiù]
  1. 不在于革新还是守旧,而在于如何革新;

    Not in whether to be revolutionary or to be conservative , but in how to reform ;

  2. 她的观点很守旧。

    She 's very conventional in her views .

  3. 他们的婚姻十分守旧。

    Their marriage is very traditional .

  4. 我并不是个守旧的人,但是我认为这些照片不堪入目。

    I 'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene

  5. 他被指无趣乏味,古板守旧,心胸狭窄。

    He was criticised for being boring , strait-laced and narrow-minded

  6. 守旧的保守派已经重新掌控了政治大权。

    The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy

  7. 这一理论遭到了守旧派科学家的普遍嘲笑。

    This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists .

  8. 她是个非常不善交际、偏狭守旧的人。

    She was a rather gauche , provincial creature .

  9. 观众既呆板又非常守旧。

    The audience was dull and very provincial .

  10. 他是个不折不扣、传统守旧的弗洛伊德学说信奉者。

    He was a strict , old-school Freudian .

  11. 传统势力在海军内部的影响使其显得像是一个极其守旧的机构。

    The traditionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution .

  12. 现在,戈登先生觉得被迫以一种更为守旧的方式经营自己的业务。

    Mr Gordon now feels forced into an ever more conformist way of running his practice .

  13. 偏狭守旧的小银行通常都很害怕华尔街会控制整个国家。

    The little small-town banks were traditionally very frightened that Wall Street would come to dominate the whole country

  14. 她是一位守旧的妇女。

    She is an old-fashioned lady .

  15. 她是个守旧妇女,很难对付。

    She 's a woman of the old school , very hard to deal with .

  16. 教授在政治上是激进派,但衣着却很守旧。

    The professor 's a radical in politics but a conservative dresser .

  17. 他是一个守旧教会教友。

    He is a conservative member of the church .

  18. 这个年轻人很守旧。

    The young man is very conservative .

  19. 如果你觉得我所说的复杂,就像我们今周所说的一个守旧的不愿与他人来往的人在自言自语,那可能你准备做其他事。

    If this all strikes you as fancy , handlebar moustache talk from an old misanthrope who doesn 't get things like whatever the hell we 're calling “ conversations ” this week , maybe you 're on to something .

  20. 在这个许多企业家都声称自己创业是为了帮助他人或改善社会的时代,迈克尔奥利弗(michaeloliver)算得上是一个守旧派。

    In an age when many entrepreneurs claim their motivation is to help others or improve society , Michael Oliver is old-school .

  21. 然而,对于守旧派的Windows粉丝来说,Windows8.1带来的变化可能太大了,这也是为什么我认为Windows7对XP的原有用户来说更合适。

    Still , Windows 8.1 may be a radical change of pace for old-school Windows lovers , which is why I think Windows 7 makes a lot more sense for XP exiles .

  22. Hugo的朋友们和支持者即浪漫主义者们和守旧派的支持者们——新古典主义者之间的争辩。

    between Hugo 's friends and supporters , the Romantics , and the Neoclassicists , the supporters of the old school .

  23. 如果日本加入《泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议》(Trans-PacificPartnership)贸易协议为外国企业创造了新的机遇,即使是顽固守旧的日本可能也会很快成为外国企业重新考虑的对象。

    Even staid old Japan may soon be up for a rethink if participation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal opens new opportunities for foreigners .

  24. 诸如我之类的守旧者,甚至于一些更年轻的读者,都会记住使用TCLExpect(或使用用Python和其他许多语言编写的类似内容)编写脚本带来的愉悦。

    Old fogies like me , and even some younger readers , will remember the great delight of scripting with TCL Expect ( or with its workalikes written in Python and many other languages ) .

  25. 她说,当FDA拒绝新药,是基于新药的安全和有效性的评估,而不是作为政治压力的结果或者是守旧。

    She said that when the FDA rejected new medicines , it did so based on an assessment of their safety and-efficacy , not as a result of political pressure or greater conservatism .

  26. 没有其它哪个日本城市有它这么浓郁的日本封建气息,也鲜有如此守旧之地,远离米其林(Michelin)三星餐厅的文明。

    No Japanese city breathes Japan 's feudal air as deeply . Few places feel as conservative or further removed from the culture of Michelin three-star restaurants .

  27. 质疑和批判精神缺乏,思想守旧、落后。

    Lack of oppugning & critical spirit and conservative backward ideology .

  28. 守旧的人总会守着自己的过去,生怕会丢失。

    Conservative who always guarded his past , fear of loss .

  29. 他有点守旧,思想观念有些局限。

    He is old-fashioned and rather limited in his social ideas .

  30. 我们将回到守旧派!

    We 're about to take it to the old school !