
shǒu héng
  • conservation;conserve
守恒 [shǒu héng]
  • [conservation] (数值)保持恒定不变

  • 热量守恒

守恒[shǒu héng]
  1. 我们用一个非物理学的比喻来说明守恒定律的性质。

    A nonphysics analogy illustrates the nature of conservation law .

  2. 电荷守恒与CCD孔径测光

    Charge Conservation and CCD Aperture Photometry

  3. 在反μ子衰变中,总轻轻子数和总重轻子数也是守恒的。

    The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers .

  4. 人们认为动能是守恒的,也就是说,动能一旦产生,就会转化到其他地方。

    Momentum is said to be " conserved , " that is , once you build it up , it has to go somewhere .

  5. 非完整非保守力学系统在相空间的Lie对称性与守恒量

    Lie Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Nonconservative Nonholonomic Systems in Phase Space

  6. R宇称守恒与R宇称破坏的超对称模型在理论上地位是相同的。

    The R-parity violating MSSM and the R-parity conservative MSSM have the same theoretical status .

  7. 二维非定常Euler方程的守恒迹线格式跨音速非定常流动的Euler方程隐式解

    An implicit difference scheme of Euler equation for unsteady transonic flow

  8. 研究了相对论性转动变质量非完整系统的Lie对称性和守恒量。给出了相对论性转动变质量非完整系统的运动微分方程。

    The differential equations for the motion of a nonholonomic system with a relativistically rotational variable mass were presented .

  9. Killing矢量与守恒定律

    Killing Vectors and Conservation laws

  10. 超子的稀有衰变及CP不守恒

    Rare Decay of Hyperons and Its CP Violation

  11. 研究Lagrange系统的对称性与守恒量。

    The symmetry and the conserved quantity of a Lagrange system are studied .

  12. 守恒律偏微分方程的格子Boltzmann方法

    The Lattice Boltzmann Method for Conservative Law Partial Differential Equations

  13. Lagrange-Maxwell系统的Lie对称性与守恒量

    Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of Lagrange-Maxwell mechanical systems

  14. 守恒相场模型弱解的Blow-up

    Blow up of Solutions to a Conserved Phase Field Model

  15. RL电路暂态过程中的能量守恒与磁场的能量

    The Conservation of Energy and the Magnetic Field Energy of Temporary Duration in RL Circuit

  16. 非完整变转动惯量相对论系统的Noether守恒量

    Noether 's conserved quantities of nonholonomic variable moment of inertia relativistic systems

  17. 利用微分方程在无限小变换下的不变性条件,研究奇异Lagrange系统的Lie对称性与守恒量。

    The invariance of the ordinary differential equations under the infinitesimal transformations was used to study the Lie symmetries and conserved quantities for the singular Lagrange system .

  18. 本文利用守恒积分,对HRR奇性场的角分布函数作了进一步的探讨。

    The angular distribution functions of HRR singularity fields are analyzed via conservation integrals .

  19. 有心力场具有Runge-lenz矢量守恒的条件

    The Conditions of Conservation in a Centripetal Force Field with Runge-lenz Vector

  20. 一类基于ENO插值的守恒重映算法

    A Kind of Rezoning ( Remapping ) Algorithms Based on ENO Interpolation

  21. 首先,根据系统结构的几何关系并结合系统对总质心的动量矩守恒关系,导出了其末端抓手运动速度与关节铰速度之间的广义Jacobian关系;

    First , combining system geometry and momentum conservation equation , the generalized Jacobian matrix for the space manipulator is derived ;

  22. 利用Hamilton-Jacobi方程求解双曲守恒律组的有限元法

    Finite element methods for solving a set of hyperbolic conservation laws with Hamilton-Jacobi equations

  23. 我们由其上的辛结构定义了其上的Poisson括号,并求出了在这个括号意义下,守恒量所构成的李代数。

    Induced by the symplectic structure , we have obtained the Poisson bracket and the Lie algebra for the conservative quantities with respect to the Poisson bracket .

  24. 构造了一维双曲型守恒律方程的一个高精度高分辨率的守恒型TVD差分格式。

    A high-order , high resolution , conservative TVD difference scheme is presented for one dimensional hyperbolic conservation equations .

  25. 为了对载人航天器中SPE制氧系统进行优化改进,根据热力学守恒定律、能量输运规律以及相关电化学理论,建立了系统工作过程的数学模型,通过数值模拟方法对系统进行了性能分析。

    A mathematical model including thermodynamics , energy transport and electrochemistry was used to optimize the SPE oxygen generation system in a manned spacecraft .

  26. 首先介绍了采用Lagrange有限元离散连续介质力学守恒方程的基本思想和计算步骤。

    First , the basic idea of the discretization method of conservation equations in continuum mechanics with Lagrange Finite Element Method and the flowchart of computations are described .

  27. 主要研究成果包括:(1)证明了Haar小波变换服从能量守恒规律,并用于压缩数据流;

    The main contributions include : ( 1 ) Energy conservation law of Haar wavelets transform is proved to compress data streams .

  28. 该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。

    This study is on the mathematical cognition of MD , that includes count , quantity conservation , space-time conception , logic conception , calculation and manipulation .

  29. 提出了一种修正J积分的方法,用以计算微裂纹损伤的屏蔽比,并将计算结果与以往的J积分守恒方法进行了比较。

    A new method of modified J-integral is presented to calculate the shielding ratio by microcracking and its numerical result is compared with that obtained by the previous method of J-integral conservation .

  30. 本文从阻抗匹配和能量守恒的角度讨论和分析了水泥基体中添加发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)颗粒透波材料对材料吸波性能的影响。

    In this paper , the absorbing property of cement based absorbing material packed with EPS ( Expanded polystyrene ) beads was researched by the theories of impedance match and energy conservation .