
  • angel;Guardian Angel
  1. 对守护天使的蹩脚设计弄巧成拙,从一开始就注定这部电影要失败。

    The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from the start .

  2. 当然啦,我是音乐的守护天使呀。

    Of course . I 'm a guardian angel of music .

  3. 你相信每个人都有自己的守护天使吗?

    Do you think that each one has a guardian angel ?

  4. 她就在身边做我的守护天使,

    And she 's there when I need her My guardian angel

  5. 我的守护天使会保护我的。

    Well , my guardian angel 's looking out for me .

  6. 听起来你像是我的守护天使

    You make it sound like you 're my guardian angel .

  7. 只当我一半是追随者,一半是守护天使吧。

    Just think of me as half stalker , half guardian angel .

  8. 你唱的“守护天使”太专业了。

    You were singing the guardian angel like a professional .

  9. 因为你我从守门人降职成了守护天使

    Igot demotedfrom gatekeeper to guardian angel because of you .

  10. 消防队员说他一定有一个守护天使

    Fireman said he must 've had a guardian angel .

  11. 看起来斯特林市有了一位守护天使。

    It looks like starling city has a guardian angel .

  12. 将有一个守护天使永远伴着你。

    There will be a guardian angel with you at all times .

  13. 瑞普·范·温克尔:酗酒的守护天使

    Rip Van Winkle : the Drunken Guardian Angel to the American Culture

  14. 他们发誓要成为彼此的守护天使。

    They vow that they will be each other 's guardian angel .

  15. 这个声音回答说:我是你的守护天使。

    I am your guardian angle , the voice answered .

  16. 无数次,我呼唤你的名字,守护天使。

    Several times , I have called your name , Guarding Angel .

  17. 我愿意永远是你的守护天使。

    I 'm glad to be your guardian angel forever .

  18. 她是我们的守护天使朋友也是保护者。

    " She was our guardian , friend and protector ," Harry said .

  19. 第一个瞬间:守护天使来临,我不孤单。

    The first moment : Guardian angel came , I was not lonely .

  20. 拿去给守护天使尝尝好了没有。

    Take the bowl to seraph and find out if they 're ready .

  21. 他是你的守护天使,对吗?

    He 's your guardian angel , all right ?

  22. 你也该稍微做下我的守护天使

    and you kind of have to be minea little bit , too .

  23. 非常谢谢你你真是我的守护天使!

    A : Thank you so much , you 're my guardian angel !

  24. 你通过父母的帮助成功了,他们是你的守护天使!

    You made it through the help of your parents Your guardian angels !

  25. 我是你的守护天使。她的眼睛闪着耀眼的光芒。

    I 'm your guardian angel , with a twinkle in her eye .

  26. 你是我的守护天使恐怕是的

    Jane : You 're my guardian angel ? I 'm afraid so .

  27. 在我们身边,永远都有一个守护天使&我们强大的信念。

    Beside ue there is always a great guardian angel , our great faith .

  28. 我曾说我是你的守护天使。

    I said I 'd be your lover .

  29. 简:你是我的守护天使?

    Jane : You 're my guardian angel ?

  30. 任说过你是我的守护天使

    Wren said you were my guardian angel .