
  • 网络Ruler;ruling planet;Guardian Star
  1. 你的守护星水星很快形成了一个有益的视角。

    Your ruler soon forms a helpful angle to Mercury .

  2. 土星作为你的守护星当然也会给与支持。

    Again Saturn will be supportive , and Saturn is your ruler .

  3. 金星是金牛座的守护星,并和谐地围绕在它周围。

    Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings .

  4. (记住,月球是你的守护星,这时因为月球掌控巨蟹座)。

    Remember , the Moon is your ruler because the Moon rules Cancer .

  5. 水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。

    Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus .

  6. 天秤座的守护星是金星。

    The sign is ruled by Venus .

  7. 太阳是狮子座的守护星。

    Leo is ruled by the Sun .

  8. 今天你的守护星土星与新月合相,在你的道路上设置了障碍。

    Your key planet Saturn is conjunct the New Moon , placing roadblocks in your way .

  9. 土星是摩羯座的守护星。

    Capricorn is ruled by Saturn .

  10. 黄道十二宫中的第八宫由天蝎座掌管,守护星是火星和冥王星。

    The Eighth House is ruled by the Sign Scorpio and the Planets Mars and Pluto .

  11. 天王星是你的守护星,他的行动相较于其他行星对你的影响更大。

    Uranus is your guardian planet , so its movements affect you far more than it does others .

  12. 守护星为土星的人喜欢保持低调,但在太阳的影响下,这一局面会发生改变。

    You prefer to maintain a low profile , but that changes as the Sun rises in prominence .

  13. 最能体现你个性的颜色与你的守护星-月亮类似:它们是珍珠色、银和淡白色。

    Your personal colors are the shades of your ruler , the Moon : pearl , silver , and off-white .

  14. 水星是你的守护星,所以你会感到疲软的水星的影响比大多数多。

    Mercury is your ruling planet , so you would feel the effects of a weak Mercury more than most .

  15. 守护星水星在这个月开放了的工作宫,尽管在6号的时候会逆行。

    Your ruler Mercury also opens the month in your career house , although he does go retrograde on the6th .

  16. 因为金星是你的守护星,你对上述所有的问题都会特别敏感。

    With Venus as your ruler , you are especially sensitive to all of the Venus Retrograde issues described above .

  17. 你的星座,当然,对月亮周期非常的敏感因为月亮就是你的守护星。

    Your sign is , of course , very sensitive to the lunar cycle because the Moon is your planetary ruler .

  18. 但是你的守护星土星也在那里,压制着你的疯狂,尽量保持现状。

    But your key planet Saturn is also in the picture to suppress the edge of craziness and maintain the status quo .

  19. 这会导致对于天秤座,这样光辉的一天也产生广泛衍伸,因为金星是你们的守护星。

    This is due to be a glorious day that could have wide-ranging ramifications for a Libra because Venus rules your sign .

  20. 如果切割行星是上升星座的守护星,那它在这个格局中的作用将非常重要。

    If the cutting planet is also the ruler of the ascendant , it is a very important planet in the chart !

  21. 金星是你的守护星,金星得部分工作就是一直好浩的眷顾着你。

    Venus is your ruling planet , and part of Venus'job is to make sure you are well taken care of always .

  22. 许多星座只有一个守护星,而你总是在两星同步的时候做得很好。

    Most signs only have one ruling planet , not two , and you always do well when both are in sync .

  23. 事实是你的守护星天王星意义非凡,它显示了你会直接卷入好运。

    The fact that your ruler is involved-Uranus-is significant , because it shows that you were directly involved in your good fortune .

  24. 这是一个好消息,因为你没有看到这两年房子是你的守护星火星。

    This is great news , for you have not seen your guardian planet , Mars , in this house in two years .

  25. 有进取心的火星这周末会被点亮,它是你这个星座的传统的守护星,也是你坚韧个性的来源。

    Assertive Mars , the traditional ruling planet of your sign and a key to your strong personality , is fired up this weekend .

  26. 不仅这样,在六月,你的守护星金星也会在金牛座,这让你完全不被压制。

    Not only that , but in June , Venus , your guardian planet , will be in Taurus too , making you completely irresistible .

  27. 你的守护星,水星和古怪的天王星形成了一个复杂的相位,这个相位会给你接触到不寻常的人或情况。

    A complicated aspect between your planetary ruler , Mercury , and eccentric Uranus could bring you in contact with unusual people and circumstances today .

  28. 你有你自己的守护星,在这所房子,吉祥和木星守护着它带来的各种选择和机会。

    You have your own ruling planet , good fortune Jupiter in this house , guarding it and bringing all kinds of options and opportunities .

  29. 这对你来说是很美妙的,你的守护星太阳,将会处于你代表爱与浪漫的第五宫。

    This will be fantastic for you , for the Sun , your guardian star , will be in your fifth house of love and romance .

  30. 冥王星是你的守护星,由于它要和其余的行星战斗,这会使得你努力前进却备受阻挠。

    Pluto is your ruler , and with this planet doing battle with so many other planets , you may feel thwarted in your attempts to move forward .