
  1. 关于我所了解到的的守护巨龙的信息,我将在下文中进行详细的叙述,以便供后世的读者参考。

    The information I learned of the Aspects I put here for others to reference in the future .

  2. 靠着其他全部四条守护巨龙合力才迫使他藏了起来。

    It took the might of all the other dragon aspects against him to force him into hiding .

  3. 在泰坦离开这个世界的时候,他们留下了五头守护巨龙。这些强大的龙负责守卫着艾泽拉斯这个世界。

    There were five Aspects when the titans left this world ; they were mighty dragons tasked with protecting the world of Azeroth .

  4. 我们是否会以某种方式“杀掉”约格萨隆,比如,放逐他?那么托姆和他的守护巨龙呢?

    Do we " kill " Yogg-Saron in some way or another ? Like , banish him ? Also , are Thorim and his dragon bosses now ?

  5. 但是最终罗宁毁灭了恶魔之魂,死亡之翼不得不在恢复了力量的其他四条守护巨龙面前仓皇的逃走。

    But in the end , Rhonin destroyed the Demon Soul and Deathwing was sent running from the four other dragon aspects , now returned to their full power .