
  • 网络GEEK;geeky
  1. 《极客顶点:代码之美,美之代码》(GeekSublime:TheBeautyofCode,theCodeofBeauty)。

    GEEK SUBLIME : The Beauty of Code , the Code of Beauty .

  2. 有一点是没法解决的:GalaxyGear看起来像是一款极客手表。

    There 's no way around it : The Galaxy Gear looks like a geek watch .

  3. 最近一项调查显示,极客和网友发明的“blog(博客)”、“folksonomy(分众分类法)”、“wiki(维基)”等词都是最令人讨厌的“网络英语”词汇。

    Example : Blog , folksonomy , wiki and other words coined by geeks and netizens are among the most irritating new " Weblish " words , according to a recent poll .

  4. 世界上的极客和技术达人们大多“在社交方面不受欢迎”。

    The world 's geeks and technophiles have a reputation for being , oh , let 's be nice and say " socially challenged . "

  5. 极客风格是nba最新的扮酷时尚。

    In the NBA , the new cool is Geek Chic .

  6. Chrome浏览器的有趣之处在于这款产品推出初期的试用者数量较多,而且也颇受极客型网友的喜爱。

    What 's more interesting about Chrome is the activity it 's enjoying from early adopters and geeks .

  7. 这个过程被拍成了纪录片,《Aardvark'd:极客的12周》,以DVD格式发行。

    A documentary about the process , Aardvark 'd : Twelve Weeks with Geeks , is available in DVD format .

  8. 回顾这两天的优化,Mac极客都拿出了杀手级的终极优化方案,一些有用的,一些是纯惊人的。

    Recalling the days of tweaking , Mac geeks come out with killer Terminal tweaks , some are very useful , some are plain amazing .

  9. 2007年初在极客人群中获得人气之后,Twitter剥离出来,而多尔西成为其首席执行官。

    Mr Dorsey became its chief executive when , after gaining a geek following in early 2007 , Twitter spun out on its own .

  10. 极客网络群体对3C产品创新设计影响探究

    Study on the Influences of " Geek " Network Groups to Innovation Design of 3C Products

  11. 在Modis公司委派市场研究集团进行的这项调查中,17%的受访者自称极客。

    Of the people surveyed by the Opinion Research Group for Modis ` study , 17 percent said they were geeks .

  12. 实际上,希布拉尔还以身为极客(geek)和电子产品发烧友而闻名。

    Indeed , here Mr shibulal carries another reputation : as a geek and gadget freak .

  13. Decoded邀请我去他们那间位于楼顶的教室,看能否调动出我内在的极客(geek)才能。

    Decoded has invited me to its rooftop classroom to see whether it could bring out my inner geek .

  14. 对于极客,的OpenID是一个开放的,分散的,无框架,以用户为中心的数字身份。

    For geeks , OpenID is an open , decentralized , free framework for user-centric digital identity .

  15. 这位证人的名字叫达莱尔•哈夫(DarrellHuff),是一名自由记者,因其1954年出版的那本精彩、大为畅销的《统计数字会撒谎》(HowtoLiewithStatistics)而深受数代极客的爱戴。

    The witness 's name was Darrell Huff , a freelance journalist beloved by generations of geeks for his wonderful and hugely successful 1954 book How to Lie with Statistics .

  16. 每年1月,科技迷们来到拉斯维加斯参加国际消费者电子产品展(InternationalCES)。世界上最大的一些公司会在这个电子设备狂和极客的大集会上展示他们对未来的最佳畅想。

    Technology fanatics descend every January on Las Vegas for the International CES , a colossal gathering of gadgetry and geekery where some of the world 's largest companies show off their best ideas for the future .

  17. 《名利场》(VanityFair)杂志称梅耶尔女士为“雅虎的极客女神”,她并不是雅虎为图革新而引入的第一位著名经理人,但她的到来显然是动静最大的。

    Ms. Mayer - " Yahoo 's Geek Goddess , " as Vanity Fair has called her - is not the first well-known executive brought in to reinvent Yahoo , but she certainly arrived with the most fanfare .

  18. 私人太空公司SpaceX的猎鹰重型火箭(FalconHeavy)周二从发射台升空时,关注埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)在Twitter上发的帖子就像进入了这位生于南非的科技企业家古怪、“极客范”、无畏而又鼓舞人心的世界。

    To follow Elon Musk 's Twitter feed on Tuesday as SpaceX 's Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from its launch pad was to enter into the zany , geeky , mettlesome , and inspirational world of the South African-born tech entrepreneur .

  19. 极客与名流不大可能成为伙伴,但手机应用开发者为了在过度拥挤的市场上脱颖而出,开始寻求“傍明星”,比如真人秀明星金•卡戴珊(KimKardashian)。

    Geeks and celebrities make unlikely bedfellows but mobile app developers are increasingly looking to pair up with the likes of reality TV star Kim Kardashian as they look for new ways to stand out in an overcrowded marketplace .

  20. ThalmicLabs首席执行官斯蒂芬•莱克(StephenLake)称,幻灯片演示将是大众市场购买Myo的“入门”原因——而不只是那些想要轻击手指即可开灯或者消失于虚拟世界的极客会购买。

    Stephen Lake , Thalmic Labs " chief executive , says presentations will be a " gateway " reason for the mass market to buy Myo - not just the geeks who want to click their fingers to turn lights on or to disappear into virtual worlds .

  21. “苹果用户的忠诚度会受到影响,包括极客和普通消费者在内,”调查研究公司Newzoo创始人彼特•沃曼说。

    " The loyalty of Apple users is at stake , both the geeks as well as regular consumers , " said Peter Warman , founder of research firm newzoo .

  22. 导致科技领域不能反映更广泛人口结构特征的原因有很多,从同质性(掌权者任命和提拔与自己背景相似的人)到男性主导的极客(geek)文化的流行,以及许多公司奉行长时间加班的文化

    There are many reasons why the tech world does not reflect the wider population , from homophily - where those in power appoint and promote people with similar backgrounds - to the prevalence of a peculiar type of male-dominated geek culture or the fact that many companies lionise long hours .

  23. 这款牛仔裤名为“美女和极客”,带有全功能键盘、鼠标和内置扬声器,安装在牛仔裤大腿部位的布料上,由NieuweHeren公司设计。该公司由艾瑞克•德奈斯和蒂姆•施密特经营。

    The jeans , known as Beauty and the Geek , come with a fully functional keyboard , mouse and speakers integrated into the upper leg of the fabric and are the idea of design company Nieuwe Heren , run by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit .

  24. 现在,“极客”一词已不再含有贬义。

    The word " geek " has lost its former pejorative meaning .

  25. 他们不仅乐于接受自己极客的一面,而且以此为傲。

    They are comfortable with and proud to show their geeky side .

  26. 奥利弗·奎恩的私人电脑极客了

    Oliver Queen 's personal computer geek were coming to an end .

  27. 但从情商以及社交方面的能力来说,他依然是个高中生极客。

    But emotionally and socially he was still a high school geek .

  28. 极客一词原指那些或为人古怪或非主流之人。

    The word geek originally meant someone eccentric or outside of the mainstream .

  29. 我是电影里的一个电脑极客。

    I 'm a computer geek in a movie .

  30. 现在,你是不是怀疑自己也是一名极客?

    Are you now wondering if you , too , are a geek ?