
  • 网络Formal Reasoning;formal reason;formation;ratiocination
  1. 探讨基于可信度的模糊命题模态逻辑的形式推理,给出相关的模糊Kripke语义描述.其研究目的旨在解决基于模态命题逻辑的模糊推理的能行问题。

    The formal reasoning of the fuzzy propositional modal logic based on plausibility degree is considered , and the description of the associated Kripke semantics is given .

  2. 并在其后的文章中将法律推理划分为法律形式推理和法律实质推理,在此基础上,才引出法律推理有效性的概念。

    In the subsequent passage , the paper classifies legal reasoning to be formal reasoning and legal reasoning of real terms .

  3. 至于MP°的形式推理规则,乃在接受MP的全部推理规则之外,另加如下三条:本文根据MP°的形式推理规则去逐步生成它的形式推理关系(即形式定理)。

    The formal inference rules of . MP ~ include not only all the inference rules of MP , but also the following three : This paper generates the formal inference relations of MP ~ according to MP ~ formal inference rules .

  4. 对中介逻辑命题演算系统MP的18条推理规则作了简化,从中删除了5条不独立的推理规则,构成与原推理规则集S等价的形式推理规则集S1。

    In this paper , the eighteen formal inference rules of the medium logical propositional calculus system MP are simplified , five of which have been omited and the simplified formal inference rules S 1 which equalize former inference rules S are constituted .

  5. 大学生优秀辩手与非辩手的非形式推理能力比较

    Informal Reasoning Differences between Excellent College Debaters and Non-debaters

  6. 然而,数理逻辑重视的是形式推理和严格论证,计算数学却追求的是数值计算,它允许近似求解。

    However the computational mathematics were striving after numerical computation and permits approximate solving .

  7. 法律推理可以划分为形式推理与非形式推理。

    Legal reasoning can be divided into the form of reasoning with non-formal reasoning .

  8. 中学生非形式推理能力的发展及相关能力和影响因素的研究

    The Development of Middle School Students ' Informal Reasoning and Its Relative Ability and Influence Factors

  9. 其目的就是要在这种模型中,对模态逻辑形式推理系统的公理进行语义分析。

    Within this model , semantic analyses are discussed for axioms of the formal reasoning system in modal logic .

  10. 3~6岁幼儿非形式推理能力的发生、发展及家庭和幼儿园影响因素的研究

    The Occurrence and Development of 3 to 6 Years Preschool Children 's Informal Reasoning Ability and the Influence Factors from Family and Kindergarten

  11. 本书的讨论,如果只限于用历史的和形式推理的方式,那就会有更过的不方便之处。

    The survey which follows in the present work has even more the inconvenience of being only historical and inferential in its method .

  12. 论证的评估是坚持真值标准,还是采用认识论标准是形式推理理论与新的论证理论的分水岭;

    Whether we should follow the principle of truth value or adopt the principle of epistemology is the watershed between the formal reasoning theory and the new proof theory .

  13. 法律推理分为形式推理和实质推理两种主要形式,其中形式推理主要指演绎推理,实质法律推理则主要研究类比推理和归纳推理。

    There are two types of legal reasoning : formal reasoning and substantive reasoning , form reasoning is deductive reasoning and the real reasoning including analogical reasoning and inductive reasoning .

  14. 在司法中,注重法律效果还是注重社会效果,在法律方法的选择上表现为形式推理与实质推理方法的取舍。

    In the administration of justice , focusing on the legal effect or social effect , It means how to choose the legal ways , formal reasoning or substantive reasoning .

  15. 对正确一词,如果法律判断有符合外在实体意义上的客观性,那么即具有认识论意义上的客观甲性,正确一词在此处是个事实判断,主要运用于形式推理场合。

    As for the correctness , if a legal decision can complies with the standards of an external objectivity , therefore it can get the correctness in the sense of epistemology . Here , it is merely a matter of judgement of fact which always used in logical reasoning .

  16. 采用模糊Petri网的形式化推理算法及其应用

    Fuzzy Petri Net Based Formalized Reasoning Algorithm with Applications

  17. 采用将模糊推理Petri网与矩阵运算相结合的形式化推理算法,对所提出的决策算法进行了论述。

    By combining fuzzy reasoning Petri nets with matrix operation , a reasoning algorithm of formalized is adopted to discuss the model of decision-making .

  18. 基于CWM的元数据集成中形式化推理技术的研究

    Study on Formal Reasoning in Metadata Integration Based on CWM

  19. 最后,通过BAN逻辑对安全算法进行形式化推理论证,证明安全算法具有安全性和可行性,很好的解决RFID标签数据的安全隐患问题,保证了合法商品的安全。

    Finally , the algorithm has demonstrated using BAN logic . The result proofs it has the safety and feasibility of algorithm . This method solves commendably the RFID tag data security risk issues , ensures the safety of legitimate goods .

  20. 本文介绍一个支持体系结构规范说明的语言WRIGHT,它注重连接器的定义(即协议),提供了形式化推理和体系结构一致性检查的工具。

    In this paper we describe a language called WRIGHT which supports architectural specification . WRIGHT focuses on the definition of connectors as protocols , and provides formal criteria and an associated tool for checking architectural consistency .

  21. 在此基础上,提出了一种高效简单的形式化推理算法,这种算法将模糊Petri网与矩阵运算相结合,充分利用了模糊Petri网的并行处理能力,使推理过程更加简单、快速和易于实现。

    This algorithm fully utilizes the parallel processing ability of Fuzzy Petri Net and can be realized with simple matrix operation . Besides , according to the properties of the Fuzzy Petri Net ( FPN ), a model based on ( FPN ) was also proposed to realize the demand .

  22. 使用新方法分别对DAA的两个子协议的匿名性进行形式化推理证明,分析结果表明,DAA协议满足匿名性,并验证了新方法的可行性和正确性。

    The two sub-protocols of DAA are formalized to reason the anonymity using the new method , the result of which demonstrates DAA satisfies anonymity and verifies the correctness and feasibility of the new method .

  23. 法律推理有形式法律推理和实质法律推理两种。

    There are two ways of law reasoning & formal law reasoning and substantive law reasoning .

  24. 第三,法律推理的逻辑结构是形式逻辑推理与论辩推理的综合运用;

    Third , the logic structure of legal reasoning is a combination of formal logic reasoning and argument reasoning .

  25. 在专家诊断系统的推理过程中,采用连续函数的形式进行推理运算,使推理更精确、可靠。

    In expert diagnostic system , continuous function is made for reasoning , which makes the reasoning process more accurate .

  26. 建立意图后承的形式化推理系统是意图形式化研究中的一个重要课题。

    To establish a formal inferential system of intention consequences is an important issue in the formal study of intention .

  27. 本体知识推理的关键任务是分析语义关系、定义和形式化推理规则并对其优化。

    The key task of ontology reasoning is to analyze semantic relationships and to define , formalize and optimize reasoning rules .

  28. 通常,一种形式的推理只能诊断和预测卫星的一类故障。

    This paper proposes a new method in which the use of multi-modal reasoning for satellite fault diagnosis and prediction is concerned .

  29. 该系统的知识表示使用了产生式规则形式,推理机采用了规则推理和不精确推理相结合的方法。

    In the system , the method of knowledge representation is genetic rule , inference engine combines uncertain inference and rule inference .

  30. 较为常用的法律推理的涵义有三种:第一,法律推理是形式逻辑推理在法律中的应用;

    Three meanings of legal reasoning are being commonly used : first , legal reasoning is the use of formal logic reasoning in law ;