
  • 网络image toys
  1. 孩子们对恐龙玩具的持续喜爱使得以自然生物为形象的玩具仍旧出现在名单之中。

    The " Screature " toy also appears as thepopularity of dinosaurs continues .

  2. 玩偶是一种古老的玩具,人物或动物形象的玩具皆可称为玩偶。

    Doll is a very old toy , most of the kids like to play dolls , human or animal figure of the toy can be called dolls .

  3. 另一家商店的销售员拿出一个用《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)人物“安迪”(Andy)的形象制造的玩具,开口要价420人民币(约66美元)。

    A saleswoman at another store offered a toy doll of Andy , a character from the movie " Toy Story , " for an asking price of 420 renminbi , or about $ 66 .