
dì yuē quán
  • treaty-making power;power of contracting a treaty;right to make a treaty
  1. 评联邦体制下的欧共体缔约权

    On Contracting Rights of the European Community under the Federal System

  2. 欧共体缔约权的基础及其范围界定的原则是由欧洲法院在一系列判例中逐步发展起来的。

    The legal base and principles for contracting rights have been gradually founded by the European Court of Justice in its series of cases .

  3. 欧共体的缔约权原则和规则的发展正在或将反映出欧共体联邦体制中蕴涵的“一体化”和“非一体化”两种并存的价值。

    Thee volution of such principles is indicating or will indicate that the federal system of the European Community contains co-existing values of integration and decentralization .

  4. 一名妇女举的标语牌要求「停止爱国立法」。现在各州的立法都赋予了已婚妇女缔约权。

    Another woman was holding a placard demanding the " stop of all patriotic legislation " . Statutes in each jurisdiction have now given married women contractual capacity .

  5. 《国际卫生条例》的每一缔约国有权向该名册提名一名成员,其他专家则由总干事指定。

    Each State Party to the Regulations is entitled to nominate one member of the roster and additional experts are appointed by the Director-General .

  6. 缔约各方有权指定一家经营协议航空服务的航空公司。

    Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one airline for the purpose of operating the agreed services .

  7. 当有必要进行讨论和解决任何具体问题时,任何缔约方都有权召开会议。

    A meeting can be called by any party when it is deemed necessary to discuss and solve any particular issue .

  8. 优先承租权是期待权、附强制缔约义务的请求权,具有从属性和公共政策性。

    The priority of lease is expective right and right of claim with forceful treaty obligation , it is subordinate and public policy .

  9. 第十六条任何一个缔约国都有权就考虑修改本公约事项,请求召开新的会议。

    Any one of the contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments .