
jiā fēnɡ
  • Family customs;family tradition/customs
家风 [jiā fēng]
  • [family style;family tradition] 一个家庭或家族的传统风尚;门风

  • 习其家风。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  1. ThriveCapital投资公司,该公司是库斯纳家族旗下的一家风投基金

    Thrive capital , a Kushner family VC Fund

  2. 兰德里•菲尔兹(LandryFields)则在帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)创办了一家风投基金,阿玛雷改行当了消防员,J.R.史密斯(J.R.Smith)则当上了参议员。

    Landry Fields started a venture capital fund in Palo Alto . Amar'e had become a firefighter . J.R. Smith was now a U.S. senator .

  3. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)称,WhatsApp没有在营销上花一分钱,在美国是个十足的生面孔。这家风投公司称,还没有其他一家本土科技公司在海外广受青睐却在自己的国家默默无闻。

    Sequoia says WhatsApp didn 't spend a single penny on marketing and is a veritable stranger in the U.S. -- there is ' no other home grown technology company that 's so widely loved overseas and so under appreciated at home , ' the venture-capital firm said .

  4. 六朝时期颜氏家族的家风与文化

    The Family Style and Culture of Family Yan in The Six Dynasties

  5. 下面是我在这家风投巨头学到的七条极其有用的经验:

    Below are seven things I learned in venture capital that were particularly useful :

  6. 有几家风投很快理解了我们追寻的机会,并看好我们的团队和理念。

    A couple quickly grasped the opportunity we were pursuing and liked our team and concept .

  7. 那人又问:“怎么会有这种家风啊?”

    The other man asked , " how come there is such a family custom ? "

  8. 芝兰玉树生阶庭&从陈郡谢氏文人赋的创作看其家风与家学的关系

    Relationship Between Family Customs and Family Literature From the Perspective of Chen jun Xie clan 's Fu Works

  9. 这些构成了他们儒道两相交织的家学家风。

    These constitute their Family Style and Family learning which is the the interwoven of Confucianism and Taoism .

  10. 很高兴我们家有一个这么好的孝敬老人的家风。

    Our family is very pleased to have a such a good family tradition and honor the elderly .

  11. 第五章探讨鸿都门学与曹氏家风对文学的影响。

    The fifth chapter discourses upon the influence hi literature by Hong-Du Men Xue and Cao ' family tradition .

  12. 提出唐家风台隧道防排水施工的要求,及控制检查的方法。

    At the same time , authors present requirements of waterproof and drainage construction and methods of quality control .

  13. 六朝时期的世家大族各有其家风与家学,并由此造就了各自独特的家族文化。

    Aristocratic families has particular family culture in the Six Dynasties because of their different family customs and family literature .

  14. 家风、方言、节日、文字乃至道德都是其作为组织方式的配套产物。

    Family tradition , dialect , festival and language and even morality are all used to support its oranizational function .

  15. 姚燮世代诗书传家,有着良好的家风,这些是他以后成为文学大家的家学基础。

    Yao generation , with a good general family heirloom , these are after him as a literary family in everybody .

  16. 士绅的坚守与权变:清代苏州潘氏家族的家风与心态研究

    Persistence and Adjustment of Gentry : A Study on Family Tradition and Mentality of Suzhou Pan Family in the Qing Dynasty

  17. 亲爱的,如果我们现在改变家风(家规),她就以为,稍事不顺心就可以随便破坏家规。

    Dan : Honey , if we change the rule now , she 'll think she can break any rule she disagrees with .

  18. 儒学治家的典型&论郑义门的孝义家风儒学价值观对思想道德建设的意义


  19. 研究颜氏家族家风与学风,可以昭示后人,意义重大。

    Study on the tradition of Yan 's family and the style of study are of great significance and can benefit the descendants .

  20. 以家风、家学为主要内容的世族文化,是当时各大家族延续其家世、维持其门第、提高其门望的关键性因素。

    Clan culture , which mainly includes family characteristics and family education , is a key factor that made every big family keep their dominance .

  21. 文氏家风与苏州世风相互渗透,对近世苏州世风的变化产生了重要影响。

    The atmosphere of Wen family and the tendency of Suzhou influenced each other , to the modern tendency of Suzhou change had a major impact .

  22. 现代家庭道德建设要批判地继承传统家庭伦理,既要深入挖掘优良传统,积极提升人伦价值,提倡艰苦奋斗,树立良好家风,又要注意克服消极因素,防止传统陋习死灰复燃。

    Modern family 's moral construction should critically inherit the traditional family ethic , both tapping the useful traditions in depth and overcoming the useless factors .

  23. 与此同时,他们以儒家士人自负,在儒学和地方社会文化传统的共同濡染下形成了独特的家风和家学。

    By the common influence of Confucianism and tradition of local social and culture , they formed unique pattern of family tradition and accumulation of family scholarship .

  24. 评《六朝江东世族之家风家学研究》浅析春秋时期世族的产生及其特征

    Comment on Study on Clans ' Family Characteristics and Education of East Changjiang River in Six Dynasties Analysis on generation and character of Spring Autumn period noble family

  25. 如果介绍你的人在这家风投颇有信誉,你在介绍人处又颇有信誉,你就会获得这家风投的信赖。

    If you are being introduced by someone who has credibility with the VC , and you have credibility with the person making the introduction , you will have credibility with the VC .

  26. 司马迁崇高人格的形成,是由于他史家家风的积淀和时代进取精神召唤的结果。

    The causal factors of Sima Qians noble personality were his historiographer family tradition , the summons of the initiative of his times , and the nourishment from the splendid culture of pre Qin .

  27. 在南朝王氏家族中,王筠的文学活动与创作,在家族势力日渐衰微的进程中,取得了较为突出的成就,对于绍续家风、保持家族余威、维护家族门第起到了重要作用。

    In the Wang family in the Southern Dynasties Wang Jun made great achievements in literary activities and creation while the family was declining , which played an important role in maintaining the family status .

  28. 在魏晋玄学思潮的波及下,具有与时推迁家风的王氏家族顺应时代的潮流,对这一新学风积极地加以吸纳,使家族文化更加丰富多彩。

    Under the Wei-Jin metaphysics ideological trend , the Wang complied with the time the tidal current and absorbed the new style of study positively which made the family culture to be more richly and colorful .

  29. 为此,笔者选取河东三姓作为研究对象,深入研究其文学发展过程以及呈现出的特点,特别是探讨家风家学对于家族成员文学观念及创作的深刻影响。

    This thesis is intended to research literary history and literary features of Hedong three clans , especially into their family tradition and family learning ' affect the members of three clans ' views and creatures of literature .

  30. 在你的目标地域市场中,找到最大的3家风投、天使投资者、科技律师和猎头,问问他们有哪两家或三家热门公司符合你感兴趣的领域和阶段。

    Find the top 3 VCs , angels , tech lawyers and headhunters in your target geographical market and ask them for the two or three hottest companies that match the domain and stage you are interested in .