
  • 网络Family medicine;Home Medicine
  1. 方遯翁为了三媳妇的病,对家庭医药大起研究的兴趣。

    Because of Third Daughter-in-law 's illness , Fang Tun-weng developed an interest in the study of family medicine .

  2. “玉米爱心基金”是一个自愿为中国贫困的白血病孩子筹集资金的组织。这些患儿的家庭面对昂贵的医药费,除了坐以待毙,其他的什么也做不了。

    It is designed to raise money for China 's impoverished leukaemia stricken children , whose families are burdened by expensive medical bills and can do little but wait to die .