
  • 网络market for technology
  1. 市场换技术悖论谈

    Research on the Paradox of " Market for Technology "

  2. 本文认为FDI的技术溢出最重要的是对东道国R&D能力的影响,也是以市场换技术的目的,并以此为研究主题进行全文分析。

    This paper believes that the most important impact on the host is about R & D capability which is the purpose of " market for technology " .

  3. 从以市场换技术战略绩效看FDI的技术外溢

    From the Performance of the Strategy of " Make Technology by Market " to Look at the Spill of FDI Technology

  4. 市场换技术与产业空心化:一个研究述评

    " Market for Technology " and Industrial Hollowing-out : A Literature Survey

  5. 对市场换技术的质疑与批判

    Query and Criticism to the Theory of Market Exchanging Technology

  6. 以市场换技术的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Using Market to Exchange Technology

  7. 市场换技术下内资企业技术能力的提升路径&基于溢出效应和吸收能力的分析

    Toward the Technology Capability Improvement of Domestic Enterprises under Swap-Market-for-Technology-Analysis Based on Spillover Effects and Absorbing Capabilities

  8. 市场换技术与竞争换技术

    Technology Replaces Market and Competition

  9. 我国以市场换技术引资战略的历史透视

    A Retrospective Analysis of the Foreign Capital Attracting Practice Based on the " Exchange-market-for-technology " Strategy in China

  10. 对市场换技术相关文献进行了梳理,并指出了需进一步研究的问题。

    Of exchanging market with technology , generalizes the related literature , and points out the problems needed to be studied .

  11. 首先,通过对相关理论进行梳理,回顾市场换技术的政策历程及进行效果评价。

    First of all , based on related theory to comb , reviewing the policy of exchanging market with technology and effect evaluation .

  12. 上世纪90年代至今利用合资形式以市场换技术的第二阶段。

    The second phase is in 1990s when we focused on establishing joint ventures by the means of " market for technology " .

  13. 改革开放以来,我国通过以资金买技术、以市场换技术,引进了大量的先进制造技术,促进了技术创新能力的提高。

    After the reform and opening-up policy , a great number of advanced manufacturing technologies have been introduced into China through the method of buying and exchanging .

  14. 学术界对于外资引入效果的研究也越来越多,有关以市场换技术的争论逐渐增多。

    The academic research about the effects of foreign investment is more and more too , and the argument about " market for technology " is gradually increasing .

  15. 我国曾怀着良好的愿望,制定和执行了以市场换技术的战略,然而却无情的现实完全粉碎。

    Our country cherished good wish to establish and carry out the strategy of " with market change technology ", but it has been smashed completely by reality .

  16. 近二十年以来,我国汽车工业通过大量吸引外商直接投资,实行以市场换技术的政策。

    In the recent twenty years , China 's automobile industry implemented the policy of " exchanging market for technology " by importing foreign direct investment ( FDI ) .

  17. 多年来,我国一直实行以市场换技术的引资战略,试图通过吸引外资来促进我国的技术进步。

    " Exchange domestic market for technology " has been the strategy of China for attracting FDI for many years . China hopes to propel its technology progress by attracting FDI .

  18. 走过了近20年合资道路的中国汽车业,在以市场换技术的合资中,面临着失去市场又未学到技术的尴尬局面。

    After two decades of auto joint ventures , designed to trade market for technology , china 's auto industry has been pushed into a quandary : market lost without technology gains .

  19. 在此基础上,本文从技术转移的双方&技术输出方和技术输入方角度,系统地分析了我国以市场换技术战略失败的原因。

    On basis of the result , this paper probes into the reasons of " market for technology " policy failures from two sides & from technology input side and technology output side .

  20. 本文在查阅大量文献和进行实证研究的基础上,对以市场换技术的十大认识误区进行了详细深入的剖析。

    Based on a large amount of literature and a positivist research , the paper makes an in-depth and detailed analysis of the ten misunderstandings of the " exchange market for technology " strategy .

  21. 在实施以市场换技术的战略中,让出了市场却没有获得相应的技术提升,与原有初衷的差距较大。

    In the implementation of a market for technology strategy , opening the market does not obtain a corresponding access to technology upgrading . There is the larger gap away from the original intent .

  22. T船舶配套公司通过合资的形式实现以市场换技术,实现从船舶配套行业具有技术领先优势的T集团的技术转移。

    T ship supporting companies through joint ventures in the form of a market for technology , realize from the ship supporting industry has a leading technology advantage of technology transfer of T group .

  23. 本文认为,入世后以市场换技术战略的现实基础已经丧失,必须寻找到新的国际技术转移战略以适应当今国内和国际经济发展的需要。

    This article contends that we must find new international technology transfer strategy in order to meet the needs of nowadays domestic and international economic development because of the loss of the realistic foundation of " make technology by market " strategy after entering the WTO .

  24. 日本是这方面的成功典范,我国曾提出的以市场换技术,以技术创市场策略就是建立在这样的思想之上,然而这种方式却没有取得预期的效果。

    Create New Sale style and Take up Market Again Japan is an example in doing this succeeded , while we haven 't obtained the expectant results on our country 's strategy " Use Market in exchange for Technology and Use Technology to Tap the Market " .

  25. 以市场换技术依次经历了试验探索阶段、数量扩张阶段和调整提高阶段,三个阶段的基本情况、政策法规和阶段特征有其不同之处。

    The history of " Exchange Market for Technology " has been divided into three main phases , experiment exploring , expanding in quantity and enhancing in quality . At the end , the paper gives the details of basic information , policy and characteristic of three phases .

  26. 以市场换技术是中国汽车产业实施了20年的一项产业政策,实践证明它是失败的,因为它未能实现其生产自主品牌汽车的初衷。

    " Market exchanges for technology " is an automobile industry policy that has been implemented in China for over 20 years . It failed in fact , because it can not realize the original intention that China 's automobile industry could produce automobile with autonomous brand gradually .

  27. 而且从实践来看,市场换技术策略实施情况下,我国汽车业也得到了快速的发展,特别是自中国加入世界贸易组织之后十多年来,年均增长率高达20%以上。

    And from the point of practice , the policy of exchanging market with technology implementation , our country automobile industry also obtained fast development , especially since China joined the world trade organization after more than ten years , average annual growth rate as high as20 % above .

  28. 我国从改革开放以来,一直在实行以市场换技术的战略,引进外国资金和技术的步伐大大加快,已经成为世界上吸引外资最多的国家之一。

    Our country has been since reform and opening-up , keep implementing " exchanging market for technology " strategy , the paces of introducing the foreign finance and technology are accelerated greatly , has already become and absorbed one of the most countries of foreign capitals in the world .

  29. 要进一步开放市场,实现以市场换投资、换技术的战略;

    Third , the market should be more opened to exchange investment and technology .