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  1. 该项移植手术是由里昂市德EdouardHerriot医院的杜拜合纳德教授进行的,他曾经成功移植世界上首例双臂移植。

    The original transplant was conducted by Prof Dubernard 's team at the Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyons , who have since performed the world 's first double arm transplant .

  2. 德州市德城区城市用地的空间变动研究

    On the Space Change of the Usage of the Urban Lands in Dezhou Sierra Madre de Chiapas

  3. 深圳市德至高工具有限公司是集五金电子工具制造和销售、电木产品生产和加工为一体的综合性企业。

    Ltd , an integrative comprehensive enterprise , specializes in the development and manufacture of electronic hardware tools and bakelite products .

  4. 中山市德仕宝印花材料厂,座落于美丽富饶的广东省珠江三角洲。

    Zhongshan Dossy King is a famous printing material company in the beautiful and affluent Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province .

  5. 田纳西州纳什维尔市范德堡大学的法学教授ChristopherSlobogin讲了这个案例。ChristopherSlobogin:“Jones称证据是非法获得的,因为警察没有逮捕证。”

    Law professor Christopher Slobogin at Vanderbilt University in Nashville , Tennessee , takes the story from there . CHRISTOPHER SLOBOGIN : " Mr. Jones ' argued that evidence was obtained illegally because the police did not have a .

  6. 铜陵市明德小学行政校长夏友浩为留守儿童准备午餐。

    Xia Youhao , deputy principal of Mingde Elementary School , prepares lunch for " left-behind " children in Tongling City .

  7. 天津市宝德包装有限公司,是以天津市农垦集团总公司为投资主体的股份公司。

    Tianjin Baode Packing Co. , Ltd , is a joint-stock company which is taken by the head office of Tianjin Land-reclaimable group as the investment subject .

  8. 银山铜铅锌金银矿床位于江西省德兴市乐德成矿带中段,是我国南方规模巨大的铜铅锌金银矿化集中区。

    The Yinshan Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag deposit is located in the Dexing county of Jiangxi province and at the middle oi the Le-De mineralization belt , which is a huge polymetallic metallogenic concentration region in South China .

  9. 丹佛市和波尔德市伴有气温降低。

    With record cold temperatures in Denver and Boulder .

  10. 2003年发生的如皋市印刷机械厂诉如皋市轶德物资有限责任公司隐性反向假冒注册商标纠纷案,是在我国出现的首例商标隐性反向假冒案件。

    The case of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark which happened in 2003 was the first one in the history of China . In that case , Rugao Printing Machinery factory accused Rugao Yide Goods and Material LLC of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark .