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  1. 美国环保局(USEnvironmentalProtectionAgency)局长吉娜•麦卡锡(GinaMcCarthy)拒绝接受这一批评。她表示,中国承诺将确保中国的碳排放量在2030年左右见顶,这要求中央政府立即采取措施,让不情愿的省级政府步调一致。

    Gina McCarthy , head of the US Environmental Protection Agency , rejected the criticism , saying Beijing 's commitment to ensure Chinese emissions peak by about 2030 demands that the central government takes immediate action to pull reluctant provincial governments into line .

  2. 她很不情愿意地决定卖掉房子。

    She reluctantly decided to sell her home .

  3. 并有提高第一情期不返情率的趋势。

    It tends to improve non-return-rate of first estrus .

  4. 结果受体母牛2个情期不返情率为50%(35/70);

    The non-return rate of the recipients two oestrous cycles following transfer was 50 . 0 % ( 35 / 70 ) .

  5. 要多情但不负情;要风骚但不污糟;要风流但不下流;要享受但不禽兽;

    Should not feeling amorous but , Want coquettish but not unclean ; But don 't mean to wind , To enjoy , but not an animals ;

  6. 我不该他的情。

    I don 't owe him by way of gratitude .

  7. 我不了解细情,所以不好说。

    I can 't be sure because I don 't know the details .

  8. 假定不出现冰情,观测河段水位将下降0.1~0.4m,过流能力将提高30%~65%。

    If the ice conditions were not considered , the water levels in the observed river reaches would be reduced by 0.1-0.4 m and the discharge capacities , increased by 30 % - 65 % .

  9. 别麻烦了!我不领这个情。

    Don 't bother ! I won 't pick up .

  10. 重新画点不那么基情的东西吗

    have him paint something a little less gay ?

  11. 查德和玛米之间当然不存在有情有意的迹象。

    There is , of course , no sign of the romance between Chad and Mamie .

  12. 天不老,情难绝,心似双丝网,中有千千结。

    Not the old days , no hard feelings , like dual-screen heart , the knot in the Pros .

  13. 由于层压工艺条件不同,使得在不同层压工艺条件下的编织纤维网格尺寸分布不均匀的情影响不同。

    In the different molding conditions , made the non-uniform fiber grid size are different because of the different situations .

  14. 后来,我觉得我的恐怖与不快之情消失了,因为我知道我不再是独自承担对亨利爵士的责任了。

    Then I felt my fear and unhappiness disappear , as I knew that I was no longer alone in my responsibility for Sir Henry .

  15. 让别人快乐是慈悲,让自己快乐时智慧,事有小功不窃喜,情有大失不自伤。

    Let others happy is compassion , let oneself happy wisdom , things have small power is secretly pleased , have a big loss not injure .

  16. 我们过去打仗,都懂得不研究我情敌情,做不到知己知彼,就要打败仗。

    When we fought battles in the past , we all understood that failure to study our own situation and that of the enemy , that is , failure to know both ourselves and the enemy , meant defeat .

  17. 闲适就是允许你不做任何时情。

    Leisure is being allowed to do nothing . & G.K.Chesterton .

  18. 对不起,我不领你的情,我不过开开玩笑罢了。

    Thank you for nothing ; I was but joking .

  19. 你们不只是认识你们情同姐妹

    You didn 't just know each other . You were like sisters .

  20. 君子兰你终于不失往日之情,透出君子之风范。

    Clivia you finally lose past love , revealing a gentleman 's demeanor .

  21. 但是老爹说:一旦我们经历过一次,新面孔的藉口不应该再何情合法了。

    But as Torre said , once you get through one turn of the order , the excuse of newness should no longer hold water .

  22. 值得一提的是:武胜县在妄顾法律的同时,也以法律的手段敲诈勒索,根本不顾法与情的关系。

    Is worth mentioning : WuSheng county in easily loosen their law , but also by means of the law , the basic blackmail regardless of law and emotion relationship .

  23. 随着内燃机的广泛使用和现代科学技术的发展,传统的事后维修和定时检测已不适应目前视情维修体制的要求;

    With extensive applications of internal combustion engine ( ICE ) and developments of modern science and technology , the conventional breakdown maintenance and periodic monitor methods are not adapted to the demands of present maintenance system .

  24. 小朋友也许会问,这是说耶稣只将犹太人从罪恶里救出来吗?那什么是罪呢?连最小的孩子都知道,罪就是神不喜悦的坏事情,比如贪心,自私,自己总是要得到最好的。

    Did that mean Jesus would only save the Jewish people from their sins ? What is sin ? Even very young children know sin is doing bad things that God doesn 't like , like being greedy and wanting the biggest and best things for yourself .

  25. 抹不掉的爱,忘不掉的情!

    Indelible love , forget it !

  26. 在不自觉中,我对这里产生了眷恋不舍之情,那纯洁的气味,那美妙的声音,那挺拔向上的山竹,竟然使我变得即清醒又冷静。

    Not consciously , I am right here , had a nostalgic feeling of dismay , that the pure smell , that wonderful voice , and that the mangosteen up tall and straight , even made me get that clear again calm .