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  1. 她全然不信地看着他。

    She looked at him in disbelief .

  2. 将要写这封信地男孩是汤姆喜悦。

    The boy to write this letter is Tom .

  3. 我给他们去信气愤地抱怨了一通。

    I wrote them a stinking letter to complain .

  4. 这封信乱七八糟地写到了一些风马牛不相及的提议,分别摘自两个不同的改革计划。

    The letter was a mishmash of ill-fitting proposals taken from two different reform plans .

  5. 她正对着一男生写给她的信吃吃地笑着。

    She was giggling at a letter from a boy .

  6. 安这时把信紧紧地抓在手中。

    Ann was , now clutching the letter tight in her hand .

  7. 他把刚收到的那封信粗略地看了一遍。

    He glanced over the letter he had just received .

  8. 投诉信出乎意料地少。

    Letters of complaint were surprisingly few in number .

  9. 这封信明确地显示出他们在计划什么。

    The letter showed clearly what they were planning .

  10. 他的信深深地伤了她的心。

    His letter cut her to the quick .

  11. 将求职信准确地发给对方,收件人的名字务必拼写正确。

    Address the letter to the correct person and make sure his or her name is spelt correctly .

  12. 伊斯顿把三封信反复地读了好几遍,最后大骂一声扔到了桌子上。

    Easton read the letters several times over and finally with an oath threw them on the table .

  13. 于是,维尔福把唐太斯刚才还给他的那封信轻蔑地扔在了他的办公桌上。

    And Villefort threw disdainfully on his desk the letter Dant è s had just given back to him .

  14. 信无可替代地把人与人连在一起,让人笑,让人哭。

    A letter unites people like nothing else . It can make them cry , it can make them laugh .

  15. 市长被这封信深深地打动,回信写道,这个孩子说的事情非常重要……一定要竭尽全力恢复他的视力!

    The mayor is moved by the boy 's letter and writes , ' What this child says is very important ... Be sure to make every effort to restore this child 's eyesight ! '

  16. 他们需要处理一个敏感问题:亲生父亲的信清楚地表明,他遗弃了这个孩子,因为医生告诉他孩子需要植入人工耳蜗,而他们一家无力承担。

    They did have one touchy subject to tackle : the birth father 's letter makes clear that he abandoned the baby because a doctor told him the child needed a cochlear implant and the birth family could not afford one .

  17. 信被原封不动地退回了。

    The letter was returned unopened .

  18. 那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维方式。

    The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind .

  19. 尽管有大量的手机应用可以满足用户多种不同的需求,例如Uber,WhatsApp及Deliveroo等,而微信却成功地将这些服务收在一款应用中,这在其他国家是绝无仅有的。

    While a multitude of different apps cater to different needs - with the likes of Uber , WhatsApp and Deliveroo - WeChat has managed to reduce all of these services into a single app that simply doesn 't exist outside of China .

  20. 他们的信都乱七八糟地放在一个抽屉里。

    Their letters were all muddled up together in a drawer .

  21. 这封信很清楚地阐述了我的测试方法和目标。

    It pretty clearly states the methodology and goals for these tests .

  22. 波利拿着一封信蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间来。

    Polly came bounding into the room holding a letter .

  23. 他据信被颠倒地在十字架上钉死。

    He was said to have been crucified upside-down .

  24. 信被错误地寄给了你。

    The letter was sent to you in error .

  25. 她从偷来的一封信中意外地发现了他从前杀过人的秘密。

    She surprised the secret of his murderous past through a stolen letter .

  26. 弗雷德信都掉地上了

    Fred . The mail 's on the floor .

  27. 数据库语义学保证数据库所存贮的信患准确地描绘有关的企业。

    Database semantics enables all the stored information to describe the related enterprise accurately .

  28. 现如今,工程师们可以在五至六份工作邀请信之间从容地做出选择。

    Engineers are balancing five and six offers .

  29. 梅里尔打开信,粗略地浏览了一下,然后把它扔掉了。

    Merrill opened the letter , scanned it briefly , and threw it away .

  30. 她在信中生动地描述了她在伦敦的生活。

    In her letter , she painted a fascinating picture of her life in London .