
  1. 软件与信息服务外包企业人才供应链研究

    Study of Talent Supply-Demand Chain for Software and Information Service Outsourcing Companies

  2. 大连市软件与信息服务外包发展研究

    Research on the Development of Software and Information Services Outsourcing in Dalian

  3. 广西如何在全球金融危机中发展软件与信息服务外包

    Guangxi how to develop the software and Information Service Outsourcing in the global financial crisis

  4. 云南省软件与信息服务外包产业发展困境、条件与出路

    The Development Dilemmas and Solutions for the Outsourcing Industry of Software and Information Service in Yunnan Province

  5. 内陆地区服务外包产业发展路径探析&以重庆市软件及信息服务外包产业为例

    On Development Route of Inland Outsourcing Industry : A Case Study of Software and Information Outsourcing Industry in Chongqing

  6. 本文对十九个国家1999年至2007年信息服务外包进行面板数据分析。

    In this paper , we analysis the panel data , which was selected from 19 countries in nine years .

  7. 近十年来,我国的信息服务外包业也发展很快,但相对日本、印度、欧美等国家而言,还有很大的差距。

    The industry of information service outsourcing in China also has grown fast , however , the gap is very obvious compared with Japan , India and Occident .

  8. 本文的结果显示,影响承接信息服务外包的主要因素为:基础设施水平、汇率、人力资本、文化差异。

    The actual proved results demonstrated in this paper show that the degree of infrastructure , exchange rate , human source capital and the deference of culture are the main factors that affect undertaking of information service outsourcing .

  9. 当前,服务外包产业已逐渐成为重要的经济推动因素,全国各地纷纷搭建服务于服务外包产业发展的软件与信息服务外包公共服务平台。

    Currently , the service outsourcing industry has gradually become an important economic driver . Software and public service platform of information services outsourcing which serve the development of service outsourcing industry have set up throughout the country .

  10. 以往研究多认为影响承接信息服务外包的因素为:基础设施水平、人力资本、工资、服务业发展水平、科技投入、服务开放度等。

    In previous studies , most people pay attention to the factors of information services outsourcing as follow : infrastructure , human capital , wages , services development , science and technology investment , services , and so on .

  11. 同时,我们将设计实现的专利预警功能作为一项增值服务,运用到所参与的服务外包基地城市软件与信息服务外包公共支撑平台建设项目中,取得了良好效果。

    At the same time , we designed and implemented the patent early-warning function as a value-added service , which applied to the participation in the " Service outsourcing base cities of service outsourcing of software and information platform for building public support " project which has achieved good results .

  12. 但是在信息安全服务外包给高校带来效益的同时也蕴含很多的风险,高校作为发包商必须识别和规避这些风险。

    While it brings benefit to the universities and colleges , the outsourcing of information security service holds in store a lot of risks .

  13. 简论滨海新区企业信息服务工作外包&企业与图书馆优势互补的战略选择

    Discussion on the Outsourcing of Information Service Work of Enterprise in New Coastal Area & The Strategic Choice of Superiority Reciprocity in Enterprise and Library

  14. 随着经济全球化的蓬勃发展,软件开发技术、互联网技术和通讯设施在世界范围内的广泛应用,软件与信息服务离岸外包行业成为迅速崛起的新兴行业并成为现代服务业的重要组成部分。

    With the rapid development of economic globalization and wild application of software development technology , internet technology and telecommunication facilities over the world , the industry of software and Info-service offshore outsourcing has became a new promising industry and an important part of modern service industry .

  15. 并对信息安全服务外包过程中存在的风险进行分析识别,在综合风险识别结果和文献研究的基础上建立外包风险评价指标体系。

    What is special in the paper is that author analyzed and identified the risks in the information security service outsourcing , and established a set of indicators for risk evaluation of the outsourcing process , which is based on the result of the risk identification and literatures .

  16. 信息运行维护服务外包的实践与体会

    Practice and Experience on Service Outsourcing for Information System Operation and Maitenance

  17. 不对称信息下的服务外包契约设计研究

    Study on Contract Designing of Service Outsourcing under Asymmetric Information