
  • 网络Chinese opera;Traditional Chinese Opera
  1. 元曲研究在20世纪的中国戏曲研究中,占有最为重要的位置。

    Among the study of Chinese opera in the20th century , yuan opera studies occupy the most important position .

  2. 印度梵剧影响中国戏曲研究述评

    On the Influence of the Sanskrit-plays Upon the Traditional Chinese Opera

  3. 中国戏曲导演学在近代的发展初探&谈齐如山与梅兰芳

    A Study on the Development of Directing of Modern Chinese Operas

  4. 略论中国戏曲文学中的负心男子形象

    Discussion on the Figures of Ungrateful Men in Chinese Opera Literature

  5. 中国戏曲文化精神与艺术元素的组合

    Combination of Cultural Spirit and Artistic Elements of Chinese Xiqu Opera

  6. 以一求多&中国戏曲艺术形式美创造规律管窥

    An Exploration of Form Beauty Law of Chinese Traditional Opera Art

  7. 来自中国戏曲学院,就是爱好长笛。

    From Beijing drama institute , very like to play flute .

  8. 丑角在中国戏曲文化中是一个特殊的存在者。

    Clown culture in Chinese opera is a special beings .

  9. 全球化与中国戏曲的语境置换

    Globalization and the Switch of the Context of Chinese Opera

  10. 梁启超与20世纪初中国戏曲变革

    Liang Qichao and the transformation of Chinese opera in early 20th century

  11. 浙江是中国戏曲(南方戏文)的发祥地。

    Zhejiang is the birthplace of Chinese operas ( southern opera ) .

  12. 在某些情况下,中国戏曲也纷纷效仿。

    In some cases , Chinese opera has followed suit .

  13. 叶沈家族的累世联姻则造就了中国戏曲史上第一位女戏曲家叶小纨。

    Ye Xiao-wan was the first woman writer in Chinese operas history .

  14. 日本的中国戏曲研究史

    A History of the Studies of Chinese Drama In Japan

  15. 中国戏曲莎剧与莎剧现代化

    Chinese Dramas Adapted from Shakespearean Plays and the Modernization of Shakespearean Plays

  16. 论中国戏曲的艺术形态及其美学特征

    On the Art Form and Aesthetic Characteristics of Chinese Opera

  17. 中国戏曲与古代剧场发展关系的五个阶段

    The Five Stages of the Relationship between Chinese Drama and Chinese Ancient Theatre

  18. 梵曲啰哩嗹与中国戏曲的传播

    The Buddhist Air Luo Li Lian and the Spread of Chinese Traditional Opera

  19. 二十世纪目录学的发展与中国戏曲著作的编目

    Cataloguing Ancient Chinese Plays and Development of Bibliographical Studies in the Twentieth Century

  20. “画妆”:中国戏曲主题艺术大展(今日美术馆北京);

    Dress Up In Art-Chinese Opera Art Exhibition Today Art Museum , Beijing .

  21. 它实际上是现存最早的中国戏曲评点本。

    It is actually the earliest extant commentary edition of Chinese traditional opera .

  22. 中国戏曲的艺术特征及其成因

    The Art feature and the Reason of Chinese Drama

  23. 《牡丹亭》是中国戏曲史上的杰作,具有卓越的思想艺术成就。

    The peony pavilion is an outstanding work in Chinese opera drama history .

  24. 中国戏曲晚出探因

    Probing into the Late Appearance of Chinese Theatre

  25. 除了主要的演出外,中国戏曲节的节目还包括座谈会、示范讲座、展览及免费户外表演。

    Seminars , lecture-demonstrations , exhibitions and free outdoor performances augmented the main performances .

  26. 越剧表演有鲜明的特色,在中国戏曲表演体系中独树一帜。

    Performance of Yueju Opera is unique in the performing system of Chinese operas .

  27. 在马来西亚,中国戏曲就倍受人们的青睐。

    Lots of Malaysian people go to the theatre to watch Chinese opera performances .

  28. 中国戏曲到底能走多远?

    How far the Chinese drama conld go ?

  29. 中国戏曲的现代化生存方式与研究方向初探&兼与中国传媒大学周华斌教授商榷

    Discussion on the Modernized Living Mode of Chinese Operas and Their Direction of Research

  30. 元代戏曲理论中的中国戏曲史

    The History of the Chinese Traditional Opera in the Operatic Theory in Yuan Dynasty