
  1. 安徽茶叶贸易自十九世纪末以来逐渐显露颓势。

    Anhui tea trade gradually declined since the end of the nineteenth Century .

  2. 成本的增加,使安徽省茶叶出口的劳动密集型和资源密集型优势大大的削弱,进而又使茶叶的出口竞争力受到很大的影响。

    The increased cost of tea production , greatly weaken labor-intensive and resource intensive advantage in tea exports and have a large effect on the export competitiveness .

  3. 通过对安徽省茶叶生产和出口的情况的分析,探讨了国际贸易中的绿色壁垒对我国茶叶贸易产生的不利影响,并对这种贸易中的新型壁垒提出了应对举措。

    This article inspected the Anhui Province tea production and the exportation situation , it also analyze the adverse effect to our country tea trade which the green barrier produces in the international trade , and discussed to take positive measures against this kind of new barrier in international trade .

  4. 安徽省高山区茶叶栽培技术及水土保持效益分析

    Research on Cultivating Techniques of Hill Tea and Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation

  5. 安徽省黄山市茶叶经营现状与开发对策

    Present Management Situation and Exploring Tactics Analysis of Tea in Huangshan City , Anhui Province

  6. 作为茶叶出口大省&安徽省也未幸免,近几年,安徽省茶叶出口有所下降。

    As a big tea exports province - Anhui province is unavoidable , which reflected in its decreasing tea exports recently .