
  • 网络Chinese Government Scholarship;CSC Scholarship
  1. 同样是在去年,有3000多名欧盟学生收到了中国政府的奖学金,这一数字相比2014年上升了12%。

    Last year saw over 3000 EU students receiving scholarships from the Chinese government , a rise of 12 percent on the 2014 figures .

  2. 去年,来自183个国家的约5万名来华留学生获得了中国政府提供的奖学金,占来华留学人员总数的11%,较2012年增长70%。

    About 50000 foreign students from 183 countries received scholarships from the Chinese government last year , accounting for 11 % of all foreign students in China , an increase of 70 % from 2012 , he added .