
  • 网络the Central Economic Work Conference;central economic working conference
  1. 于去年12月15-16日举行的中央经济工作会议为2013年经济政策奠定基调。

    The Central Economic Work Conference , held on Dec 15 and 16 , set the tone for economic policies in 2013 .

  2. 中央经济工作会议提出了2010年经济发展规划,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策。

    The Central Economic Work Conference has already made plans for economic development , which is continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy .

  3. 12月18日闭幕的中央经济工作会议部署了明年经济领域重点任务,“解决好种子和耕地问题”被列为其中之一。

    China will strive to tackle problems related to seeds and farmlands as one of its key economic tasks for 2021 , a key meeting said .

  4. 中央经济工作会议明确,抓紧制定2030年前碳排放达峰行动方案,支持有条件的地方率先达峰。

    China will seize time to formulate before 2030 . The country will support areas with favorable conditions to peak the emissions ahead of the schedule , according to the statement released after the annual Central Economic Work Conference .

  5. 本年度的中央经济工作会议落下帷幕。

    This year 's Central Economic Work Conference has come to a conclusion .

  6. 中央经济工作会议制定出2005年经济工作六项任务

    Central Economic Conference Maps Out Six Tasks on the Economic Agenda for 2005

  7. 解读中央经济工作会议精神

    Grasp the Gist of Central Economic Conference

  8. 北京召开中央经济工作会议

    Central Economic Work Conference Held in Beijing

  9. 中央经济工作会议也把扩大消费作为2008年工作的重点。

    The Central Economic Working Conference also considered the expanding consumption as the key work of 2008 .

  10. 最近宏观政策出台之密集是前所未闻,因此市场对于正在召开的中央经济工作会议浮想联翩。

    The recent introduction of macro-policy is unheard of , so the market is the central economic work conference imagination .

  11. 每年一次的中央经济工作会议帮助确立下一年的政策重点。

    The annual economic policy meeting , known as the Economic Work Conference , helps establish policy priorities for the next year .

  12. 12月初,在中国中央经济工作会议上,与会代表建议给予农村居民城市户口,这也强有力地证明了户籍制度正在变化。

    The proposal of China ` s Central Economic Conference in early December to give rural residents permanent urban residency sent a strong signal .

  13. 2009年的中央经济工作会议把结构调整确立为未来中国经济工作的主攻方向。

    On 2009 Central Economic Work Conference , structural adjustment was established as the future work of the main direction of the Chinese economy .

  14. 一个月前,在每年一次的中央经济工作会议之后,中国的政策制定者们正式表示,将在2010年继续实施适度宽松的货币政策。

    A month ago , after China 's annual Economic Work Conference , policymakers officially espoused a continuation of moderately loose monetary policy into 2010 .

  15. 2009年中央经济工作会议明确了中国经济未来发展的重点&经济发展方式转变。

    At the2009 Central Economic Working Conference , it clarified the keynote of the future economy development of China transformation of the mode of economic development .

  16. 中国上周末召开了讨论明年计划的中央经济工作会议,竟然也制造出一些同样毫无意义的说法。

    China 's Central Economic Work Conference , which convened at the weekend to debate plans for the coming year , should produce some similarly senseless utterances .

  17. 一年一度的中央经济工作会议在年末举行,为政府制定下一年的经济要务和目标。

    The annual Central Economic Work Conference , held toward the end of the year , lays out the economic priorities and goals for the government in the following year .

  18. 同时,依据中央经济工作会议和十二五规划等相关精神,提出了相应的政策建议。

    At the same time , based on the central economic work conference and the " Twelfth Five-Year Plan " and other related spirit , put forward the corresponding policy suggestions .

  19. 该会议名为“中央经济工作会议”,领导人可能借此改进并扩大未来两年的支出计划。

    The " central economic work conference " , as the meeting is known , will give leaders a chance to refine and potentially expand spending plans for the next two years .

  20. 在为期3天的中央经济工作会议(最高决策者的年度会议)结束之际,官员们表示,他们将增加公共支出,以促进内需。

    At the conclusion of the three-day central economic work conference , an annual meeting of top policy-makers , officials said they would boost public spending in order to promote domestic demand .

  21. 2004年底中央经济工作会议上明确提出:中国已经到了以工业促进农业、以城市带动农村发展的阶段。

    The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of 2004 clearly stated : China has come to the stage of industry promoting agriculture , the urban guiding the rural development .

  22. 2010中央经济工作会议也提出,要以扩大内需特别是增加居民消费需求为重点,以稳步推进城镇化为依托,优化产业结构。

    2010 Central Economic Work Conference also proposed to optimize the industrial structure by increasing expand domestic demand especially consumer demand as the key and steading progress in cities and towns into the basis .

  23. 2004年中央经济工作会议高度重视三农问题,在2005年经济工作六项主要任务中,对三农问题的表述颇为引人注目。

    2004 Central Economic Work Conference attached great importance to " Three Rural Issues ", in 2005 , six major tasks of economic work in the " three rural " issue is quite eye-catching presentation .

  24. 因此,2004年的中央经济工作会议高举发展循环经济大旗,发展循环经济被提到一个前所未有的战略高度。

    Therefore , in the year of 2004 , the Economic Working Meeting of the Central Authorities put forwards the concept of developing circulation economy and made mention of it to an unprecedented strategic height .

  25. 该计划现在还在议事日程上(如果你相信香港官员本周的言论的话),时间安排可能是为了配合中国内地为期3天的年度中央经济工作会议。该会议于本周三在北京结束。

    It is still on the agenda , if you believe comments this week from Hong Kong officials , possibly timed to coincide with China 's annual three-day Central Economic Work conference , which ends on Wednesday in Beijing .

  26. 这周开始,中国将举行中央经济工作会议,该会预期将宣布的最新举措,很可能只是阐述细节:提供更多细节,也可能作出更多拨款。

    The latest measures , expected to be announced as part of the central economic policy conference beginning this week , may well turn out to be mere elaboration : providing more detail and perhaps some more dollars too .

  27. 本周在北京召开的中央经济工作会议正式作出了这一决定。它表明,中央政府越来越担心,在建筑业热潮升温的背景下,作为经济增长的主要推动力,投资也在再度升温。

    The decision , formally taken at an annual economic conference in Beijing this week , signals growing concern that investment , the prime driver of growth , is picking up pace again on the back of rising construction .

  28. 中央经济工作会议已明确提出,未来国家开发银行、中国进出口银行和中国农业发展银行要按照一行一策的原则逐步进行改革。

    The national financial work conference has indicated definitely that , China Development Bank , The Export-Import Bank of China , Agricultural Development Bank of China must push forward reform under the principle ' One Bank , One Policy ' .

  29. 摘要中央经济工作会议提出的经济工作总体要求中一条重要的方针是坚持扩大内需,而扩大内需的前提是保护和培育内需。

    An important guideline in the overall requirements of economic work , put forward in the central economic work conference , is to stick to increasing internal demand , the precondition of which is to protect and nurture internal demand .

  30. 根据中央经济工作会议关于深化供给侧结构改革的精神,国家将改革措施扩大到更多的领域:改革农业供给侧,重振实体经济和稳定房地产市场。

    According to the tone-setting Central Economic Work Conference , to deepen supply-side structural reform , the country will expand reform measures to more areas : overhaul the supply-side of agriculture , revive the real economy and stabilize the property sector .