
  • 网络Chinese Cultural Relics;China's cultural relics
  1. 中国文物的流失与回归问题研究的回顾与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Study on the Loss and Return of the Chinese Cultural Relics

  2. 2008年首次发现这些石碑,现在这些碑文得到翻译并发表在了《中国文物》杂志上。

    First uncovered in 2008 , the epitaphs have now been translated and published inthe journal Chinese Cultural Relics .

  3. 加拿大保护中国文物基金会

    Canadian Foundation for the Preservation of Chinese Cultural and Historical Treasures

  4. 他的思想构成了中国文物建筑保护理论的重要部分。

    His theory became the important part of Chinese architectural conservation principles .

  5. 新中国文物保护工作50年

    Five Decades of Cultural Relics Protection in the New China

  6. 我们很多人都希望流失海外的中国文物能够回家。

    Many of us just want these Chinese treasures to come home .

  7. 《中国文物古迹保护准则》研究

    Study on " Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China "

  8. 论岩画的保护与开发中国文物建筑保护与开发矛盾之初探

    Probe into the Contradiction between the Protection and the Development of Chinese Landmarks

  9. 中国文物学会会员。

    China Heritage Society , Weifang collector Association .

  10. 二○○六年中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Chinese Cultural Relics and Art Crafts Auction Market in 2006

  11. 《中国文物古迹保护准则》是中国对国际文化遗产保护事业做出的一项重要贡献。

    It is a very important contribution of China to international contemporary cultural heritage conservation .

  12. 中国文物学会鉴定委员会委员,中国考古学会会员。

    Committeeman of Identification Committee Chinese Society of Relics , Member of Chinese Society of Archeology .

  13. 故宫博物院中国文物的收藏量之多,是世界上数一数二的。

    NO01, 2.The National Palace Museum has one of the world 's largest collections of Chinese art .

  14. 《中国文物古迹保护准则》在文物建筑保护工程中的应用

    The Application of Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China in Ancient Architecture Conservation Project

  15. 但是,在海外拍卖行进行的疯狂拍卖行为使中国文物价格上涨到非常荒谬的程度。

    But the insane bidding in overseas auction houses has brought the cost of Chinese relics to ridiculous levels .

  16. 中国文物研究所文物的开发利用

    CHINA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL PROPERTY Historical Research and Both the Exploitation and Utilization of Cultural Resourses of History

  17. 这处地点分布的17座古代敌台被中国文物局认证为文物保护单位。

    There are 17 ancient watchtowers which were recognized by China 's cultural authorities as cultural relics under protection .

  18. 这次拍卖你们认为有没有说明中国文物在欧洲和中国的受追捧程度呢?

    What does that sale say about the desirability of Chinese antiquities in the United States , and in China ?

  19. 中国文物研究所时隔半个世纪之看的近日,重新恢复组建文物保护传统技术与工艺工作室。

    After half century , Chinese Institute of Cultural Relics rebuilt the Traditional Technology of Cultural Relics Protection and Craftworks Studio .

  20. 各位将要游览举世闻名的经典和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的中国文物。

    You will visit world-famous scenic spots , historical sites , and magnificent ancient architectural complexes and apperciate precious cultural relics .

  21. 中国文物网:您怎样看待经历金融危机后的中国艺术品市场前景?

    Chinese art & antiques online : How do you look upon the prospect of Chinese art after the financial crisis ?

  22. 新一季聚焦中国文物的电视节目在位于北京的故宫博物院举行启动仪式。

    A new season of a TV show focusing on Chinese cultural relics has been launched at the Palace Museum in Beijing .

  23. 马还说:“西方列强抢夺了大量的中国文物,其中包括旧颐和园的一些珍贵的物品”。

    The Western powers have plundered a great amount of Chinese cultural relics including many precious items robbed from the Old Summer Palace .

  24. 本文根据《中国文物地图册·陕西省分册》所提供的资料对陕西仰韶文化聚落群进行研究。

    According to Shaanxi Province Book of Chinese Cultural Relics Atlas , the article researches the settlement clusters of Yangshao culture in Shaanxi province .

  25. 这一点,大家从网上查一下美洲、欧洲等收藏中国文物之最的各大博物馆的藏品可窥一斑。

    This point , everyone from the Internet check the Americas , Europe , the most Chinese art collections in major museum collections could therefore evident .

  26. 流落在海外的中国文物数以万计,它们是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。

    There are thousands of Chinese cultural relics drifted out of China in the history , and they areparts of the valuable cultural heritage of Chinese people .

  27. 《中国文物古迹保护准则》要求有相应的科学检测措施和阶段监测,认为日常保养与监测制度是对文物最基本和最重要的保护手段。

    And the China Principle requires relative scientific monitoring measures and stage monitoring and also believes that daily maintenance and monitor system is the basic and key method for cultural relics .

  28. 外国对中国文物的掠夺和当时中国的史学现状,促使他在史语所内设立考古组;历史语言研究所学人的史料观&解读1928~1948年的《历史语言研究所集刊》

    The foreign robbery to the Chinese historical relic and China 's present situation of history urged him to establish the Archeology Group in the Research Institute of History and Language .

  29. 其艺术总监陈大朴先生是国家一级美术师、中国文物学会书画雕塑艺术委员会副会长。

    Cheng dapu , its general art supervisor is a top grade artist of China and the vice president of calligraphy , painting and statue Committee at Chinese culture relics association .

  30. 我不甚了解,但我曾经和一个中国文物专家来过,他帮我们精挑细选了一些真品瓷器,其中大部分是清代瓷器。

    I don 't really know , although I did visit once with a Chinese antique expert who helped us to very selectively pick out genuine , mostly Qing Dynasty porcelain pieces .