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  1. 中国梦激励着许多中国年轻人。

    Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream .

  2. "中国梦"是今年的热门话题。

    " The Chinese Dream " is a hot topic of this year .

  3. 只要我们努力,中国梦一定会实现。

    As long as we work hard , China Dream is sure to come true .

  4. 2013年,Jorg首次听到了“中国梦”这个词,如今这个词已成为中国的一个高频词。

    Jorg learned the term " Chinese Dream " in 2013 , and now it has become a buzz word in Chinese society .

  5. 实现中国梦,必须坚持和平发展。

    To realize the Chinese dream , we must pursue peaceful development .

  6. “中国梦的世界对话”国际研讨会在上海召开。

    An Int'l dialogue on Chinese Dream is being held in Shanghai .

  7. 中国梦是追求和平的梦。

    The Chinese dream is about the pursuit of peace .

  8. 您可否分享一下您关于“美国梦”和“中国梦”的看法?

    Would you please share some ideas about American Dream & Chinese Dream ?

  9. 中国梦也一样。

    So is the vision of the China Dream .

  10. 长此以往中国梦&对盛宗亮的音乐史学研究

    Chinese Composer Sheng Zhongliang : His Long-Term Chinese Dream-A Perspective of Music History

  11. 实现中国梦,必须弘扬中国精神。

    To realize the Chinese dream , we must promote the Chinese spirit .

  12. 大家都知道,企业是中国梦的重要组成部分。

    You know , enterprises is very much part of the Chinese dream .

  13. 不要再惦记美国梦了,这是中国梦。

    Forget about living the American dream , this is the Chinese dream .

  14. 儒家思想和传统美德是中国梦的精神支柱。

    Confucianism and traditional virtues are the spirits which support for Chinese dream .

  15. 中国梦是一个严厉的工头。

    The Chinese dream is a tough taskmaster .

  16. 而这一年也是中国梦非常明显的一年。

    But this was also a year in which the Chinese Dream showed clearly .

  17. 中国梦是奉献世界的梦。

    The Chinese dream is about contributing to the common good of the world .

  18. 中国梦是和平梦、发展梦、共赢梦。

    The Chinese dream is a dream about peace , development and win-win progress .

  19. 世上没有英国梦,巴西梦,也没有法国梦或中国梦。

    There is no English dream , Brazilian dream , no French or Chinese dreams .

  20. 实现中国梦,是物质文明和精神文明均衡发展、相互促进的结果。

    The Chinese dream requires balanced development and mutual reinforcement of material and cultural progress .

  21. 有梦就要飞四个马来西亚留学生的中国梦

    One must Fly if He Dreams to China Dream of Four Foreign Students from Malaysia

  22. 走在梦中的道路上&论沈从文和他的中国梦

    Going on the Road in a Dream & On Shen Cong-wen and His China Dream

  23. 那就是中国梦。

    That is the Chinese dream .

  24. 中国梦是中华民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。

    It is both the dream of the Chinese nation and the dream of every Chinese .

  25. 一位互联网先驱的中国梦&记亚信科技(中国)有限公司董事长丁健

    Chinese Dream of an Internet Forerunner

  26. 《超级女声》&打造中国梦的形象

    Super Girls-Images in the Chinese Dream

  27. 当然,拥有汽车是日益富裕的中国梦的一个组成部分。

    The latter is , of course , part of the Chinese dream of rising affluence .

  28. 结果,亚洲梦现在更像是中国梦。

    The Asian dream , as a result , is now much more a Chinese dream .

  29. 中国梦是法国的机遇,法国梦也是中国的机遇。

    The Chinese dream offers an opportunity to France ; so does the French dream to China .

  30. 所以,实现中国梦,是物质文明和精神文明比翼双飞的发展过程。

    So the realization of the Chinese dream is a process of both material and cultural development .