
zhōnɡ jí rén mín fǎ yuàn
  • intermediate People's Court
  1. 深圳中级人民法院在2011年12月驳回了Apple与IP起诉唯冠(深圳)iPad商标侵权的上诉。

    The Municipal Intermediate People 's Court in Shenzhen rejected a lawsuit by Apple and IP accusing Proview Shenzhen of infringing on the iPad trademark in December 2011 .

  2. 法的力度:成都市中级人民法院

    Power of Law : Chengdu Intermediate People 's Court

  3. 第十九条中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:

    Article 19 The intermediate people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases :

  4. 论文介绍了基于Web的中级人民法院综合管理信息系统的总体设计框架,分析和比较了系统的主要实现方案,确定了基于Browser/Server模式的三层结构和组件化开发技术。

    This paper introduces the general design scheme of the management information system in a middle court . And the system takes on the 3-tier construction technology based on the Browser / Server mode by analyzing and comparing the exist technology .

  5. 时代与典雅&汕头市中级人民法院设计

    Modern and Elegance : Shantou Secondary People 's Court Design

  6. 西安市中级人民法院审判法庭和办公楼设计方案

    Schematic design of Judgement and Office Building of Xi'an Intermediate People 's Court

  7. 不同意北京市第一中级人民法院提起行政诉讼。

    Not agree to the Beijing First Intermediate People 's Court administrative proceedings .

  8. 双方共同向北京市第二中级人民法院申请撤诉。

    Both apply recalling the lawsuit to the second Beijing intermediate people 's court .

  9. 北京第一中级人民法院也未对置评请求作出答复。

    The Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court did not respond to requests for comment .

  10. 此为中级人民法院一审判决。

    The sentence was delivered by an intermediate court at the first instance trial .

  11. 他如不服北京市第一中级人民法院的判决,可在十日内提出上诉。

    He has10 days to appeal against the verdict by the Beijing No1 intermediate court .

  12. 这是某中级人民法院,法官撰文表达的看法。

    This is a point of view held by an Intermediate Court judge in his article .

  13. 此案于12月22日由深圳市中级人民法院立案受理。

    The lawsuit was put on record by Shenzhen City Intermediate People 's Court on Dec22 .

  14. 青岛市中级人民法院

    Qingdao Municipality intermediate peoples court

  15. 咸宁市中级人民法院对此案不予置评,也未透露刘汉辩护律师的信息。

    The Hubei court declined to comment on the case or to disclose Mr. Liu 's counsel .

  16. 上周二,摩拜在江苏省苏州市中级人民法院提起了这一诉讼。

    The lawsuit was filed last Tuesday at the Suzhou Municipal Intermediate People 's Court in Jiangsu province .

  17. 严格执法,为经济建设保驾护航&拉萨市中级人民法院

    Lhasa Municipal Intermediate Court

  18. 诠释秩序、公正法院建筑文化初探襄樊市中级人民法院审判综合大楼设计浅析

    Annotating Order and Justice-Culture of Judicial Architecture : Design of Judicial Complex Building of Xiangfan Intermediate People 's Court

  19. 经济合同的无效。中级人民法院或者仲裁机构确认。

    The voidness of an economic contract shall be confirmed by the people 's courts or the arbitration agencies .

  20. 北京第一中级人民法院接受了上诉,这两件案子正在举行听证会,目前。

    Beijing's1st intermediate people 's court has accepted the appeal , and both cases are being holding hearings presently .

  21. 这项判决是由中国西南城市四川省成都市的中级人民法院宣布的。

    The verdict was announced by the Chengdu City Intermediate People 's Court in southwest China 's Sichuan Province .

  22. 然而,根据另一种法律,烟台市中级人民法院对诉讼没有管辖权的证券。

    However , according to another law , Yantai Intermediate People 's Court has no jurisdiction over such securities litigation .

  23. 至今新乡市中级人民法院尚未向被告人送达起诉书。

    Until now , the indictment hasn 't been served to the defendant from the Xinxiang Intermediate People 's Court .

  24. 重庆某中级人民法院辖区内普通程序简化审实施情况的调研报告

    The Research Report of Intermediate People 's Court of ChongQing Area in a Trial the Implementation of Streamlined Common Proceeding

  25. 王莉和张志福被依法逮捕,目前此案已经移交南岗区中级人民法院,不日将开庭审理。

    Now this case has been handed over to Nangang Intermediate People 's Court and will be in trial soon .

  26. 新华社表示:上海市第一中级人民法院依法受理了此案。

    Xinhua said : The Shanghai Municipal First Intermediate People 's Court has accepted this case according to the law .

  27. 海事法院只设一级,其建制相当于地方的中级人民法院。

    There is only one level of the maritime courts , which equals to the local intermediate people ′ s court .

  28. 介绍了广州市中级人民法院办公楼&带混凝土转换刚架高层结构模型振动台试验结果。

    Some shaking table test results of the office building model of Guangzhou City Court with concrete transforming frame are introduced .

  29. 内地有权受理认可和执行仲裁裁决申请的法院为中级人民法院。

    In the mainland , the intermediate people 's courts have the right to accept applications for admitting and enforcing arbitration awards .

  30. 这个案件11月25日首次开审,但是4月22日被移交到北京市第二中级人民法院。

    The case was first heard on November25th , but it was transferred to Beijing No.2 Intermediate People 's Court on April22nd .