
  • 网络Plant Resources in China;botanical resources of China
  1. 中国植物资源的基本特点及其合理开发利用的途径

    The features of plant resources in China and its rational utilization

  2. WTO规则与中国野生植物资源保护

    The WTO Regulations and the Protection of Wild Flora Resources in China

  3. 中国苔藓植物资源应用价值分析及保护对策

    Analyse on application value and protection countermeasures of bryophyte resource in China

  4. 中国植物种质资源保护:历史、现状与未来

    Past , Present and Future of Plant Germplasm Resources Conservation in China

  5. 一个中国湿地植物资源分类系统

    A classification system of wetland plant resources in China

  6. 中国减肥植物资源初步研究

    Pilot Study on Chinese Weight-losing Plant Resources

  7. 当前中国药用植物资源正面临着野生资源严重枯竭、药材生产水平低、中药材品质下降和传统药用植物资源知识的流失等一系列不可持续利用的问题。

    At present , in the light of sustainable development , medicinal plant resources in China nevertheless are confronted with a series of problems , such as endangered wild species , low output , decreased quality , and lost of traditional knowledge on medicinal plant resources .

  8. 中国热带植物种质资源的保护与创新利用

    Conservation and Enhancement Utilization of Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources in China

  9. 中国石斛属植物资源分布的主要生态因子

    The Major Ecological Factors in Dendrobium Resource Distribution Areas in China

  10. 中国食用植物油资源及食用油产需平衡研究

    Study on edible vegoil resources and vegoil production-demand balance in China

  11. 英国引种中国园林植物种质资源史实及应用概况

    The history of introduction of Chinese plant germplasm resources and use in English Garden

  12. 英国引种家威尔逊引种中国园林植物种质资源及其影响

    Introduction of Landscape Plant Genetic Resources from China by Ernest Henry Wilson and the Effect

  13. 中国药用苔藓植物资源

    Resource of Medicinal Bryophytes in China

  14. 中国蒲公英属植物资源

    Plant Resources of Taraxacum in China

  15. 文章通过解析中国热带植物种质资源的收集、保存、鉴定和育种利用以及存在的问题,从遗传改良角度,归纳了热带植物的4个共性特征,据此提出资源保护和创新利用的7点战略构想。

    Through analysing the achievement and the problem of collection , conservation , identification and breeding utilization for tropical genetic resources update , in the genetic improvement view the paper summarized 4 general characteristics among tropical plant species .

  16. 中国既是野生植物资源最丰富的国家之一,又是《生物多样性公约》的签字国,国家有关部门已经开始注意到了生物多样性的保护和生态安全保障。

    China is not only one of the most abundant countries in the wild flora resources but the signatory of the Biodiversity Convention and the proper government department began to notice the problem of the conservation of biodiversity and ecological safety .

  17. 对中国药用植物园旅游资源的SWOT分析与发展对策

    SWOT Analysis and Development Strategies on Tourism Resources in China Medicinal Botanical Garden

  18. 中国帕米尔高原豆科植物资源及区系分析

    Resources and Flora Analysis of Leguminosae Species in China Pamirs

  19. 中国包涵花卉的植物资源丰富,类型多样,素有世界园林之母的美誉。

    China has very rich garden plant and flower resources .

  20. 中国苜蓿属植物遗传资源分类整理探究

    The Exploration and Classification of Genetic Resources of Genus Medicago in China

  21. 中国野生鸢尾属植物资源的研究与开发利用

    Study and exploitation on the Chinese Wild Iris resources

  22. 中国鸢尾属观赏植物资源的研究与利用

    The Study and Exploitation of Chinese Ornamental Iris Resources

  23. 中国优势肥用植物资源潜力与利用

    Review on the potentiality and utilization of preponderant fertilizer plant resources in China

  24. 中国天山山区药用植物资源及其保护与利用

    The Resources of Medical Plants and Their Protection and Utilization in Tianshan Mountains Area , China