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zhōng shān láng
  • the Zhongshan wolf in the fable -- a person who repays good with evil;a perfidious person;the Zhongshan wolf in the fable-a person who repays good with evil
中山狼 [zhōng shān láng]
  • [the Zhongshan wolf in the fable-a person who repays good with evil] 东郭先生在中山地方遇见一只中箭而逃的狼,把狼藏在书囊中,骗过了猎人。狼活命后却要吃救命恩人东郭先生(见于明马中锡《东田集.中山狼传》)。比喻忘恩负义恩将仇报的人

  • 子系中山狼,得志便猖狂

中山狼[zhōng shān láng]
  1. 但是由于各种原因,对康海的文学创作研究除戏曲《中山狼》外,其它作品一直未能得到足够重视。

    But , owing to various reasons , his literary researches except Zhongshan Wolf were not paid enough attention to .