
  • 网络central argument;Central Point;thesis statement;thesis or central idea
  1. 第五章的最后,采用较长篇幅分析了本田对战略领导能力培养的案例,希望通过实际案例更好地论证本文的中心论点。

    The final part of chapter V , there is a long length of the Honda strategic leadership capacity-building cases , and hopes that through actual cases we can make a better demonstration of this central point .

  2. 你还能通过电子邮件把社会学论文发给他们,幸而你爸爸的公司同事艾略特(Elliot)是一名社会学硕士,能够给你提一些有用的建议,比如要有中心论点、支持论据以及总括全文的结论等等。

    You were able to email them your sociology paper and luckily , Dad 's colleague Elliot at the firm had an M.A. in sociology and was able to make a few helpful suggestions , such as the central argument , supporting evidence and the pull-it-all-together conclusion .

  3. 在展开阐述书名所列出的论点时,本书作者马丁雅克(MartinJacques)多少有些细微差别,但中心论点却与宣传口号相差无几。

    Martin Jacques , the author , is somewhat more nuanced in developing the argument that the title allows , but the central thesis is much as advertised .

  4. 他的中心论点是:人口的老龄化压低了房产的价格。

    His central argument is that ageing depresses asset prices .

  5. 提出评论者的中心论点;

    Move 2 & Raising the reviewer 's central thesis ;

  6. 最后是本论文的结论部分,总结归纳全文,进一步突出本论文的中心论点

    The last is the conclusion , summarizes the full thesis , and protrudes the main points

  7. 同时,通过对中西文学艺术作品的分析为论文中心论点作有力支撑,增强论文的可读性。

    Means of analyzing Chinese and western literature and art works make the thesis more readable .

  8. 本文首先对孟子的思想政治教育理论做了概括说明,从而提出了保民而王&孟子的思想政治教育目标这一中心论点。

    Firstly , this thesis states the theory of Mencius ? ideological and political education briefly .

  9. 第三章论述了本文的中心论点即商业银行产品组合及产品组合设计;

    Chapter 3 relates to textual key point , which is the commercial bank product combination and the product combination design .

  10. 用三要素理论中的中心论点说来解释议论文,有的解释不通。

    The " central argument " in the " three essential factors " theory cannot explain all the situations about the argumentative writings .

  11. 本篇文章以歌唱语言作为中心论点,通过对歌唱语言风格的论述来反映说明学习歌唱语言的重要性。

    This article uses sing language as centeral point , reflecting the importance of studying singing language by the analysis of singing language styles .

  12. 论题,是指论文作者对警察科学领域的某一警务现象或问题研究之后,所得出的中心论点的真实性需要证明的命题。

    Theme refers to the central argument , which needs to be proved after studying a phenomenon or a problem in the field of police work .

  13. 第一部分为引言,首先说明疾病对于人类包括画家的普遍存在性的含义,并通过列举艺术史一些实例,用辨证的方法看待疾病对画家的意义,提出文章的中心论点。

    Therefore , the argument is set forth through citing some examples in the history of art and through the dialectic analysis of what diseases mean to painters .

  14. 其他需提醒的是,在报告结果时尽量以一个短句呈现,且在论说终结时回到中心论点。

    If something about these must be said while presenting the results , keep it to one sentence and come back to the point at the end of your talk .

  15. 本文的中心论点是:在知识的社会辩护中,知识的合法性来源于公正的知识生产社会过程,而这个过程必须体现参与者之间的平等、自由关系。

    The core idea of this dissertation is that knowledge should be justified by a just social process . Such process must maintain the equality , liberty among the participants .

  16. 我将关注最容易被误解的段落,尤其是不同论述的意义和它们与文章中心论点的关联。

    I focus on the passages that are most likely to be misunderstood and in particular on the significance of the different arguments and their connection to the central argument of the essay .

  17. 当你的指定时间即将结束,或者你突然收到了只剩5分钟的提醒,知道如何能够总结自己的中心论点将很有帮助。

    Having a point from which you know you can conclude your main idea helps when approaching the end of your * allotted time , or if you are given an unexpected five-minute warning .

  18. 第四部分提供了两个具体的翻译实例分析,评论在翻译评估中应考虑哪些功能性因素,以论证本论文的中心论点。

    The fourth part provides two illustrative case studies , which verify the main viewpoint of this thesis by demonstrating what kind of functional factors should be taken into consideration while assessing a translation .

  19. 提出国有资本监督机构和管理机构分开设立,根据国有资本所处领域的不同选择不同的运营机构。这是本文的中心论点,也是本文最主要的创新点。

    The central argument is to bring forward that the supervision organization and administration organization of state-owned capital should be set up separately , and the operation organization should be selected based on the different fields .

  20. 最后,在充分揭示了市民社会条件下的二元社会基本架构的基础之上得出了本文的中心论点&社区警务战略的理念内核。

    Finally , after fully revealing the basic structure of a dual society in the condition of civil society , this part gets the central augment of this thesis & the idea essence of community policing strategy .

  21. 本文的中心论点是:由于法律上的产权与事实上的产权不一致,使得城市土地市场交易主体对客体的权责不统一,从而导致城市土地市场秩序的失范。

    The centre argument of this thesis is that discrepancy between the urban land marketing subject right and responsibility to the object cause disorder of urban land market because the property right in law is not in accordance with property right in fact .

  22. 方法:围绕中心论点,对基于居民经济承受能力的医疗费用控制标准进行论证。具体采用的方法包括:(1)文献分析与逻辑推理,用以论证该费用控制策略在理论上是否成立。

    The following three methods are mainly used : ( 1 ) literature analysis method and logical reasoning for demonstrating the " Medical expenditure control Standard based on residents ' affordability " is right or wrong in theory . ( 2 ) 1 .

  23. 潘考夫斯基的中心论点是,在中国的投资者面临管理缺口,一方面是国有企业培养出来的官僚经理人,另一方面极具创业精神的经理人,他们会和犯罪分子打交道,或是同我们竞争。

    The core of Perkowski 's argument is that investors in China face a management gap between bureaucratic managers reared in state-owned companies and managers so entrepreneurial that they concocted deals with criminal elements or tried to set themselves up in competition with us .

  24. 在大量阅读国内外关于学生自主学习的文献的基础上,作者提出本文的中心论点:通过以课堂为基础的教学,培养非英语专业生的自主学习能力。

    This paper takes its starting point from reviewing the literature at home and abroad on learner autonomy , and based on the literature review , the author puts forward the main idea of the thesis : fostering non-English majors ' learner autonomy through classroom-based teaching .

  25. 第二章,通过国内外文献综述对民族村寨旅游资源系统特征、少数民族社区居民参与旅游收益分配形式的相关研究进行梳理;系统总结研究中相关理论及观点,提出本文的中心论点。

    Secondly , through the domestic and foreign literature review , we would overall master minority village tourism resources characteristics , minority community participation in tourism income distribution form related researches , and then systematically summarizes research related theories and views , and put forward this central argument .

  26. 中心的论点是:社区政府能充当乡镇集体企业所有者,是因为市场的不完善,使它能控制资源并在组织交易上具有优势;

    It argues that because the community Government controls resources and has advantages of transaction in an imperfect market economy , It can act as the owner of collective township village enterprises .

  27. 当尼古拉哥白尼(1473年至1543年)提出了太阳而不是地球是太阳系中心这一论点后,人们的天文观被彻底的改变了。

    Nicolai Copernicus ( 1473-1543 ) radically changed our understanding of astronomy when he proposed that the sun , not earth , was the center of the solar system .

  28. 第三章对中国的自然条件、经济、金融地域的格局作全面分析,支持中国上海具备了国际金融中心的雏形的论点。

    In the third chapter the author introduces the Chinese natural conditions and analyzes the economic , financial region pattern .

  29. 其在社会发展的思维方式上破除了历史的单线进化论,体现出反对西方中心论的基本论点和理论特色。

    On the development of society , the eastern society theory , with its basic theory opposing the view that regards west as the centre , has got rid of the view that claimed that history has evolved in a single way .