
kè tào huà
  • polite formula;civilities;polite greeting
客套话 [kè tào huà]
  • [polite remarks;polite greetings] 为表示客气所说的话

  1. 我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。

    I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises .

  2. 我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。

    I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes

  3. 相亲谎言(blinddatelie)就是相亲时出于礼貌而说的一些客套话,其中最常用的一句是“以后再联系”。

    Blind date lies are social formulae that are frequently used out of courtesy in blind dates , the most popular one is said to be “ let ’ s keep in touch ” .

  4. 相亲谎言(blinddatelie)就是相亲时出于礼貌而说的一些客套话,其中最常用的一句是“常联系”。

    Blind date lies are social formulae that are frequently used out of courtesy in blind dates , the most popular one is said to be " keep in touch . "

  5. 林书豪说了很多客套话,还向尼克斯新任教练格温妮丝•帕特洛(GwynethPaltrow)表达了自己的诚挚问候。

    Lin said all the polite things . He offered a hearty hello to the new Knicks coach , Gwyneth Paltrow .

  6. 他对斯克尔顿点点头,不再说什么客套话就走了。

    He nodded to Skelton and without further ceremony left him .

  7. 但是我想不出任何的客套话。

    But I couldn 't think of anything conventional to say .

  8. 道林低声说了句得体的客套话,朝四周打量了一下。

    Dorian murmured a graceful compliment and looked round the room .

  9. 你也不会再需要这些客套话了。

    And you won 't need the formula any more .

  10. “你好”是社交中的客套话。

    How do you do is a social formula .

  11. 在新的首席执行官得到任命时,讲些客套话是正常的。

    An exchange of pleasantries is normal when a new chief executive is appointed .

  12. 她一句客套话都没讲就开始热切地说起来。

    She began speaking intensely , without preliminaries .

  13. 她对我的工作情况说了些客套话。

    She made polite noises about my work .

  14. 我情不自禁地被礼仪上的情感控制住了,可是想不起恰当的客套话。

    I was overcome with ceremonial feelings but unable to remember the proper formula .

  15. 我建议?开始时一般的客套话以后?直截了当就进人正题。

    I propose ? After the usual preliminaries ? To come straight to the point .

  16. 在开始谈话时说几句关于天气的客套话。

    To make a few convent-ional remarks about the weather when they start a conversation .

  17. 你应该给你的孩子同样的客套话,你会答应给别人。

    You should give your child the same courtesies you would give to anyone else .

  18. 他冷冰冰地说了些客套话。

    He spoke with icy politeness .

  19. 谈日语与汉语中客套话的差异

    Differences of Japanese and Chinese Formulas

  20. “请问”是向别人提问时的客套话,用在提出问题之前。

    " Excuse me " is a kind of polite expression to be used before asking for something .

  21. 这些话不是常规的客套话,而是发自肺腑的心声。

    These words were not something routine just for polite purpose , but were from the bottom of our hearts .

  22. 其他注意事项:饭前饭后说些感谢客套话是很有必要的。

    What else to watch : It 's important to say traditional phrases of thanks before and after a meal .

  23. 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进门、出门、上车的场合你都可以表现一下。

    I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried , I just couldn 't help it .

  24. 别说客套话了,我很高兴你能…那是我妈的家具吗?

    I appreciate that , and I 'm glad you were able to ... Is that my mother 's furniture ?

  25. 日语中日常客套话与汉语的用法,由于文化背景不同,在用法上有着比较明显的区别。

    Because of the difference of culture background , the usage of Japanese and Chinese euphemism has a clear distinction .

  26. 大家都跟我说好莱坞爱新面孔,我可不这么认为。他们也许只是在跟你说客套话而已。

    People tell me that Hollywood loves new faces , but I don 't know . They 're probably just being nice .

  27. 我们迅速抛开所有的客套话,在一间小的非常具有法国风味的餐馆坐下来吃饭。

    We got all the puns out of the way quickly and sat down to eat in a small and extremely French restaurant .

  28. 喜欢这种格式的人认为称呼和信尾客套话对信息本身来说没有什么意义,相反只能是浪费时间。

    Supporters of the simplified format argue that salutation and complimentary close contribute little to the message except for a waste of time .

  29. 中国人宴客,即使美味佳肴摆满一桌,主人也总习惯讲几句“多多包涵”等客套话。

    Chinese banquet , even delicacies fill table , also the owner of habit make a few " covered a lot of " his kind words addressed .

  30. 等客套话,不要说“小意思,不成敬意。”,“东西不好,请笑纳。”等中国人送礼时常爱讲的话。这类话会让外国人觉得你看不起他们。

    It 's April fool 's Day , a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them .