
  1. 费尔贝恩人格客体关系理论的心理治疗观与我一道存在&谈R.D.莱因的存在心理治疗观

    W.R.D. Fairbairn s Views on Psychotherapy of Object Relations Theory of Personality ; " Being-With-Me ": On R.D.Laing 's Existentialism Psychotherapy

  2. 克莱因、考胡特,以及科恩贝格对于现代客体关系理论与实践的发展,作出最重要的贡献。

    Klein , Bion , Kohut , and Kernberg play an important role in developing current object relation theory .

  3. 费尔贝恩的人格客体关系理论研究

    The Research on Fairbairn 's Theory of Object-relationships of Personality

  4. 与其纯粹的客体关系理论相对应,费尔贝恩发展出了一套修正的心理病理学思想。

    Corresponding to his pure object-relationships theory , Fairbairn developed a revised psychopathology .

  5. 精神分析在现代最重要的发展是客体关系理论,它是精神分析理论和实践的桥梁。

    The most important development of psychoanalysis at present was object relation theory which was bridge between theory and practice of psychoanalysis .

  6. 巴林特是布达佩斯学派著名的精神分析学家,也是英国客体关系理论独立学派的杰出代表。

    Balint is a famous psychoanalyst of Budapest School , the outstanding representative of the Independent School of British Object Relation of Psychoanalysis .

  7. 他根据自己独特的临床实践经验,修正和发展了弗洛伊德和克莱因等人的理论,在20世纪40年代创立了纯粹的人格客体关系理论。

    He revised and developed the theories of Freud , Klein and others based on his own particular clinical experience , and formulated a kind of pure object-relation theory of personality .

  8. 从原则层面上,要重视处理好主体和客体的关系、理论和实际的关系、知识和能力的关系等;

    From the view of the principle , it should be taken much importance on dealing with the relationship of subject and object , theory and practice , knowledge and ability .