
  • 网络customer value analysis
  1. CRM系统与客户价值分析

    CRM System and Customer Value Analysis

  2. C4.5改进算法及其在客户价值分析上的应用

    An Improved C4.5 Algorithm and Its Application on Customer Value Analysis

  3. KY移动通信公司的客户价值分析与探讨

    Analysis of Customer Value in KY Mobile Communication Company

  4. 依照CRM价值链理论对客户价值分析、客户价值认识、价值网络发展、价值方案、客户关系管理以及企业支持系统等六个方面对常旅客计划的CRM应用进行了全面的分析研究。

    It studies CRM value chain of A FFP , including customer value analysis , customer intimacy , network development , value solutions , relationship management and supporting conditions .

  5. 然后研究了分类原理与算法,介绍了各种分类算法,重点阐述了本文客户价值分析中采用的C4.5算法。

    Secondly , it introduces the classification concept and algorithms and expatiates C4.5 with emphasis which is adopted in its customer value analysis model .

  6. 客户价值分析及其在产品竞争力评价中的应用

    Research on Customer Value and Its Application on Product Competition Analysis

  7. 铁路客运客户价值分析模型的构建

    The Establishment of Customer Value Assessment Model for Railway Passenger Transport

  8. 基于数据仓库的铁路客运客户价值分析模型的构建

    Establishing customer value analysis model for railway passenger transport based on database

  9. 大规模定制下的客户价值分析及其在价格决策中的应用

    Analysis of Customer Value and Its Application in Price Decision for Mass Customization

  10. 电子商务模式下企业客户价值分析

    Analysis of the Customer Value in Electronic Business Mode

  11. 基于客户价值分析的客户发展战略

    Customer Expanded Strategy based on Customer Value Analysis

  12. 将客户价值分析引入服务质量管理中,提出服务质量-客户价值矩阵对服务质量进行改进。

    Also customer value analysis is introduced into service quality management , so the service quality can be improved by the proposition of service quality-customer value matrix .

  13. 论文对客户价值分析也作了初步的探讨,认为应将客户流失预测群体中价值较高的子群体作为市场策略的目标群体,并结合消费者心理学的有关知识对客户流失原因进行了简单的分析。

    Based on the superficially discussed issue of customer lifetime value , we suggest that customer subgroups with higher lifetime value should be selected as target of specific market strategy .

  14. 结合目前包钢营销管理信息网络平台,提出包钢探索客户价值分析的四项基本职能:即客户分析、客户分类、市场定向、建立预测模型。

    Combining the Baotou Steel marketing information management platform , it proposes four basic functions of Baotou Steel ( Group ) mining customer value anahysis : customer analysis , customer classification , market direction , establishing forecast model .

  15. 主要目的是进行客户价值分析和销售精准度。然后,根据所建立的销售系统模型,对现有客户进行价值细分,提升公司订单成交率和风险管理水平。最后,对文章的成果和不足进行总结。

    The main purpose is to conduct customer value analysis and sales forecast accuracy . Then , based on the established sales forecast system model to streamline existing customer value and improve successful order rate and risk management . Finally , summarize the achievements and shortages in this thesis .

  16. OSB的客户认知价值分析

    Perceived Customer Value Analysis of OSB

  17. 信用卡客户价值模型分析

    Analysis of the Model of Customers ' Value in Credit Cards

  18. 客户关系价值分析模型与应用

    The application of the analyzing model for consumer relationship value

  19. 客户资源价值分析及综合评价

    Research on the Assessing System of Customer Resource Value

  20. 基于层次分析法建立客户综合价值分析体系

    Establishing comprehensive customer value analysis system based on AHP

  21. 用户呼声是新产品开发的决定性驱动力,基于客户的价值分析在产品规划、产品营销中具有重要意义。

    Value analysis based on customers has a great significance in the product planning and sale strategy making .

  22. 客户价值的分析在现代企业中起着重要的作用,而分类算法在分析客户价值上是卓有成效的。

    The key to the management of a modern company is the customer value analysis . The classification algorithm can deal with this analysis very well .

  23. 并在产品生命周期成本和客户经济价值分析的基础上,给出价格定制的成本数量关系式。

    On the basis of the analysis of product life cycle cost and customer economic value , the dissertation raises the cost quantity relationship formula of price customization .

  24. 针对客户生涯价值分析这一客户关系管理系统的重要问题,在分析已有工作的基础上,经过多级数据归约,提出了多商品配送企业适合工程计算的客户生涯价值公式。

    Customer life time value is one of the most important issues in customer relationship management system . Considering existing related work , and by multi-tire data reduction , we proposed a calculating method of customer life time value for multi-commodity distribution enterprise .

  25. 客户价值分布的分析及其管理决策支持

    The Analysis of the Distribution of Customer Value and Its Decision Support

  26. 企业客户价值的管理分析

    Analysis on the Management of Client Value in Enterprises

  27. 所以,紧接着在对收益管理和客户价值理论进行分析之后,对供应链协同服务的价值进行了定性分析。

    Therefore , after the analysis of revenue management and customer value , the qualitative analysis was made to the value of Supply Chain Collaborative Service .

  28. 本文通过对客户价值概念的分析,建立客户价值量&客户价值增长性矩阵,从动态角度对客户进行了细分。

    Through the analysis on the concept of customer value , this paper establishes a matrix of customer value amount value growth , and makes a dynamic analysis on customers .

  29. 对客户终身价值模型进行分析是企业正确区分客户、有效分配企业资源,进而为企业赢得更高回报的前提。

    The analysis of CLV is the precondition of identifying customers and allocating resources properly .

  30. 构建这一模式的核心工作,就是通过对客户需求价值的结构分析,提出了客户需求价值结构的测量模型。

    The main work of this model is to analyze customer requirement value structure and bring out measurement model of customer requirement value structure .