
  • 网络churn;Customer Churn;Customer Lose
  1. 贝叶斯和SVM在物流客户流失分析中的应用

    Comparison of Bayes and SVM in Logistic Industry Customer Churn Analysis

  2. 基于代价敏感SVM的电信客户流失预测研究

    Study of telecom customer churn prediction based on cost sensitive SVM

  3. 一种基于Rough集的客户流失风险分析方法

    A Research Method of Custom Forfeit Analysis Based on Rough Set Theory

  4. SVM在移动通信客户流失预测中的应用研究

    Research on the Application Prediction of Cell Phone Churn based on Support Vector Machine

  5. 客户流失预测是数据挖掘算法在客户关系管理(CRM)的一个具体应用。

    Customer Churn Prediction is an instance of Data Mining applying in Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) .

  6. 以无线市话(PHS)的历史数据为对象,建立客户流失预测模型。

    The PHS 's history data were used to establish some customer churning models .

  7. 以奈飞公司(Netflix)为例,它调整了价格,因此得罪了顾客,出现了客户流失。

    It upset its customers by changing its pricing and began to lose them .

  8. 本文从提高数据挖掘的效率和精度的目的出发,对BP神经网络预测模型进行了有益的改善,同时给出了基于粗糙集理论的并行遗传属性约简和BP神经网络相结合的客户流失预测方法。

    This paper 's purpose is to improve the efficiency of data mining , it has advanced data mining method based on rough set and artificial neural network .

  9. C4.5算法在移动通信行业客户流失分析中的应用

    Application of C4.5 Algorithm on Customer Churn Analysis in Mobile Communication Industry

  10. 本文中关于电信业客户流失分析的研究成果对从事CRM研究的同仁也具有一定的参考价值。

    In this dissertation the research achievement about customer churn analysis of telecommunications industry has certain reference value to the colleague who studies in CRM .

  11. 摩托罗拉首席执行官格雷格布朗(gregbrown)曾经承认,拖延可能导致客户流失和员工不满。

    Greg Brown , chief executive of Motorola , previously acknowledged that the delay could lead to customer losses and disaffection among the workforce .

  12. 主题Web挖掘具有广泛的应用前景,包括专业领域知识库、企业决策支持、客户流失分析、潜在客户分析、企业管理优化、行业趋势分析等,与现有的通用搜索引擎相互补充。

    Topic web mining can be applied to various applications , including specific area knowledge base , enterprise decision support , customer loss analysis , potential customer analysis , enterprise management optimization , business trends analysis and so on .

  13. 本文在CRM的基础上,针对电信业客户流失问题的分析方法,强调CRM在经营决策方面的重要性。

    This paper presents the way which analyzes the problem of telecom industry customer-churn based on CRM , and emphasize the importance of CRM in bussiness decision .

  14. AMP在价格策略上行动滞后,导致客户流失、市场份额减少。

    Because of its lagging price reaction , AMP ' gradually lost its customers and its market share was dropping .

  15. 面对日益严峻的客户流失形势,SZ移动通信公司应该如何应对?

    What should SZ Mobile Telecommunication Company do when confronted with more and more severe customer defection ?

  16. 但随着中国入世及电信业改革重组使得电信市场的竞争格局发生了重大改变,近年来DG公司的客户流失严重,效益逐年下滑。

    Along with China entering WTO and reform of China telecommunication industry , competition structure of China telecommunication market changed largely .

  17. 本文对笔者所在的上海JD投资咨询有限公司的客户流失问题进行研究。

    This paper mainly researched the problem of losing clients in Shanghai JD Investment Consulting Co. , Ltd.

  18. 举例通过改进的ID3算法建立客户流失预测模型。

    Apply the improved algorithm to the model establishment of customer churn .

  19. 文章应用神经网络数据分析技术研究ETC系统客户流失的状况,详细研究了如何建立ETC系统客户流失基本模型。

    The authors research churn analysis of ETC system customer based on neural network data analysis technology in this paper , and describe particularly how to establish basic churn model of ETC system customer .

  20. 针对PAS客户流失分析主题,本文选取了2005年3个月的PAS流失用户及其流失前的历史消费信息为样本。

    Aimed at the PAS customer missing , the article takes some customer missing information which occurred in 3 months of 2005 as sample .

  21. 跟着3G的到来和运营商的重组,移动通信行业的剧烈竞争加剧了客户流失,这对运营商的市场据有率、经济效益等多项关键指标发生直接影响。

    With the coming of3G and the reorganization of carriers , fierce competition leads to customer churn which will have a direct impact on KPI such as market share and profits .

  22. 摩托罗拉首席执行官雷格布朗(gregbrown)今年早些时候坦言,推迟完成这项交易可能导致客户流失,并在员工中引发不满情绪。

    Greg Brown , chief executive of Motorola , acknowledged this year that the delayed closure of the deal could lead to customer losses and disaffection among the workforce .

  23. 本次研究采用内部访谈和调查问卷分析相结合的方法,对SZ移动公司客户流失现状进行了专项调查。

    This paper uses internal interview combined with sampling questions to analyze the problem of customer defection happening to SZ Mobile Telecommunication Company .

  24. 客户流失管理是许多行业关注的一个重要问题,广告商作为RSS在线阅读器的主要收入来源,应该对他们的流失予以高度关注。

    The management of the loss of customers is many industries concerned about an important issue . Advertisers are the main source of income of online RSS reader , it should be great concern to the loss of them .

  25. V2.5.1流失预测模型是移动公司进行客户流失预测的模型。

    The V2.5.1 Loss Predict Models are the models for the communication companies to predict customer 's losses .

  26. •运营商在做出是否销售iPhone的决定时,考虑的不是时尚或狂热粉丝这些因素,而是确凿的经济现实&每用户平均收入(ARPU)、客户流失、网络费用、折旧、投资回报率等。

    • the decisions operators make on whether to carry the iPhone are driven not by fashion or fanboyism , but by hard economic realities : ARPU , churn , network costs , depreciation , ROI , etc.

  27. 有关人士认为,这笔迄今为止最大的网络管理交易,是爱立信的一记妙招,也是sprint一系列举措中的最新一项,目的是简化运营、防止客户流失和恢复财务健康。

    The deal , believed to be the largest network management deal to date , represents a coup for Ericsson and the latest in a series of moves by sprint to streamline its operations , stem customer defections and return to financial health .

  28. 就算利润率更低(比如40%),并且替代率为1/3(即全价iPhone的客户流失三分之一),低价iPhone也能提高苹果的营收和毛利润(见上表)。

    That even at a lower profit margin ( say , 40 % ) and a 1 / 3 cannibalization rate ( i.e. customers buy one third fewer full-priced iPhones ) , the cheaper iPhone would increase Apple'srevenue and gross profits ( see her spreadsheet above ) .

  29. 与传统影响因素一样,社会因素对客户流失也有很大的影响。

    Social influences are verified to have significant effects on churn .

  30. 近年来客户流失在电信行业中异常严重。

    In recent years , customer churn in telecom becomes serious .