
pínɡ wěn qī
  • plateau phase
  1. 随着中国国内劳动力成本上升,以及流入中国的外商直接投资(FDI)进入平稳期,中国作为制造业外国投资主要目的地国的地位开始下降,但中国在吸引更高价值的外国投资项目方面——例如与研发有关的项目——颇为成功。

    China 's dominance as a manufacturing destination has diminished as labour costs in the country rise and as overall foreign direct investment flows plateau , but this is being offset by successes in capturing higher-value inward investment projects , such as those related to research and development .

  2. 1~25a内生物量增长迅速,年平均净生产量随年龄的增加而增大,25a后生物量增长相对较慢,进入生长的平稳期。

    The biomass of the plantation increased rapidly between 1 and 25 years and annual average net primary productivity increased with the age of the trees , but the growth slowed down after 25 years .

  3. 结果表明,球形棕囊藻细胞壁的超声波破碎最适条件为:功率600W,4℃下处理30min。对数生长期、平稳期和衰亡期藻细胞适宜处理量分别为每次3000、2000、1000ml;

    Optimal conditions for breaking algal cell wall by ultrasonic was 600 W of power treated for 30 minutes at 4 ℃, the maximum volume of cultures being 3 000 , 2 000 and 1 000 ml at logarithmic , stationary and senescent phases , respectively .

  4. 平稳期:梗塞面积波动减小,趋于稳定。

    Steady period : The MIS fluctuation cut down and trend steady after the fluctuation period .

  5. 乌利希还指出,欧洲经济的平稳期没有得到好好的利用。

    Uhlig also notes that Europe 's period of economic calm hasn 't been put to good use .

  6. 在球形棕囊藻生长的平稳期和衰亡期具有明显的溶血活性,对数生长期溶血活性很低,甚至检测不到。

    High haemolytic activity was observed in stationary and senescent phases , but low or even nil in logarithmic phase .

  7. 但信息化的实施是一个长期而可持续的过程,在实施过程中其对经济增长的贡献必然会出现下降期或平稳期。

    However , the implementation of information technology is a long-term and sustainable process , its contribution to economic growth is inevitable bound to fall on or stable period .

  8. 现阶段,城建档案工作的发展进入平稳期,若只在本领域钻研,则显得固步自封。

    At this stage , the development of urban construction archives work is in the stationary phase , if only study in the field , it appears to rest on its laurels .

  9. 研究表明:不同密度级神府超细煤粉的光氧化过程均可分为三个阶段:氧化速率较快的初始期,氧化反应速度慢速降低的过渡期,氧化反应速率趋于稳定的平稳期。

    The research shows that three stages are divided during photo-oxidation of every grade : early stage of quick oxidation rate , transition stage of slow-falling oxidation rate and level-off stage of stable oxidation rate .

  10. 土壤水分的季节变化与降水和植物生长的季节性变化相似,可分为三个时期:春季水分消耗期、夏季水分补给期、秋末冬季土壤水分平稳期。

    The seasonal change of soil water was similar to the seasonal variation of rainfall and plant growth , it could be divided into three periods : consuming period , supplying period and stable period .

  11. 文化理应与现代化(无论其处于上升期、平稳期还是矛盾凸显期)始终保持一定的间距,以在若即若离中时刻保持理性的反思与批判。

    Culture should always maintain a certain distance with modernization ( regardless of in the period of its rise , stable or prominent contradictions ), for rational reflection and criticism to the moment in the ambiguous .

  12. 结果表明,当发酵液中稀土浓度较高时,均能明显改变东北红豆杉细胞的生长模式,使细胞生长的延迟期与对数期缩短,平稳期消失,并于衰亡期出现生物量的周期性振荡;

    The results showed that the growth pattern of Taxus cuspidata cell suspension culture were altered obviously by adding the rare earth compounds in the media , the lag and exponential phases of the cell growth shortened and the stationary phase almost disappeared , the biomass varied with time periodically .

  13. 你将达到一个的新的拥有大量潜力的平稳发展期。

    You will reach a brand new plateau that has enormous potential .

  14. 中国电信行业经过了近20年的高速发展,目前已进入了平稳发展期。

    Chinese Telecom Industry has now entered a stable period of development after nearly 20 years of rapid development .

  15. 金刚石串珠的直径,经过初期的快速磨损后,进入平稳磨损期。

    The diameter of the diamond beads were smooth wear when it through the strong wear in the initial stage .

  16. 上世纪70年代,适逢日本平稳扩张期,日元曾一度低至300日元兑1美元。

    During the halcyon years of Japanese expansion in the 1970s , the yen sometimes traded as low as 300 to the dollar .

  17. 1993-1998年为平稳发展期,居民生活质量不断提高,对外贸易不断发展,促进了产业结构优化,科技水平提高。

    From 1993 to 1998 was stable development stage , the quality of life of residents was improved continuously and the foreign trade developed continuously , which promoted the industrial structure to be reasonable and the technological level raise .

  18. 北方航空公司作为全国六大骨干航空公司之一成立十余年来发展迅速,同其他骨干航空公司一样九五计划期间由高速增长期进入平稳发展期。

    As one of the six biggest airlines in China , China Northern Airlines ( CNA ) develops fast since it was founded ten years ago . Like other principal airlines , CNA turns into a steadily growing period from the previous high-speed expanding period .

  19. 魏晋南北朝这一时期是在社会以悲为美的整体文风下出现了名篇定章之作,这时期的悼亡诗在一个高起点的引领下慢慢进入平稳发展期。

    In Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties , " famous article as benchmark " emerged while the overall style was " Tragic as beauty " in that period . This slowly leaded monody stepping into the stable development period after the peak starting point .

  20. 国内莎士比亚历史剧研究可分为初期、爆发期、平稳发展期三个时期,已取得了一定的成果,但由于某些偏见和误解,还未得到应有的重视。

    The research of domestic Shakespeare 's historical play can be divided into three periods , the initial period , the outbreak period and the stable development period . It has already made certain achievement , but has not been got the enough attention because of some prejudice and misunderstanding .

  21. 结果:烧伤面积为31%~80%的TBSA的80例患者均平稳渡过休克期。

    Result : 80 patients with burn area 31 % to 80 % TBSA tied over the shock stage smoothly .

  22. 和谐的亲子关系是影响青少年平稳度过动荡期、促进其心理与行为健康发展的重要因素。

    Parent-adolescent relationship has been considered as one of the key factors in adolescents ' behavioral and mental health .

  23. 目的:为建立一种新的科学的烧伤休克期复苏补液方法,使烧伤病人平稳渡过休克期,并使水肿较轻。

    Objective : To establish a new scientific method for fluid resuscitation to help patients tie over the shock stage smoothly and lessen the edema .

  24. 世界现代化正处于平稳的间歇期,中国缩短与发达国家差距的时机成熟;

    The rate of the world modernization is in an interval , and this helps to shorten the distance between China and the developed countries .

  25. 本文最后对全文内容做了归纳,总结了主要研究结论,并对我国股票市场平稳渡过解禁期作了展望。

    Finally , this paper summarized the content , summarize the main conclusions of the study , and look into the future of our stock market spending the limited sale period reposefully .

  26. 在风险控制方面,要加大政府的政策支持供给力度以使其平稳度过初创期,建立社会征信体系以解决村镇银行面向农村服务时存在的信息不对称问题。

    Risk control , to increase the supply of government policy to support efforts to make it safely through a start-up phase , the establishment of social credit system to address the rural bank for rural services , the asymmetric information problem .

  27. 结果所有患者均平稳度过围手术期。

    Results : All the patients received successful operations .

  28. 梯级电站平稳和过渡调度期运行方式的优化

    Optimization based scheduling of hydro plants in cascade on balance and transition time horizons

  29. 而术后护理与功能锻炼是患者平稳过度围手术期和早日康复的重要措施。

    But it is also important that nursing and rehabilitation can improve condition and recover early after operation .

  30. 叙利亚起义堆积了累累白骨,也仅仅只有突尼斯处于相对平稳的政治过渡期。在这种情形之下,阐述这场革命是否还是和当初的口吻相一致呢?

    Syria 's body-count rising and only Tunisia witnessing a relatively smooth political transition , is there still a single unifying narrative ?