
  • 网络antiasthmatic drugs;antasthmatic;otc;antiasthmatic preparations
  1. 平喘药对PMN超氧阴离子释放的影响

    Effect of Antiasthmatic Drugs on Human PMNs Superoxide Production

  2. 结论:复方曲尼司特胶囊是一种安全有效的平喘药。

    Conclusion : Compound tranilast capsules is a safe and effective antiasthma drug .

  3. 所观察到的差异的驱动因素主要是平喘药、镇痫剂和抗抑郁剂,其次是降压药。

    Antiasthmatics , antiepileptics and antidepressants , followed by antihypertensives , were the drivers of the observed differences .

  4. 治疗肺痿的药物中,主要以补虚药为主,其次为清热药、化痰药、止咳平喘药。

    Drug therapy in " Fei Wei ", mainly are tonic medicine , followed by antipyretic medicine , expectorant drugs , cough and asthma medicine .

  5. 2组均联用有效抗生素治疗,观察期间不使用其他解痉平喘药,2组疗程均为7日。

    The effective antibiotics were used simultaneously in two groups . During the observations other drugs of relieving cough and subsiding wheeze were not used , and the therapeutic course was 7 days for two groups .

  6. 结果证明大鼠模型可以作为评价平喘药作用的工具,并提示速激肽参与气道过敏性炎症。

    This result indicates the usefulness of SD rat allergic airway inflammation as a model for evaluation of the anti inflammatory effects of anti asthmatic drugs , and the involvement of endogenous tachykinins in the allergic airway inflammation .