
  • 网络equilibrium population;Balanced population
  1. 复等位基因平衡群体中亲属关系的信息学研究

    Informatics study on the kinship in alleles equilibrium population

  2. 复等位基因平衡群体熵的性质

    The entropy characters of alleles equilibrium population

  3. 非平衡群体基因变异Shannon信息量的测量方法

    Shannon entropy method in disequilibrium population gene variation measurement

  4. 同时,本文提出了一个在Hardy-Weinberg平衡群体中,利用连锁不平衡估计EM和phase算法推断多位点杂合个体单倍型准确性的方法。

    A method is proposed to formulate the relationship between accuracy of phase , EM algorithm and LD in Hardy-Weinberg populations .

  5. 与统计学研究相比表明,信息学的方法可使复等位基因平衡群体中亲属关系的研究成为可能。

    The results show that informatics method can make possible the research on the kinship in alleles equilibrium population .

  6. Hardy-Weinberg平衡是群体遗传学的基本规律。

    Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a basic principle in population genetics .

  7. 经济法的本质属性要求对弱势群体采取其特有的保护措施,平衡各种群体利益,实现强势群体和弱势群体的共生与共荣,最终实现社会整体利益。

    The intrinsic nature of economic law requires adopting its specific measures of protection for the vulnerable groups – in order to balance the interests of various groups , ensure their intergrowth and co-prosperity , and eventually benefit the whole of society .

  8. 作为公共权力机构的政府应在平衡社会强势群体与弱势群体福利诉求的基础上,最大限度地保障社会弱势群体的基本福利。

    The government , as the institution of public power , should care and guarantee the basic welfare of the social disadvantaged group on the basis of a balance between social advantaged group and the welfare appeal of social disadvantaged group .

  9. 任何一项国家政策都是以人为本的,异地高考在京的实行必然是一个缓慢的过程,在这个过程中国家需要平衡两大群体的利益,最大程度上实现教育的相对公平。

    Any national policy is based on people-oriented , the practice of offsite-entrance in Beijing must be a slow process , In the process , government need to balance the interests of the two groups , realizing the education fair by largest extent .

  10. 关注和救助弱势群体对我国经济转轨时期平衡不同利益群体,促进我国经济社会协调发展、实现国家的长治久安,构建和谐社会将起到十分重要的作用。

    Concern and help vulnerable group is of great importance to make balance between groups of different benefits during economic reformation , promote harmonious development of economical society , realize the stability of our country for long , built a harmonious society in China .

  11. 结论:宁夏汉族MBL54基因多态性符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律,具有群体代表性,并且与广东汉族相比有极显著性差异。

    Conclusion : The distribution of polymorphism in MBL gene at 54 locus was consistent with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium . And there was significant difference between the Han population of Ningxia and Guangdong .

  12. Hardy-Weinberg遗传平衡分析,除了矮小症群体为非平衡群体外,其他群体均为平衡群体。

    Hp-type distribution was in agreement with the expectations of a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all populations except for short stature .